Search results for "LOINC|ACTIVE|CHEM|Ser" in comments (approximate match)
US Approved Rx
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First marketed in 1937
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Testosterone is a steroid sex hormone found in both men and women. In men, testosterone is produced primarily by the Leydig (interstitial) cells of the testes when stimulated by luteinizing hormone (LH). It functions to stimulate spermatogenesis, promote physical and functional maturation of spermatozoa, maintain accessory organs of the male reproductive tract, support development of secondary sexual characteristics, stimulate growth and metabolism throughout the body and influence brain development by stimulating sexual behaviors and sexual drive. In women, testosterone is produced by the ovaries (25%), adrenals (25%) and via peripheral conversion from androstenedione (50%). Testerone in women functions to maintain libido and general wellbeing. Testosterone exerts a negative feedback mechanism on pituitary release of LH and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). Testosterone may be further converted to dihydrotestosterone or estradiol depending on the tissue. The effects of testosterone in humans and other vertebrates occur by way of two main mechanisms: by activation of the androgen receptor (directly or as DHT), and by conversion to estradiol and activation of certain estrogen receptors. Free testosterone (T) is transported into the cytoplasm of target tissue cells, where it can bind to the androgen receptor, or can be reduced to 5α-dihydrotestosterone (DHT) by the cytoplasmic enzyme 5α-reductase. DHT binds to the same androgen receptor even more strongly than T, so that its androgenic potency is about 2.5 times that of T. The T-receptor or DHT-receptor complex undergoes a structural change that allows it to move into the cell nucleus and bind directly to specific nucleotide sequences of the chromosomal DNA. The areas of binding are called hormone response elements (HREs), and influence transcriptional activity of certain genes, producing the androgen effects. Testosterone is used as hormone replacement or substitution of diminished or absent endogenous testosterone. Use in males: For management of congenital or acquired hypogonadism, hypogonadism associated with HIV infection, and male climacteric (andopause). Use in females: For palliative treatment of androgen-responsive, advanced, inoperable, metastatis (skeletal) carcinoma of the breast in women who are 1-5 years postmenopausal; testosterone esters may be used in combination with estrogens in the management of moderate to severe vasomotor symptoms associated with menopause in women who do not respond to adequately to estrogen therapy alone.
US Approved Rx
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First marketed in 1934
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Progesterone is indicated in amenorrhea and abnormal uterine bleeding due to hormonal imbalance in the absence of organic pathology, such as submucous fibroids of uterine cancer. Progesterone, converted from pregnenolone, also serves as an intermediate in the biosynthesis of gonadal steroid hormones and adrenal corticosteroids. Progesterone is a naturally occurring steroid that is secreted by the ovary, placenta, and adrenal gland. In the presence of adequate estrogen, progesterone transforms a proliferative endometrium into a secretory endometrium. Progesterone is necessary to increase endometrial receptivity for implantation of an embryo. Once an embryo is implanted, progesterone acts to maintain a pregnancy. Progesterone shares the pharmacological actions of the progestins. Progesterone binds to the progesterone and estrogen receptors. Target cells include the female reproductive tract, the mammary gland, the hypothalamus, and the pituitary. Once bound to the receptor, progesterone will slow the frequency of release of gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) from the hypothalamus and blunt the pre-ovulatory LH (luteinizing hormone) surge. In women who have adequate endogenous estrogen, progesterone transforms a proliferative endometrium into a secretory one. Progesterone is metabolized primarily by the liver largely to pregnanediols and pregnanolones. Pregnanediols and pregnanolones are conjugated in the liver to glucuronide and sulfate metabolites. Progesterone metabolites that are excreted in the bile may be deconjugated and may be further metabolized in the gut via reduction, dehydroxylation, and epimerization. Common progesterone side effects may include: drowsiness, dizziness; breast pain; mood changes; headache; constipation, diarrhea, heartburn; bloating, swelling in your hands or feet; joint pain; hot flashes; or vaginal discharge.
US Approved Rx
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First marketed in 1931
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Estrone, one of the major mammalian estrogens, is an aromatized C18 steroid with a 3-hydroxyl group and a 17-ketone. It is produced in vivo from androstenedione or from testosterone via estradiol. It is produced primarily in the ovaries, placenta, and in peripheral tissues (especially adipose tissue) through conversion of adrostenedione. Estrone may be further metabolized to 16-alpha-hydroxyestrone, which may be reduced to estriol by estradiol dehydrogenase. It’s used as hameopatic in management of premenopausal and postmenopausal symptoms. In 1929, Butenandt isolated estrone from the urine of pregnant women. Estrone is known to be a carcinogen for human females as well as a cause of breast tenderness or pain, nausea, headache, hypertension, and leg cramps in the context of non-endogenous exposure. In men, estrone has been known to cause anorexia, nausea, vomiting, and erectile dysfunction. Estrone is relevant to health and disease states because of its conversion to estrone sulfate, a long-lived derivative. Estrone sulfate acts as a reservoir that can be converted as needed to the more active estradiol.
US Approved Rx
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First marketed in 1925
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Carbon dioxide is a colorless gas occurring naturally in Earth's atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is a primary carbon source for life on Earth. It is produced by all aerobic organisms during metabolism of carbohydrates and lipids. Carbon dioxide is used in food industry as an acidity regulator and for production of carbonated soft drinks and soda water. In medicine, carbon dioxide is commonly used as an insufflation gas for minimally invasive surgery (laparoscopy, endoscopy, and arthroscopy) to enlarge and stabilize body cavities to provide better visibility of the surgical area. A mixture of carbon dioxide and oxygen is used for stimulation of breathing after apnea, in anesthetic procedures to increase the depth of respiration, to facilitate blind intubations in anesthetic practice.
US Approved Rx
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First marketed in 1921
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Cholecalciferol (/ˌkoʊləkælˈsɪfərɒl/) (vitamin D3) is one of the five forms of vitamin D. Cholecalciferol is a steroid hormone that has long been known for its important role in regulating body levels of calcium and phosphorus, in mineralization of bone, and for the assimilation of Vitamin A. The classical manifestation of vitamin D deficiency is rickets, which is seen in children and results in bony deformities including bowed long bones. Most people meet at least some of their vitamin D needs through exposure to sunlight. Ultraviolet (UV) B radiation with a wavelength of 290–320 nanometers penetrates uncovered skin and converts cutaneous 7-dehydrocholesterol to previtamin D3, which in turn becomes vitamin D3. In supplements and fortified foods, vitamin D is available in two forms, D2 (ergocalciferol) and D3 (cholecalciferol) that differ chemically only in their side-chain structure. Vitamin D2 is manufactured by the UV irradiation of ergosterol in yeast, and vitamin D3 is manufactured by the irradiation of 7-dehydrocholesterol from lanolin and the chemical conversion of cholesterol. The two forms have traditionally been regarded as equivalent based on their ability to cure rickets and, indeed, most steps involved in the metabolism and actions of vitamin D2 and vitamin D3 are identical. Both forms (as well as vitamin D in foods and from cutaneous synthesis) effectively raise serum 25(OH) D levels. Firm conclusions about any different effects of these two forms of vitamin D cannot be drawn. However, it appears that at nutritional doses, vitamins D2 and D3 are equivalent, but at high doses, vitamin D2 is less potent. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that exclusively and partially breastfed infants receive supplements of 400 IU/day of vitamin D shortly after birth and continue to receive these supplements until they are weaned and consume ≥1,000 mL/day of vitamin D-fortified formula or whole milk. Cholecalciferol is used in diet supplementary to treat Vitamin D Deficiency. Cholecalciferol is inactive: it is converted to its active form by two hydroxylations: the first in the liver, the second in the kidney, to form calcitriol, whose action is mediated by the vitamin D receptor, a nuclear receptor which regulates the synthesis of hundreds of enzymes and is present in virtually every cell in the body. Calcitriol increases the serum calcium concentrations by increasing GI absorption of phosphorus and calcium, increasing osteoclastic resorption, and increasing distal renal tubular reabsorption of calcium. Calcitriol appears to promote intestinal absorption of calcium through binding to the vitamin D receptor in the mucosal cytoplasm of the intestine. Subsequently, calcium is absorbed through formation of a calcium-binding protein.
US Approved Rx
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First marketed in 1921
Class (Stereo):
Nitrite Ion is a symmetric anion with equal N–O bond lengths. Nitrite is important in biochemistry as a source of the potent vasodilator nitric oxide. Nitrate or nitrite (ingested) under conditions that result in endogenous nitrosation has been classified as "Probably carcinogenic to humans" (Group 2A) by International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), the specialized cancer agency of the World Health Organization (WHO) of the United Nations. Sodium nitrite is used for the curing of meat because it prevents bacterial growth and, as it is a reducing agent (opposite of oxidation agent), in a reaction with the meat's myoglobin, gives the product a desirable pink-red "fresh" color, such as with corned beef. This use of nitrite goes back to the Middle Ages, and in the US has been formally used since 1925. Because of the relatively high toxicity of nitrite (the lethal dose in humans is about 22 milligrams per kilogram of body weight), the maximum allowed nitrite concentration in meat products is 200 ppm. At these levels, some 80 to 90% of the nitrite in the average U.S. diet is not from cured meat products, but from natural nitrite production from vegetable nitrate intake. Under certain conditions – especially during cooking – nitrites in meat can react with degradation products of amino acids, forming nitrosamines, which are known carcinogens. However, the role of nitrites (and to some extent nitrates) in preventing botulism by preventing C. botulinum endospores from germinating have prevented the complete removal of nitrites from cured meat, and indeed by definition in the U.S., meat cannot be labeled as "cured" without nitrite addition. They are considered irreplaceable in the prevention of botulinum poisoning from consumption of cured dry sausages by preventing spore germination. Nitrite is a member of the drug class antidotes and is used to treat Cyanide Poisoning.
US Approved Rx
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First marketed in 1921
Ammonium Phosphate N.F.
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Phosphoric acid, also known as orthophosphoric acid, is used in dentistry and orthodontics to clean and roughen the surfaces of teeth where dental appliances or fillings will be placed. In addition, this acid is a part of product ProcalAmine, which is indicated for peripheral administration in adults to preserve body protein and improve nitrogen balance in well-nourished, mildly catabolic patients who require short-term parenteral nutrition. In combination with dextrose (glucose) and levulose (fructose), phosphoric acid relieves nausea due to upset stomach from intestinal flu, stomach flu, and food or drink indiscretions. In addition, homeopathic product, Brain power contains also phosphoric acid and this product is used to temporarily relieve symptoms of general physical weakness and listlessness, including: fatigue; sore muscles & joints; dry skin; absence of sexual desire; occasional sleeplessness.
US Approved Rx
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First marketed in 1921
Potassium Sulphate N.F.
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SULFATE (as sodium sulfate, potassium sulfate, and magnesium sulfate) is a component of SUPREP Bowel Prep Kit. It is an osmotic laxative indicated for cleansing of the colon in preparation for colonoscopy in adults. Sulfate salts provide sulfate anions, which are poorly absorbed. The osmotic effect of unabsorbed sulfate anions and the associated cations causes water to be retained within the gastrointestinal tract. SUPREP Bowel Prep Kit, when ingested with a large volume of water, produces copious watery diarrhea.
US Approved Rx
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First marketed in 1921
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Glucose is a sugar with the molecular formula C6H12O6. The D-isomer (D-glucose), also known as dextrose, occurs widely in nature, but the L-isomer (L-glucose) does not. Glucose is made during photosynthesis from water and carbon dioxide, using energy from sunlight. The reverse of the photosynthesis reaction, which releases this energy, is a very important source of power for cellular respiration. Glucose is stored as a polymer, in plants as starch and in animals as glycogen, for times when the organism will need it. Glucose circulates in the blood of animals as blood sugar. Glucose can be obtained by hydrolysis of carbohydrates such as milk, cane sugar, maltose, cellulose, glycogen etc. It is however, manufactured by hydrolysis of cornstarch by steaming and diluting acid. Glucose is the human body's key source of energy, through aerobic respiration, providing about 3.75 kilocalories (16 kilojoules) of food energy per gram. Breakdown of carbohydrates (e.g. starch) yields mono- and disaccharides, most of which is glucose. Use of glucose as an energy source in cells is by either aerobic respiration, anaerobic respiration, or fermentation. All of these processes follow from an earlier metabolic pathway known as glycolysis. The insulin reaction, and other mechanisms, regulate the concentration of glucose in the blood. Glucose supplies almost all the energy for the brain, so its availability influences psychological processes. When glucose is low, psychological processes requiring mental effort (e.g., self-control, effortful decision-making) are impaired. Ingested glucose is absorbed directly into the blood from the intestine and results in a rapid increase in the blood glucose level. Glucose is used to manage hypoglycemia and for intravenous feeding. Nausea may occur after ingesting glucose, but this also may be an effect of the hypoglycemia which is present just prior to ingestion. Other adverse effects include increased blood glucose, injection site leakage of fluid (extravasation), injection site inflammation, and bleeding in the brain.
US Approved Rx
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First marketed in 1921
Sodium Chloride U.S.P.
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Hydroxocobalamin (also hydroxycobalamin, OHCbl) is a natural form, or vitamer, of vitamin B12. It is a member of the cobalamin family of compounds. Hydroxocobalamin, the active ingredient in Cyanokit, is cobinamide dihydroxide dihydrogen phosphate (ester), mono (inner salt), 3’-ester with 5,6-dimethyl-1-α-D-ribofuranosyl-1H-benzimidazole. The drug substance is the hydroxylated active form of vitamin B12 and is a large molecule in which a trivalent cobalt ion is coordinated in four positions by a tetrapyrol (or corrin) ring. It is a hygroscopic, odorless, dark red, crystalline powder that is freely soluble in water and ethanol, and practically insoluble in acetone and diethyl ether. Cyanokit contains hydroxocobalamin, an antidote indicated for the treatment of known or suspected cyanide poisoning. Cyanide is an extremely toxic poison. In the absence of rapid and adequate treatment, exposure to a high dose of cyanide can result in death within minutes due to the inhibition of cytochrome oxidase resulting in arrest of cellular respiration. Specifically, cyanide binds rapidly with cytochrome a3, a component of the cytochrome c oxidase complex in mitochondria. Inhibition of cytochrome a3 prevents the cell from using oxygen and forces anaerobic metabolism, resulting in lactate production, cellular hypoxia and metabolic acidosis. In massive acute cyanide poisoning, the mechanism of toxicity may involve other enzyme systems as well. Signs and symptoms of acute systemic cyanide poisoning may develop rapidly within minutes, depending on the route and extent of cyanide exposure. The action of Cyanokit is based on its ability to bind cyanide ions. Each hydroxocobalamin molecule can bind one cyanide ion by substituting it for the hydroxo ligand linked to the trivalent cobalt ion, to form cyanocobalamin, which is then excreted in the urine.