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Showing 1921 - 1930 of 1990 results

Possibly Marketed Outside US
Japan:Hydrocotarnine Hydrochloride
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Hydrocotarnine is a crystalline alkaloid, obtained from opium and also formed by the reduction of cotarnine. It is a non-narcotic opium alkaloid. Hydrocotarnine is supposed to potentiate the analgesic effect of oxycodone with unknown mechanism.
Cotarninium is a uterotonic agent. It increases the tone of smooth muscles of internal organs, particularly the uterus. Indicated for the treatment of uterus subinvolution (after childbirth and abortion), dysfunctional uterine bleeding and bleeding due to fibroids and inflammatory processes. Side effects are nausea, allergic reactions. Contraindications are pregnancy and hypersensitivity to the agent.
Possibly Marketed Outside US
Norprolac by Ferring Pharmaceuticals [Canada]
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CV-205502 (Quinagolide, Norprolac), a small molecule, dopamine 2-receptor agonist was developed by Novartis for the treatment of prolactinoma and hyperprolactinaemia. It is is a long-acting dopamine agonist with potent D2 and weak D1 activity. Quinagolide exists as a racemate and its relevant clinical activity is mediated predominantly by the (-) enantiomer. It is typically present in the hydrochloride salt form and is marketed as oral tablets under the brand name Norprolac contained as a racemate. Quinagolide is currently available in several countries including Canada, but not approved for treatment in the United States. Owing to its dopaminergic action, the drug exerts a strong inhibitory effect on the secretion of the anterior pituitary hormone prolactin, but does not reduce normal levels of other pituitary hormones. Long-term treatment with Norprolac was found to reduce the size or limit the growth of prolactin-secreting pituitary macroadenomas. In some patients the reduction of prolactin secretion may be accompanied by short- lasting, small increases in plasma growth hormone levels, the clinical significance of which is unknown. As a specific inhibitor of prolactin secretion with a prolonged duration of action, Norprolac has been shown to be effective and suitable for once-a- day oral treatment of patients presenting with hyperprolactinaemia and its clinical manifestations such as galactorrhoea, oligomenorrhoea, amenorrhoea, infertility and reduced libido.
Pixantrone is a novel anthracenedione. It is a weak inhibitor of topoisomerase II. Pixantrone directly alkylates DNA forming stable DNA adducts and cross-strand breaks. Pixuvri is approved for the treatment of adult patients with multiply relapsed or refractory aggressive Non-Hodgkin lymphomas. It is used for patients whose cancer does not respond or has returned after they have received other chemotherapy treatments. The most frequent AE were seen in the blood (mainly neutropaenia), gastrointestinal (nausea, abdominal pain, constipation) and respiratory systems (cough, dyspnea). No drug-drug interaction studies have been submitted and no drug interactions have been reported in human subjects
Opipramol (Insidon, Pramolan, Ensidon, Oprimol) is an antidepressant and anxiolytic used in Germany and other European countries. Although it is a member of the tricyclic antidepressants, opipramol's primary mechanism of action is much different in comparison, it doesn’t represent a tricyclic antidepressant drug as it does not inhibit the neuronal uptake of norepinephrine and/or serotonin. Opipramol also acts as a low to moderate affinity antagonist for the D2, 5-HT2, H1, H2, and muscarinic acetylcholine receptors. H1 and H2 receptor antagonism account for its antihistamine effects, and muscarinic acetylcholine receptor antagonism is responsible for its anticholinergic properties. Opipramol was developed by Schindler and Blattner in 1961. Opipramol is typically used in the treatment of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and somatoform disorders. Its anxiolysis becomes prominent after only one to two weeks of chronic administration. Upon first commencing treatment, opipramol is rather sedating in nature due to its antihistamine properties, but this effect becomes less prominent with time. The therapy with Opipramol indicates an additional therapy with neuroleptics, hypnotics and tranquilizers (e.g. Barbiturates, Benzodiazepines). Therefore, it should be noted that some specific reactions, particularly CNS depressant effects could be intensified and an intensification of common side effects may occur. If necessary the dosage may be reduced. Co-administration with alcohol can cause stupor. MAO Inhibitors should be discontinued at least 14 days before the treatment with Opipramol. Concomitant use of Opipramol with β-blockers, antiarrhythmics (of class 1c), as well as drugs from tricyclic antidepressant group and preparations which influence the microsomal enzyme system, can lead to change in plasma concentration of these drugs. Co-administration of neuroleptics (example- haloperidol, risperidone) can increase the plasma concentration.
Indium In-111 pentetate disodium is a radioactive diagnostic indicated for use in radionuclide cisternography. Decay of In-111 by electron capture allows for detection with a gamma camera for visualization of the brain and spinal column. Indium In 111 pentetate ( 111In-DTPA) is indicated as an imaging agent in cisternography to study the flow of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in the brain, to diagnose abnormalities in CSF circulation, to assess and help localize the site of CSF leakage, and to test the patency of or localize blocks in CSF shunts.

Showing 1921 - 1930 of 1990 results