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Showing 371 - 380 of 4933 results

Deoxycholic acid is a a bile acid which emulsifies and solubilizes dietary fats in the intestine, and when injected subcutaneously, it disrupts cell membranes in adipocytes and destroys fat cells in that tissue. In April 2015, deoxycholic acid was approved by the FDA for the treatment submental fat to improve aesthetic appearance and reduce facial fullness or convexity. It is marketed under the brand name Kybella by Kythera Biopharma and is the first pharmacological agent available for submental fat reduction, allowing for a safer and less invasive alternative than surgical procedures. As a bile acid, deoxycholic acid emulsifies fat in the gut. Synthetically derived deoxycholic acid, when injected, stimulates a targeted breakdown of adipose cells by disrupting the cell membrane and causing adipocytolysis. This results in an inflammatory reaction and clearing of the adipose tissue remnants by macrophages. Deoxycholic acid's actions are reduced by albumin and tissue-associated proteins, therefore its effect is limited to protein-poor subcutaneous fat tissue. Protein-rich tissues like muscle and skin are unaffected by deoxycholic acid, contributing to its safety profile. Deoxycholic acid is a cytolytic agent. The physiologic effect of deoxycholic acid is by means of decreased cell membrane integrity. Deoxycholic acid inhibits miR-21 expression in primary rat hepatocytes in a dose-dependent manner, and increases miR-21 pro-apoptotic target programmed cell death 4 (PDCD4) and apoptosis. Deoxycholic acid decreases NF-κB activity, shown to represent an upstream mechanism leading to modulation of the miR-21/PDCD4 pathway.
Sulfadiazine is a sulfonamide antibiotic. The sulfonamides are synthetic bacteriostatic antibiotics with a wide spectrum against most gram-positive and many gram-negative organisms. However, many strains of an individual species may be resistant. Sulfonamides inhibit multiplication of bacteria by acting as competitive inhibitors of p-aminobenzoic acid in the folic acid metabolism cycle. Bacterial sensitivity is the same for the various sulfonamides, and resistance to one sulfonamide indicates resistance to all. Most sulfonamides are readily absorbed orally. However, parenteral administration is difficult, since the soluble sulfonamide salts are highly alkaline and irritating to the tissues. The sulfonamides are widely distributed throughout all tissues. High levels are achieved in pleural, peritoneal, synovial, and ocular fluids. Although these drugs are no longer used to treat meningitis, CSF levels are high in meningeal infections. Their antibacterial action is inhibited by pus. Sulfadiazine is a competitive inhibitor of the bacterial enzyme dihydropteroate synthetase. This enzyme is needed for the proper processing of para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA) which is essential for folic acid synthesis. The inhibited reaction is necessary in these organisms for the synthesis of folic acid. Used for the treatment of rheumatic fever and meningococcal meningitis.
Phenytoin is an anti-epileptic drug. Phenytoin has been used with much clinical success against all types of epileptiform seizures, except petit mal epilepsy. Phenytoin is a available for oral administration (tablets, capsules, suspension). CEREBYX® (fosphenytoin sodium injection) is a prodrug intended for parenteral administration; its active metabolite is phenytoin. CEREBYX should be used only when oral phenytoin administration is not possible. Although several potential targets for phenytoin action have been identified within the CNS (Na-K-ATPase, the GABAA receptor complex, ionotropic glutamate receptors, calcium channels and sigma binding sites) to date, though, the best evidence hinges on the inhibition of voltage-sensitive Na+ channels in the plasma membrane of neurons undergoing seizure activity.
Niacin (also known as vitamin B3 and nicotinic acid) is bio converted to nicotinamide which is further converted to nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) and the hydride equivalent (NADH) which are coenzymes necessary for tissue metabolism, lipid metabolism, and glycogenolysis. Niacin (but not nicotinamide) in gram doses reduces LDL-C, Apo B, Lp(a), TG, and TC, and increases HDL-C. The increase in HDL-C is associated with an increase in apolipoprotein A-I (Apo A-I) and a shift in the distribution of HDL subfractions. These shifts include an increase in the HDL2:HDL3 ratio, and an elevation in lipoprotein A-I (Lp A-I, an HDL-C particle containing only Apo A-I). The mechanism by which niacin alters lipid profiles is not completely understood and may involve several actions, including partial inhibition of release of free fatty acids from adipose tissue, and increased lipoprotein lipase activity (which may increase the rate of chylomicron triglyceride removal from plasma). Niacin decreases the rate of hepatic synthesis of VLDL-C and LDL-C, and does not appear to affect fecal excretion of fats, sterols, or bile acids. As an adjunct to diet, the efficacy of niacin and lovastatin in improving lipid profiles (either individually, or in combination with each other, or niacin in combination with other statins) for the treatment of dyslipidemia has been well documented. The effect of combined therapy with niacin and lovastatin on cardiovascular morbidity and mortality has not been determined. In addition, preliminary reports suggest that niacin causes favorable LDL particle size transformations, although the clinical relevance of this effect is not yet clear. April 15, 2016: Based on several large cardiovascular outcome trials including AIM-HIGH, ACCORD, and HPS2-THRIVE, the FDA decided that "scientific evidence no longer supports the conclusion that a drug-induced reduction in triglyceride levels and/or increase in HDL-cholesterol levels in statin-treated patients results in a reduction in the risk of cardiovascular events" Consistent with this conclusion, the FDA has determined that the benefits of niacin ER tablets for coadministration with statins no longer outweigh the risks, and the approval for this indication should be withdrawn.
Butalbital, 5-allyl-5-isobutylbarbituric acid, is a barbiturate with an intermediate duration of action. The different combinations with butalbital is approved. One of them is fioricet with codeine (butalbital, ccetaminophen, caffeine, and codeine phosphate) which is indicated for the relief of the symptom complex of tension (or muscle contraction) headache. Evidence supporting the efficacy and safety of fioricet with codeine in the treatment of multiple recurrent headaches is unavailable. Butalbital is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and is expected to distribute to most tissues in the body. This compound in general may appear in breast milk and readily cross the placental barrier. Monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors may enhance the CNS effects. The mechanism of action for butalbital is proposed the following: this compound binds at a distinct binding site associated with a Cl- ionopore at the GABAA receptor, increasing the duration of time for which the Cl- ionopore is open. The post-synaptic inhibitory effect of GABA in the thalamus is, therefore, prolonged.
First marketed in 1925
carbon dioxide
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Carbon dioxide is a colorless gas occurring naturally in Earth's atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is a primary carbon source for life on Earth. It is produced by all aerobic organisms during metabolism of carbohydrates and lipids. Carbon dioxide is used in food industry as an acidity regulator and for production of carbonated soft drinks and soda water. In medicine, carbon dioxide is commonly used as an insufflation gas for minimally invasive surgery (laparoscopy, endoscopy, and arthroscopy) to enlarge and stabilize body cavities to provide better visibility of the surgical area. A mixture of carbon dioxide and oxygen is used for stimulation of breathing after apnea, in anesthetic procedures to increase the depth of respiration, to facilitate blind intubations in anesthetic practice.
Atropine inhibits the muscarinic actions of acetylcholine on structures innervated by postganglionic cholinergic nerves, and on smooth muscles which respond to endogenous acetylcholine but are not so innervated. As with other antimuscarinic agents, the major action of atropine is a competitive or surmountable antagonism which can be overcome by increasing the concentration of acetylcholine at receptor sites of the effector organ (e.g., by using anticholinesterase agents which inhibit the enzymatic destruction of acetylcholine). The receptors antagonized by atropine are the peripheral structures that are stimulated or inhibited by muscarine (i.e., exocrine glands and smooth and cardiac muscle). Responses to postganglionic cholinergic nerve stimulation also may be inhibited by atropine but this occurs less readily than with responses to injected (exogenous) choline esters. Atropine is relatively selective for muscarinic receptors. Its potency at nicotinic receptors is much lower, and actions at non-muscarinic receptors are generally undetectable clinically. Atropine does not distinguish among the M1, M2, and M3 subgroups of muscarinic receptors.
First marketed in 1921
Potassium Sulphate N.F.
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SULFATE (as sodium sulfate, potassium sulfate, and magnesium sulfate) is a component of SUPREP Bowel Prep Kit. It is an osmotic laxative indicated for cleansing of the colon in preparation for colonoscopy in adults. Sulfate salts provide sulfate anions, which are poorly absorbed. The osmotic effect of unabsorbed sulfate anions and the associated cations causes water to be retained within the gastrointestinal tract. SUPREP Bowel Prep Kit, when ingested with a large volume of water, produces copious watery diarrhea.
First marketed in 1921
Theophylline U.S.P.
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Since its discovery as component of the tea leaf by Albert Kossel in 1888, the history of theophylline (CAS 58-55-9) has been a long and successful one. At the turn of the century, theophylline became less expensive due to chemical synthesis and was primarily used as diuretic in subsequent years. It was Samuel Hirsch who discovered the bronchospasmolytic effect of theophylline in 1992, however, despite this pioneering discovery theophylline continued to be used primarily as diuretic and cardiac remedy. The molecular mechanism of bronchodilatation is inhibition of phosphodiesterase(PDE)3 and PDE4, but the anti-inflammatory effect may be due to histone deacetylase (HDAC) activation, resulting in switching off of activated inflammatory genes. Theophylline is indicated for the treatment of acute exacerbations of the symptoms and reversible airflow obstruction associated with asthma and other chronic lung diseases, e.g., emphysema and chronic bronchitis.
Pentaerythritol tetranitrate is an organic nitrate that has been used for the treatment of angina pectoris. Upon administration, the drug undergoes exstensive metabolism to NO which causes vasodilation and the relaxation of smooth muscle cells. The compound belongs to a familiy of explosive substances and may be used accordingly.