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Showing 361 - 370 of 4933 results

Sulfasalazine is an anti-inflammatory indicated for the treatment of ulcerative colitis and rheumatoid arthritis. The mode of action of Sulfasalazine or its metabolites, 5-aminosalicylic acid (5-ASA) and sulfapyridine (SP), is still under investigation, but may be related to the anti-inflammatory and/or immunomodulatory properties that have been observed in animal and in vitromodels, to its affinity for connective tissue, and/or to the relatively high concentration it reaches in serous fluids, the liver and intestinal walls, as demonstrated in autoradiographic studies in animals. In ulcerative colitis, clinical studies utilizing rectal administration of Sulfasalazine, SP and 5-ASA have indicated that the major therapeutic action may reside in the 5-ASA moiety. The relative contribution of the parent drug and the major metabolites in rheumatoid arthritis is unknown. Sulfasalazine is used for the treatment of Crohn's disease and rheumatoid arthritis as a second-line agent. Sulfasalazine is marketed under the trade name Azulfidine among others.
Droxidopa (Northera, Chelsea Therapeutics) is a synthetic catecholamino acid precursor of norepinephrine indicated for the treatment of orthostatic dizziness or lightheadedness in adult patients with symptomatic neurogenic orthostatic hypotension (NOH) caused by primary autonomic failure, dopamine beta-hydroxylase deficiency, and non-diabetic autonomic neuropathy. Droxidopa was approved as oral therapy in February 2014 under the FDA’s accelerated approval program. Droxidopa is directly metabolized to norepinephrine by dopadecarboxylase. The specific mechanism of action of the drug is not known completely, but it is supposed to exert the pharmacological effects through norepinephrine and not through the parent molecule or other metabolites. It increases blood flow to the brain by stimulating peripheral arterial and venous vasoconstriction.
Dicyclomine is an anticholinergic tertiary amine used frequently by oral and parenteral route as an effective anti-spasmodic agent. Dicyclomine hydrochloride salt is approved under brand name bentyl for the treatment of functional bowel/irritable bowel syndrome. In addition is known, that dicyclomine is also used in morning and motion sickness, dysmenorrheal, intestinal hypermotility. It was shown, that Dicyclomine is a selective M1 and M3 muscarinic receptors antagonist, but os shown pharmacological activity via the M1 receptor.
First approved in 1948
Pamisyl by Parke-Davis
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4-AMINOSALICYLIC ACID (Paser) is an anti-tuberculosis drug used to treat tuberculosis in combination with other active agents. 4-AMINOSALICYLIC ACID (Paser) is most commonly used in patients with Multi-drug Resistant TB (MDR-TB) or when isoniazid and rifampin use is not possible due to a combination of resistance and/or intolerance. There are two mechanisms responsible for aminosalicylic acid's bacteriostatic action against Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Firstly, aminosalicylic acid inhibits folic acid synthesis (without potentiation with antifolic compounds). The binding of para-aminobenzoic acid to pteridine synthetase acts as the first step in the folic acid synthesis. Aminosalicylic acid binds pteridine synthetase with greater affinity than para-aminobenzoic acid, effectively inhibiting the synthesis of folic acid. As bacteria are unable to use external sources of folic acid, cell growth and multiplication slow. Secondly, the aminosalicylic acid may inhibit the synthesis of the cell wall component, mycobactin, thus reducing iron uptake by M. tuberculosis.
Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is a water-soluble vitamin. It occurs as a white or slightly yellow crystal or powder with a slight acidic taste. Ascorbic acid is an electron donor, and this property accounts for all its known functions. As an electron donor, ascorbic acid is a potent water-soluble antioxidant in humans. Ascorbic acid acts as an antioxidant under physiologic conditions exhibiting a cross over role as a pro-oxidant in pathological conditions. Oxidized ascorbic acid (dehydroascorbic acid (DHA) directly inhibits IkappaBalpha kinase beta (IKKbeta) and IKKalpha enzymatic activity in vitro, whereas ascorbic acid did not have this effect. These findings define a function for vitamin C in signal transduction other than as an antioxidant and mechanistically illuminate how vitamin C down-modulates NF-kappaB signaling. Vitamin C is recommended for the prevention and treatment of scurvy. Its parenteral administration is desirable for patients with an acute deficiency or for those whose absorption of orally ingested ascorbic acid (vitamin c) is uncertain. Symptoms of mild deficiency may include faulty bone and tooth development, gingivitis, bleeding gums, and loosened teeth. Febrile states, chronic illness, and infection (pneumonia, whooping cough, tuberculosis, diphtheria, sinusitis, rheumatic fever, etc.) increase the need for ascorbic acid (vitamin c). Hemovascular disorders, burns, delayed fracture and wound healing are indications for an increase in the daily intake.
First approved in 1947

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Panthenol (pantothenol) is an alcohol form of the B5 vitamin pantothenic acid. It easily penetrates the skin retaining water and is a humectant, emollient and moisturizer. Panthenol mitigates signs of inflammation and stimulates epithelization. Panthenol comes in two enantiomers, D and L. Only D-panthenol (dexpanthenol) is biologically active, however both forms have moisturizing properties. Because of the ability to attract and hold moisture panthenol is used in skincare products as a humectant. It also has a role as provitamin (called pro-vitamin B5) and is used as a vitamin supplement in complex ( M.V.I. ADULT injection, Hospira Worldwide, Inc.) and alone, and as a cholinergic drug. Panthenol is a highly viscous transparent liquid at room temperature, but salts of pantothenic acid (sodium pantothenate) are powders (typically white). It is soluble in water, alcohol, propylene glycol, ether and chloroform, and slightly soluble in glycerin. Panthenol mixes readily with many different types of ingredients, making it a versatile ingredient to be used in formulas because it improves skin’s barrier function and maintains the proliferation of fibroblasts. In organisms it is quickly oxidized to pantothenate (pantothenic acid). Defficiency of Vitamin B5 results in many dermatological disorder. Due to the fact that only D-Panthenol is converted to Vitamin B5 and not L-Panthenol, the racemic mixture of D- and L- panthenol (DL-panthenol) has only half of the physiological activity of the D-Panthenol. These include stimulation of epithelisation, wound healing effect and anti-infl ammatory effect. Panthenol is FDA approved for cosmetic use and comes either in D form, or as a racemic mixture. It is also in the FDA list of over-the-counter drug products that are not generally recognized as safe and effective or are misbranded: as "Insect Bite and Sting Drug Products" and "Poison Ivy, Poison Oak, and Poison Sumac Drug Products".
First approved in 1946

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Folic Acid is a B complex vitamin containing a pteridine moiety linked by a methylene bridge to para-aminobenzoic acid, which is joined by a peptide linkage to glutamic acid. Conjugates of Folic Acid are present in a wide variety of foods, particularly liver, kidneys, yeast and leafy green vegetables. Commercially available Folic Acid is prepared synthetically. Folic Acid occurs as a yellow or yellowish-orange crystalline powder and is very slightly soluble in water and insoluble in alcohol. Aqueous solutions of Folic Acid are heat sensitive and rapidly decompose in the presence of light and/or riboflavin; solutions should be stored in a cool place protected from light. Folic Acid is effective in the treatment of megaloblastic anemias due to a deficiency of Folic Acid (as may be seen in tropical or nontropical sprue) and in anemia of nutritional origin, pregnancy, infancy, or childhood. Folic Acid is relatively nontoxic in man. Rare instances of allergic responses to Folic Acid preparations have been reported and have included erythema, skin rash, itching, general malaise, and respiratory difficulty due to bronchospasm. Endocyte is developing an intravenous (IV) formulation of folic acid, called Neocepri®, which is intended for the diagnosis of positive folate receptor-positive status in patients with ovarian cancer when administered prior to the radioactive medicine, technetium Tc99m Etarfolatide. The benefits of Neocepri® are its ability to reduce the background activity observed on single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) imaging in most normal, nontarget tissues (e.g. intestines, liver, kidney, spleen), thereby improving the image quality of the scans. The product had been granted orphan drug designation in the EU. Endocyte had filed a conditional marketing authorization application (CMA) with the European Medicines Agency (EMA) for Neocepri®.
Dihydroergotamine (DHE) is a semisynthetic, hydrogenated ergot alkaloid, synthesized by reducing an unsaturated bond in ergotamine. Dihydroergotamine was originally envisaged as an antihypertensive agent, but it was later shown to be highly effective in treating migraine. Dihydroergotamine was first used to treat migraine in 1945 by Horton, Peters, and Blumenthal at the Mayo Clinic. In 1986, Raskin and Callaham reconfirmed the effectiveness of DHE for both intermittent and intractable migraine. The use of DHE was reviewed by Scott in 1992. In 1997, a nasal spray version was approved for use in migraine. Dihydroergotamine is indicated for the acute treatment of migraine headaches with or without aura and the acute treatment of cluster headache episodes. Dihydroergotamine binds with high affinity to 5-HT1Dα and 5-HT1Dβ receptors. It also binds with high affinity to serotonin 5-HT1A, 5-HT2A, and 5-HT2C receptors, noradrenaline α2A, α2B and α, receptors, and dopamine D2L and D3 receptors. The therapeutic activity of dihydroergotamine in migraine is generally attributed to the agonist effect at 5-HT1D receptors. Two current theories have been proposed to explain the efficacy of 5-HT1D receptor agonists in migraine. One theory suggests that activation of 5-HT1D receptors located on intracranial blood vessels, including those on arterio-venous anastomoses, leads to vasoconstriction, which correlates with the relief of migraine headache. The alternative hypothesis suggests that activation of 5-HT1D receptors on sensory nerve endings of the trigeminal system results in the inhibition of proinflammatory neuropeptide release.
Dimethyl maleate is an organic compound, the (Z)-isomer of the dimethyl ester of fumaric acid. Dimethyl maleate can be synthesized from maleic anhydride and methanol, with sulfuric acid acting as acid catalyst, via a nucleophilic acyl substitution for the monomethyl ester, followed by a Fischer esterification reaction for the dimethyl ester. Dimethyl maleate is used in many organic syntheses as a dienophile for diene synthesis. It is used as an additive and intermediate for plastics, pigments, pharmaceuticals, and agricultural products. It is also an intermediate for the production of paints, adhesives, and copolymers.
DL-Methamphetamine (also known as +/- Methamphetamin) is a central nervous system stimulant and sympathomimetic with actions and uses similar to DEXTROAMPHETAMINE. The smokable form is a drug of abuse and is referred to as crank, crystal, crystal meth, ice, and speed. Methamphetamine is a mixture of two isomers. One isomer called Dextro, or D Methamphetamine, is active as a central nervous system stimulant and it is a DEA Schedule 2 controlled drug commonly called “Meth” or “Speed”. Desoxyn, a prescription drug also contains D Methamphetamine. The other isomer, Levo, or L Methamphetamine is not a DEA controlled drug. It is found in an over the counter medicine called “Vicks Inhaler” or as the prescription drug, Selegiline. (+)-methamphetamine is the more physiologically active isomer. In addition to some medications, L Methamphetamine can be produced in the illegal production of street Methamphetamine.