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Showing 81 - 90 of 2002 results

US Approved OTC
21 CFR 333.210(f) antifungal undecylenic acid
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First approved in 1945
Desenex Sol. by Pennwalt
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Undecylenic acid is unsaturated fatty acid, which naturally occurs in sweat, and is commercially produced by the vacuum distillation of castor bean oil. It is recognized as GRASE by FDA, and is marketed over the counter to treat skin infections and to relieve itching. Undecylenic acid acts by inhibition of morphogenesis from yeast to hyphae forms.
US Approved OTC
21 CFR 344.1 otic:earwax removal aid carbamide peroxide 6.5% (in anhydrous glycerin)
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First marketed in 1921
Hydrogen Peroxide
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Hydrogen peroxide has been used in medicine for more than 100 years. It is known in surgery as a highly useful irrigation solution by virtue of both its hemostatic and its antimicrobial effects. Hydrogen peroxide is a mild antiseptic used on the skin to prevent infection of minor cuts, scrapes, and burns. It may also be used as a mouth rinse to help remove mucus or to relieve minor mouth irritation (e.g., due to canker/cold sores, gingivitis). This product works by releasing oxygen when it is applied to the affected area. The release of oxygen causes foaming, which helps to remove dead skin and clean the area. Hydrogen peroxide is a strong oxidizing agent used in aqueous solution as a ripening agent, bleach, and topical anti-infective. It is relatively unstable and solutions deteriorate over time unless stabilized by the addition of acetanilide or similar organic materials.
US Approved OTC
21 CFR 331.11(e) antacid:citrate-containing citrate (containing active ingredients: citrate ion, as citric acid or salt)
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First marketed in 1921
Potassium Citrate U.S.P.
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Potassium citrate is indicated for the management of renal tubular acidosis with calcium stones, hypocitraturic calcium oxalate nephrolithiasis of any etiology, uric acid lithiasis with or without calcium stones. WhenPotassium citrate is given orally, the metabolism of absorbed citrate produces an alkaline load. The induced alkaline load in turn increases urinary pH and raises urinary citrate by augmenting citrate clearance without measurably altering ultrafilterable serum citrate. Thus, potassium citrate therapy appears to increase urinary citrate principally by modifying the renal handling of citrate, rather than by increasing the filtered load of citrate. Potassium citrate is used as a food additive (E 332) to regulate acidity.
Caffeine is a methylxanthine alkaloid found in the seeds, nuts, or leaves of a number of plants native to South America and East Asia that is structurally related to adenosine and acts primarily as an adenosine receptor antagonist with psychotropic and anti-inflammatory activities. Upon ingestion, caffeine binds to adenosine receptors in the central nervous system (CNS), which inhibits adenosine binding. This inhibits the adenosine-mediated downregulation of CNS activity; thus, stimulating the activity of the medullary, vagal, vasomotor, and respiratory centers in the brain. The anti-inflammatory effects of caffeine are due the nonselective competitive inhibition of phosphodiesterases. Caffeine is used by mouth or rectally in combination with painkillers (such as aspirin and acetaminophen) and a chemical called ergotamine for treating migraineheadaches. It is also used with painkillers for simple headaches and preventing and treating headaches after epidural anesthesia. Caffeine creams are applied to the skin to reduce redness and itching in dermatitis. Healthcare providers sometimes give caffeine intravenously (by IV) for headache after epidural anesthesia, breathing problems in newborns, and to increase urine flow. In foods, caffeine is used as an ingredient in soft drinks, energy drinks, and other beverages.
US Approved OTC
21 CFR 331.11(j)(2) antacid:potassium-containing sodium potassium tartrate
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First marketed in 1921
Potassium Bitartrate U.S.P.
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US Approved OTC
21 CFR 331.11(m) antacid:tartrate-containing tartrate (acid or salt)
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First marketed in 1921
Tartaric Acid U.S.P.
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Tartaric acid is found in many plants such as grapes, tamarinds, pineapples, mulberries and so on. Wine lees (called mud in the US), the sediment collected during the fermentation of grapes, contains potassium bitartrate (potassium hydrogen tartrate) as its major component. L-(+)-tartaric acid is an enantiomer of tartaric acid. Twenty five years before the tetrahedral structure for carbon was proposed in 1874 to explain the optical activity and other properties of organic compounds, Louis Pasteur discovered the existence of enantiomerism in tartaric acid. L-(+)-tartaric acid is widely used in food and beverage as acidity regulator with E number E334.
US Approved OTC
21 CFR 343.13(b) internal analgesic:rheumatologic aspirin (buffered)
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First marketed in 1899
Aspirin by Friedr. Bayer & Co., Elberfeld, Germany
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Aspirin is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug. Aspirin is unique in this class of drugs because it irreversibly inhibits both COX-1 and COX-2 activity by acetylating a serine residue (Ser529 and Ser516, respectively) positioned in the arachidonic acid-binding channel, thus inhibiting the synthesis of prostaglandins and reducing the inflammatory response. The drug is used either alone or in combination with other compounds for the treatment of pain, headache, as well as for reducing the risk of stroke and heart attacks in patients with brain ischemia and cardiovascular diseases.
US Approved OTC
21 CFR 346.10(a) anorectal:local anesthetic benzocaine
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First marketed in 1895
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Benzocaine is a local anesthetic. It acts by blocking voltage-gated sodium ion channels in nerve endings. Benzocaine is available over-the counter for local anesthesia of oral and pharyngeal mucous membranes (sore throat, cold sores, mouth ulcers, toothache, sore gums, denture irritation), otic pain, and as a local anesthetic for surgical or diagnostic procedures. As a spray, benzocaine is used for temporary relief of pain and itching associated with minor burns, sunburn, minor cuts or scrapes, insect bites, or minor skin irritations. Topical application of benzocaine to gums or mouth may cause rare, but serious and potentially fatal adverse effect methemoglobinemia.
US Approved OTC
21 CFR 358.110(b) wart remover:collodoin-like vehicle salicylic acid
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First marketed in 1860
sodium salicylate
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Class (Stereo):

Methyl salicylate (or methyl 2-hydroxybenzoate), also known as wintergreen oil, is a natural product and is present in white wine, tea, porcini mushroom Boletus edulis, Bourbon vanilla, clary sage, red sage and fruits including cherry, apple, raspberry, papaya and plum. Methyl salicylate is topically used in combination with methanol and under brand name SALONPAS to temporarily relieves mild to moderate aches and pains of muscles and joints associated with: strains, sprains, simple backache, arthritis, bruises. The precise mechanism of action of methyl salicylate is not known, but there is suggested, that it cause dilation of the capillaries thereby increasing blood flow to the area.
Pirinixic acid is a PPARα ligand that can affect atherogenesis by modulating hepatic lipid metabolism and by acting directly on vascular tissue. PPARα activation is generally assumed to be the primary means by which Pirinixic acid produces its biological effects. Nevertheless, there is increasing evidence to suggest that Pirinixic acid is also capable of affecting cellular processes directly. It is under experimental investigation for prevention of severe cardiac dysfunction, cardiomyopathy and heart failure as a result of lipid accumulation within cardiac myocytes. Treatment is primarily aimed at individuals with an adipose triglyceride lipase (ATGL) enzyme deficiency or mutation. For example, cardiac contractility was improved by treating ATGL(-/-) mice with the Pirinixic acid.