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Showing 21 - 28 of 28 results

Struvite, a crystalline substance first identified in the 18th century, is composed of magnesium ammonium phosphate. Struvite urinary stones are also known as ‘infection stones’, and account for 15%-20% of all urinary stones. Bacterial urease, usually from a Proteus species, is responsible for the chemical changes in urine which result in struvite formation.
US Approved OTC
21 CFR 331.11(e) antacid:citrate-containing citrate (containing active ingredients: citrate ion, as citric acid or salt)
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First marketed in 1921
Potassium Citrate U.S.P.
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Class (Stereo):

Potassium citrate is indicated for the management of renal tubular acidosis with calcium stones, hypocitraturic calcium oxalate nephrolithiasis of any etiology, uric acid lithiasis with or without calcium stones. WhenPotassium citrate is given orally, the metabolism of absorbed citrate produces an alkaline load. The induced alkaline load in turn increases urinary pH and raises urinary citrate by augmenting citrate clearance without measurably altering ultrafilterable serum citrate. Thus, potassium citrate therapy appears to increase urinary citrate principally by modifying the renal handling of citrate, rather than by increasing the filtered load of citrate. Potassium citrate is used as a food additive (E 332) to regulate acidity.
US Approved OTC
21 CFR 331.11(e) antacid:citrate-containing citrate (containing active ingredients: citrate ion, as citric acid or salt)
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First marketed in 1921
Potassium Citrate U.S.P.
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Class (Stereo):

Potassium citrate is indicated for the management of renal tubular acidosis with calcium stones, hypocitraturic calcium oxalate nephrolithiasis of any etiology, uric acid lithiasis with or without calcium stones. WhenPotassium citrate is given orally, the metabolism of absorbed citrate produces an alkaline load. The induced alkaline load in turn increases urinary pH and raises urinary citrate by augmenting citrate clearance without measurably altering ultrafilterable serum citrate. Thus, potassium citrate therapy appears to increase urinary citrate principally by modifying the renal handling of citrate, rather than by increasing the filtered load of citrate. Potassium citrate is used as a food additive (E 332) to regulate acidity.
US Previously Marketed
First approved in 1950
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Class (Stereo):


Piperazine, a six membered nitrogen containing heterocycle, is of great significance to the rational design of drugs. This moiety can be found in a plethora of well-known drugs with various therapeutic uses, such as antipsychotic, antihistamine, antianginal, antidepressant, anticancer, antiviral, cardio protectors, anti-inflammatory, and imaging agents. Slight modification to the substitution pattern on the piperazine nucleus facilitates a recognizable difference in the medicinal potential of the resultant molecules. Piperazine has been used as an antihelmintic drug. Piperazine works by paralyzing the worms. They are then passed in the stool.
US Previously Marketed
First approved in 1950

Class (Stereo):

Diethylcarbamazine is used in humans, dogs and cats for the treatment of parasitic infections, including pulmonary eosinophilia, loiasis, and lymphatic filariasis. The exact mechanism of its action is unknown, however some studies showed the involvment of inducible nitric-oxide synthase and the cyclooxygenase pathway. Although there is no information on whether the drug is marketed in the USA and Europe, it is currently used in India.
Clomiphene (CLOMID®) is a triphenyl ethylene stilbene derivative which is an estrogen agonist or antagonist depending on the target tissue. It is an orally administered, nonsteroidal, ovulatory stimulant. Clomiphene (CLOMID®) is a mixture of two geometric isomers [cis (zuclomiphene) and trans (enclomiphene)] containing between 30% and 50% of the cis-isomer. Clomiphene (CLOMID®) initiates a series of endocrine events culminating in a preovulatory gonadotropin surge and subsequent follicular rupture. The first endocrine event in response to a course of clomiphene therapy is an increase in the release of pituitary gonadotropins. This initiates steroidogenesis and folliculogenesis, resulting in growth of the ovarian follicle and an increase in the circulating level of estradiol. Following ovulation, plasma progesterone and estradiol rise and fall as they would in a normal ovulatory cycle.
US Approved OTC
21 CFR 331.11(e) antacid:citrate-containing citrate (containing active ingredients: citrate ion, as citric acid or salt)
Source URL:
First marketed in 1921
Potassium Citrate U.S.P.
Source URL:


Potassium citrate is indicated for the management of renal tubular acidosis with calcium stones, hypocitraturic calcium oxalate nephrolithiasis of any etiology, uric acid lithiasis with or without calcium stones. WhenPotassium citrate is given orally, the metabolism of absorbed citrate produces an alkaline load. The induced alkaline load in turn increases urinary pH and raises urinary citrate by augmenting citrate clearance without measurably altering ultrafilterable serum citrate. Thus, potassium citrate therapy appears to increase urinary citrate principally by modifying the renal handling of citrate, rather than by increasing the filtered load of citrate. Potassium citrate is used as a food additive (E 332) to regulate acidity.