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Showing 221 - 230 of 391 results

Metronidazole was synthesized by France's Rhone-Poulenc laboratories and introduced in the mid-1950s under the brand name Flagel in the US, while Sanofi-Aventis markets metronidazole globally under the same trade name, Flagyl, and also by various generic manufacturers. Metronidazole is one of the rare examples of a drug developed as ant parasitic, which has since gained broad use as an antibacterial agent. Metronidazole, a nitroimidazole, exerts antibacterial effects in an anaerobic environment against most obligate anaerobes. Metronidazole is indicated for the treatment of the following infections due to susceptible strains of sensitive organisms: Trichomoniasis: symptomatic, asymptomatic, asymptomatic consorts; Amebiasis: acute intestinal amebiasis (amebic dysentery) and amebic liver abscess; Anaerobic bacterial infections; Intra-abdominal infections, including peritonitis, intra-abdominal abscess, and liver abscess; Skin and skin structure infections; Gynecologic infections, including endometritis, endomyometritis, tubo-ovarian abscess, and postsurgical vaginal cuff infection; Bacterial septicemia; Bone and joint infections, as adjunctive therapy; Central Nervous System infections, including meningitis and brain abscess; Lower Respiratory Tract infections, including pneumonia, empyema, and lung abscess; Endocarditis. Metronidazole is NOT effective for infections caused by aerobic bacteria that can survive in the presence of oxygen. Metronidazole is only effective against anaerobic bacterial infections because the presence of oxygen will inhibit the nitrogen-reduction process that is crucial to the drug's mechanism of action. Once metronidazole enters the organism by passive diffusion and activated in the cytoplasm of susceptible anaerobic bacteria, it is reduced; this process includes intracellular electron transport proteins such as ferredoxin, transfer of an electron to the nitro group of the metronidazole, and formation of a short-lived nitroso free radical. Because of this alteration of the metronidazole molecule, a concentration gradient is created and maintained which promotes the drug’s intracellular transport. The reduced form of metronidazole and free radicals can interact with DNA leading to inhibition of DNA synthesis and DNA degradation leading to death of the bacteria. The precise mechanism of action of metronidazole is unknown. Metronidazole has a limited spectrum of activity that encompasses various protozoans and most Gram-negative and Gram-positive anaerobic bacteria. Metronidazole has activity against protozoans like Entamoeba histolytica, Giardia lamblia and Trichomonas vaginalis, for which the drug was first approved as an effective treatment.
Metronidazole was synthesized by France's Rhone-Poulenc laboratories and introduced in the mid-1950s under the brand name Flagel in the US, while Sanofi-Aventis markets metronidazole globally under the same trade name, Flagyl, and also by various generic manufacturers. Metronidazole is one of the rare examples of a drug developed as ant parasitic, which has since gained broad use as an antibacterial agent. Metronidazole, a nitroimidazole, exerts antibacterial effects in an anaerobic environment against most obligate anaerobes. Metronidazole is indicated for the treatment of the following infections due to susceptible strains of sensitive organisms: Trichomoniasis: symptomatic, asymptomatic, asymptomatic consorts; Amebiasis: acute intestinal amebiasis (amebic dysentery) and amebic liver abscess; Anaerobic bacterial infections; Intra-abdominal infections, including peritonitis, intra-abdominal abscess, and liver abscess; Skin and skin structure infections; Gynecologic infections, including endometritis, endomyometritis, tubo-ovarian abscess, and postsurgical vaginal cuff infection; Bacterial septicemia; Bone and joint infections, as adjunctive therapy; Central Nervous System infections, including meningitis and brain abscess; Lower Respiratory Tract infections, including pneumonia, empyema, and lung abscess; Endocarditis. Metronidazole is NOT effective for infections caused by aerobic bacteria that can survive in the presence of oxygen. Metronidazole is only effective against anaerobic bacterial infections because the presence of oxygen will inhibit the nitrogen-reduction process that is crucial to the drug's mechanism of action. Once metronidazole enters the organism by passive diffusion and activated in the cytoplasm of susceptible anaerobic bacteria, it is reduced; this process includes intracellular electron transport proteins such as ferredoxin, transfer of an electron to the nitro group of the metronidazole, and formation of a short-lived nitroso free radical. Because of this alteration of the metronidazole molecule, a concentration gradient is created and maintained which promotes the drug’s intracellular transport. The reduced form of metronidazole and free radicals can interact with DNA leading to inhibition of DNA synthesis and DNA degradation leading to death of the bacteria. The precise mechanism of action of metronidazole is unknown. Metronidazole has a limited spectrum of activity that encompasses various protozoans and most Gram-negative and Gram-positive anaerobic bacteria. Metronidazole has activity against protozoans like Entamoeba histolytica, Giardia lamblia and Trichomonas vaginalis, for which the drug was first approved as an effective treatment.
Orphenadrine is an anticholinergic drug of the ethanolamine antihistamine class used to treat muscle pain and to help with motor control in Parkinson's disease but has largely been superseded by newer drugs. Orphenadrine binds and inhibits both histamine H1 receptors and NMDA receptors. It restores the motor disturbances induced by neuroleptics, in particular, the hyperkinesia. The dopamine deficiency in the striatum increases the stimulating effects of the cholinergic system. This stimulation is counteracted by the anticholinergic effect of orphenadrine. It may have a relaxing effect on skeletal muscle spasms and it has a mood elevating effect. Orphenadrine is indicated as an adjunct to rest, physical therapy, and other measures for the relief of discomfort associated with acute painful musculoskeletal conditions. Orphenadrine is an anticholinergic with a predominantly central effect and only a weak peripheral effect. In addition, it has mild antihistaminic and local anesthetic properties. Parkinson's syndrome is the consequence of a disturbed balance between cholinergic and dopaminergic neurotransmission in the basal ganglia caused by a decrease in dopamine. Orphenadrine restores the physiological equilibrium and has a favorable effect on the rigidity and tremor of Parkinson's disease and Parkinsonian syndromes. Adverse reactions of orphenadrine citrate are mainly due to the mild anticholinergic action of orphenadrine citrate and are usually associated with higher dosage. Dryness of the mouth is usually the first adverse effect to appear. When the daily dose is increased, possible adverse effects include tachycardia, palpitation, urinary hesitancy or retention, blurred vision, dilatation of pupils, increased ocular tension, weakness, nausea, vomiting, headache, dizziness, constipation, drowsiness, hypersensitivity reactions, pruritus, hallucinations, agitation, tremor, gastric irritation and rarely urticaria and other dermatoses
L-arginine is a nonessential amino acid that may play an important role in the treatment of cardiovascular disease due to its antiatherogenic, anti-ischemic, antiplatelet, and antithrombotic properties. It has been promoted as a growth stimulant and as a treatment for erectile dysfunction in men. L-arginine is a nonessential amino acid that may play an important role in the treatment of heart disease due to its block arterial plaque buildup, blood clots, platelet clumping, and to increase blood flow through the coronary artery. L-arginine is commonly sold as a health supplement claiming to improve vascular health and treat erectile dysfunction in men. L-arginine, which is promoted as a human growth stimulant, has also been used in bodybuilding. In the 1800s, it was first isolated from animal horn.
First marketed in 1921
Syrup of Ferrous Iodide U.S.P.
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Iron(II) gluconate (also known as a ferrous gluconate) is used in the treatment of hypochromic anemia. The real problem of iron therapy is not the theoretical utilization of iron, or the reticulocyte response, or even the daily increase of hemoglobin. These are important only as they indicate the return of the patients' blood to normal in a reasonably short time without undue inconvenience. Most patients suffering from hypochromic anemia respond well to most forms of iron when administered in adequate dosage. For the patients who cannot tolerate the usual iron compounds, it is important to have a medication which is effective and which causes minimum disturbance. Ferrous gluconate is such a medicament.
Manganese citrate is generally recognized as safe direct food additive. Manganese citrate complex has being used in the determination of liver enzyme activities in the aging process and following treatment with aminoethylisothiuronium bromide hydrobromide (AET).
Manganese citrate is generally recognized as safe direct food additive. Manganese citrate complex has being used in the determination of liver enzyme activities in the aging process and following treatment with aminoethylisothiuronium bromide hydrobromide (AET).
Lithium is an alkali metal widely used in industry. Lithium salts are indicated in the treatment of manic episodes of Bipolar Disorder. The use of lithium in psychiatry goes back to the mid-19th century. Early work, however, was soon forgotten, and John Cade is credited with reintroducing lithium to psychiatry for mania in 1949. Mogens Schou undertook a randomly controlled trial for mania in 1954, and in the course of that study became curious about lithium as a prophylactic for depressive illness. In 1970, the United States became the 50th country to admit lithium to the marketplace. The specific mechanisms by which lithium exerts its mood-stabilizing effects are not well understood. Lithium appears to preserve or increase the volume of brain structures involved in emotional regulation such as the prefrontal cortex, hippocampus and amygdala, possibly reflecting its neuroprotective effects. At a neuronal level, lithium reduces excitatory (dopamine and glutamate) but increases inhibitory (GABA) neurotransmission; however, these broad effects are underpinned by complex neurotransmitter systems that strive to achieve homeostasis by way of compensatory changes. For example, at an intracellular and molecular level, lithium targets second-messenger systems that further modulate neurotransmission. For instance, the effects of lithium on the adenyl cyclase and phospho-inositide pathways, as well as protein kinase C, may serve to dampen excessive excitatory neurotransmission. In addition to these many putative mechanisms, it has also been proposed that the neuroprotective effects of lithium are key to its therapeutic actions. In this regard, lithium has been shown to reduce the oxidative stress that occurs with multiple episodes of mania and depression. Further, it increases protective proteins such as brain-derived neurotrophic factor and B-cell lymphoma 2, and reduces apoptotic processes through inhibition of glycogen synthase kinase 3 and autophagy.
Atropine inhibits the muscarinic actions of acetylcholine on structures innervated by postganglionic cholinergic nerves, and on smooth muscles which respond to endogenous acetylcholine but are not so innervated. As with other antimuscarinic agents, the major action of atropine is a competitive or surmountable antagonism which can be overcome by increasing the concentration of acetylcholine at receptor sites of the effector organ (e.g., by using anticholinesterase agents which inhibit the enzymatic destruction of acetylcholine). The receptors antagonized by atropine are the peripheral structures that are stimulated or inhibited by muscarine (i.e., exocrine glands and smooth and cardiac muscle). Responses to postganglionic cholinergic nerve stimulation also may be inhibited by atropine but this occurs less readily than with responses to injected (exogenous) choline esters. Atropine is relatively selective for muscarinic receptors. Its potency at nicotinic receptors is much lower, and actions at non-muscarinic receptors are generally undetectable clinically. Atropine does not distinguish among the M1, M2, and M3 subgroups of muscarinic receptors.
First marketed in 1921
Syrup of Ferrous Iodide U.S.P.
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Iron(II) gluconate (also known as a ferrous gluconate) is used in the treatment of hypochromic anemia. The real problem of iron therapy is not the theoretical utilization of iron, or the reticulocyte response, or even the daily increase of hemoglobin. These are important only as they indicate the return of the patients' blood to normal in a reasonably short time without undue inconvenience. Most patients suffering from hypochromic anemia respond well to most forms of iron when administered in adequate dosage. For the patients who cannot tolerate the usual iron compounds, it is important to have a medication which is effective and which causes minimum disturbance. Ferrous gluconate is such a medicament.

Showing 221 - 230 of 391 results