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Showing 61 - 70 of 993 results

First marketed in 1880
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Apomorphine (brand names: Apokyn, Ixense, Spontane, Uprima) is indicated for the acute, intermittent treatment of hypomobility, “off” episodes (“end-of-dose wearing off” and unpredictable “on/off” episodes) in patients with advanced Parkinson’s disease. Apomorphine has been studied as an adjunct to other medications. It is a non-ergoline dopamine agonist with high in vitro binding affinity for the dopamine D4 receptor, and moderate affinity for the dopamine D2, D3, and D5, and adrenergic α1D, α2B, α2C receptors. The precise mechanism of action as a treatment for Parkinson’s disease is unknown, although it is believed to be due to stimulation of post-synaptic dopamine D2-type receptors within the caudate-putamen in the brain.
Cocaine is an alkaloid ester extracted from the leaves of plants including coca. Cocaine is a local anesthetic and vasoconstrictor and is clinically used for that purpose, particularly in the eye, ear, nose, and throat. It also has powerful central nervous system effects similar to the amphetamines and is a drug of abuse. Cocaine, like amphetamines, acts by multiple mechanisms on brain catecholaminergic neurons; the mechanism of its reinforcing effects is thought to involve inhibition of dopamine uptake. Cocaine is addictive due to its effect on the reward pathway in the brain. After a short period of use, there is a high risk that dependence will occur. Its use also increases the risk of stroke, myocardial infarction, lung problems in those who smoke it, blood infections, and sudden cardiac death. Cocaine sold on the street is commonly mixed with local anesthetics, cornstarch, quinine, or sugar which can result in additional toxicity. Following repeated doses, a person may have decreased the ability to feel pleasure and be very physically tired. Cocaine acts by inhibiting the reuptake of serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine. This results in greater concentrations of these three neurotransmitters in the brain. It can easily cross the blood-brain barrier and may lead to the breakdown of the barrier.
US Approved OTC
21 CFR 341.20(a)(3) cough/cold:nasal decongestant pseudoephedrine sulfate
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First approved in 1961

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Pseudoephedrine is a sympathomimetic drug. Pseudoephedrine acts as an adrenomimetic and inhibitor of monoamine transporters. Ephedra sinica, a species of ephedra (ma huang), contains ephedrine and pseudoephedrine. Ephedra has been found to stimulate the nervous system, increase airflow into the lungs and constrict blood vessels. In combination with caffeine, ephedra appears to cause weight loss. Pseudoephedrine is a decongestant that shrinks blood vessels in the nasal passages. Pseudoephedrine is used to relieve nasal or sinus congestion caused by the common cold, sinusitis, and hay fever and other respiratory allergies.
Chlorpheniramine is an antihistamine. Chlorpheniramine binds to the histamine H1 receptor. This blocks the action of endogenous histamine, which subsequently leads to temporary relief of the negative symptoms brought on by histamine. Chlorpheniramine is used for relieving symptoms of sinus congestion, sinus pressure, runny nose, watery eyes, itching of the nose and throat, and sneezing due to upper respiratory infections (eg, colds), allergies, and hay fever. In addition to being a histamine H1 receptor (HRH1) antagonist, chlorphenamine has been shown to work as a serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor or SNRI.
US Approved OTC
21 CFR 346.12(c) anorectal:vasoconstrictor epinephrine hydrochloride
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First marketed in 1901

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Epinephrine is a sympathomimetic catecholamine. It acts as a naturally occurring agonist at both alpha and beta-adrenergic receptors. Three pharmacologic types have been identified: alpha 1-, alpha 2-, and beta-adrenergic receptors. Each of these has three subtypes, characterized by both structural and functional differences. The alpha 2 and beta receptors are coupled negatively and positively, respectively, to adenylyl cyclase via Gi or Gs regulatory proteins, and the alpha 1 receptors modulate phospholipase C via the Go protein. Subtype expression is regulated at the level of the gene, the mRNA, and the protein through various transcriptional and postsynthetic mechanisms. Through its action on alpha-adrenergic receptors, epinephrine lessens the vasodilation and increased vascular permeability that occurs during anaphylaxis, which can lead to loss of intravascular fluid volume and hypotension. Through its action on beta-adrenergic receptors, epinephrine causes bronchial smooth muscle relaxation and helps alleviate bronchospasm, wheezing and dyspnea that may occur during anaphylaxis. Epinephrine also alleviates pruritus, urticaria, and angioedema and may relieve gastrointestinal and genitourinary symptoms associated with anaphylaxis because of its relaxer effects on the smooth muscle of the stomach, intestine, uterus and urinary bladder. Epinephrine increases glycogenolysis, reduces glucose up take by tissues, and inhibits insulin release in the pancreas, resulting in hyperglycemia and increased blood lactic acid.
TIC10 (NSC350625 or ONC201) is a small-molecule compound belongs to a chemical class known as imipridones, that possess a unique three-ring heterocycle with two substitutable basic amines. ONC201 has anti-proliferative and pro-apoptotic effects against a broad range of tumor cells but not normal cells. The mechanism of action of ONC201 involves engagement of PERK-independent activation of the integrated stress response, leading to tumor upregulation of DR5 and dual Akt/ERK inactivation, and consequent Foxo3a activation leading to upregulation of the death ligand TRAIL. The isomeric structure of TIC10/ONC201 is critical to its activity: anti-cancer activity is associated with the angular structure and not the linear isomer. Clinical trials are evaluating the single agent efficacy of ONC201 in multiple solid tumors and hematological malignancies and exploring alternative dosing regimens. Oncoceutics is developing ONC 201 as a potential therapy for treatment of p53-deficient cancers (including solid tumours).
INN:onzigolide [INN]
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INN:dicarbine [INN]
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Dicarbine is an orally active drug approved in Russia under the trade name Карбидин, is used for the treatment patients with schizophrenia and alcoholic psychosis. This drug blocks dopamine receptors in various brain parts, which leads to a reduction in the productive symptoms of psychosis: delusions and hallucinations.
INN:neflumozide [INN]
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Neflumozide is an antipsychotic.
Ensaculin is related to naturally occurring benzopyranones like scoparone. The compound is a potent functional antagonist of excitatory amino acid-induced convulsions and mortality. In receptor-binding studies, Ensaculin showed high affinity to dopaminergic (D2, D3), serotoninergic (5-HT1A, 5-HT7), and adrenergic (A1a, A1b) receptors in the nanomolar range. Ensaculin antagonizes NMDA responses in a voltage-dependent manner. Various studies support the notion that this compound could indeed have a broad range of nootropic properties. Although few patients presented postural hypotension and dizziness after receiving ensaculin in phase I clinical trials, this drug candidate was further discontinued in phase III due to potential side effects.