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Showing 4191 - 4200 of 4335 results

Possibly Marketed Outside US
Co-Balamin by Home Aide Diagnostics, Inc.
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Resveratrol, a natural non-flavonoid polyphenol, exhibits a wide range of beneficial properties as an anticancer agent, a platelet anti-aggregation agent, and an antioxidant, as well as its anti-aging, anti-inflammatory, antiallergenic. This compound is in phase III clinical trials in combination with carboxymethyl-β-glucan for improving nasal symptoms in children with pollen-induced allergic rhinitis. Also in phase III clinical trial in the treatment of painful knee osteoarthritis and in type 2 diabetic patients. It has been demonstrated that resveratrol may prevent type 2 diabetic by targeting Sirtuin type 1 (SIRT1), indicating that SIRT1 may be a novel therapeutic target for diabetes prevention.
Sodium Ursolate (Ursolic acid sodium salt) is a natural active ingredient derived from many plants. This pentacyclic triterpenoid acid is manufactured by extraction of Salvia officinalis leaves, also known as common sage, Loquat leaves and Olea europea. Sodium Ursolate provides a targeted approach to anti-aging skin repair and sun protection through reactivation, protection and optimization of the skins own cellular mechanisms. Furthermore, it protects and refolds proteins damaged by UV and free radical exposure and stimulates new collagen synthesis to counter the effects of thinning and sagging skin caused by photodamage, inhibits elastase and stabilizes liposomal membranes. It is of most interest to use in Anti-Aging and Anti-Photo-Aging cosmetics products.
Borneol, a monoterpenoid alcohol, is a component of many essential oils. Barneol occurs in nature as a single enantiomer (d- or l-, depending on the oil type) or, less frequently, as the racemate. Several studies have proved the effectiveness of borneol. In Chinese medicines borneol has been used in relieving symptoms of anxiety, fatigue and insomnia; inducing anesthesia and analgesia to alleviate abdominal pain, wounds and burns; relieving rheumatic pain, hemorrhoids, skin diseases and ulcerations of the mouth, ears, eyes or nose; to treat sore throats and skin infections, and is mainly used to treat cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Borneol has a significant therapeutic effect on neuralgia. This compound is considered a GRAS approved by the FDA as food flavor. Additionally, borneol is a fragrance ingredient. GABAA, TRPV3, TRPM8 and TRPA1 have been identified as the molecular targets of borneol.
Borneol, a monoterpenoid alcohol, is a component of many essential oils. Barneol occurs in nature as a single enantiomer (d- or l-, depending on the oil type) or, less frequently, as the racemate. Several studies have proved the effectiveness of borneol. In Chinese medicines borneol has been used in relieving symptoms of anxiety, fatigue and insomnia; inducing anesthesia and analgesia to alleviate abdominal pain, wounds and burns; relieving rheumatic pain, hemorrhoids, skin diseases and ulcerations of the mouth, ears, eyes or nose; to treat sore throats and skin infections, and is mainly used to treat cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Borneol has a significant therapeutic effect on neuralgia. This compound is considered a GRAS approved by the FDA as food flavor. Additionally, borneol is a fragrance ingredient. GABAA, TRPV3, TRPM8 and TRPA1 have been identified as the molecular targets of borneol.
Possibly Marketed Outside US
Cetrimide Cream 0.5% by Canadian Custom Packaging Company [Canada]
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Cetrimide is a quaternary ammonium compound. Cetrimide was first introduced as a combined cleanser and skin antiseptic by Barnes (1942). Cetrimide combines excellent detergent properties and minimal toxicity with a useful antiseptic action. Cetrimide affects membrane permeability allowing ‘leaking’ of essential cell constituents leading to cell death. This medication is a skin antiseptic and disinfectant prescribed for seborrhoeic dermatitis and wound cleansing. The cream has a bactericidal activity against gram-positive bacteria and incompatible with soaps and other anionic surfactants.
Possibly Marketed Outside US
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p-Chlorocresol (p-chloro-m-cresol; PCMC; brand name: Preventol CMK) possesses disinfectant and antiseptic properties. Chlorocresol is used in various preparations for skin disinfection and wounds. It also used as a preservative in creams and other preparations for external use which contain water. For use as a disinfectant such as a hand wash, it is commonly dissolved in alcohol in combination with other phenols. It is a moderate allergen for sensitive skin. Chlorocresol produces potentially life-threatening effects which include dermatitis, which are responsible for the discontinuation of chlorocresol therapy. The symptomatic adverse reactions produced by chlorocresol are more or less tolerable and if they become severe, they can be treated symptomatically, these include hypersensitivity reactions, irritation of eyes.
Possibly Marketed Outside US
Cloprostenol Sodium by Everlight Chemical Industrial Corporation Kuanyin II Plant
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Cloprostenol is a synthetic prostaglandin analogue structurally related to Prostaglandin F2α (PGF2α), for use in cattle and horses. As a potent luteolytic agent it causes functional and morphological regression of the corpus luteum (luteolysis) in cattle and horses followed by return to oestrus and normal ovulation.
Possibly Marketed Outside US

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Phosphocreatine (creatine phosphate, PCr, PC) is the phosphorylated form of endogenous creatine that serves as a rapidly mobilizable reserve of high-energy phosphates in skeletal muscle and the brain of vertebrates. Phosphocreatine is a key component in the intracellular system of energy buffering and transports from the site of energy production to the site of energy utilization to ensure that supply meets the high and dynamic demands of the heart. Phosphocreatine can anaerobically donate a phosphate group to ADP to form ATP during the first two to seven seconds following an intense muscular or neuronal effort. Conversely, excess ATP can be used during a period of low effort to convert creatine to phosphocreatine. The reversible phosphorylation of creatine is catalyzed by several creatine kinases. Particularly, PCr makes the energy of phosphoryl bonds of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) available at the myofibrillar creatine kinase that allows myocardium contraction. Supplementation with PCr was, therefore, suggested as potentially beneficial in patients with acute and chronic myocardial ischaemic injury. Phosphocreatine has been tried in the treatment of cardiac disorders and has been added to cardioplegic solutions. Phosphocreatine is used intravenously in hospitals in some parts of the world for cardiovascular problems under the name Neoton and also used by some professional athletes, as it is not a controlled substance.
Possibly Marketed Outside US
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Terguride (INN), also known as trans-dihydrolisuride, is a serotonin receptor antagonist and dopamine receptor agonist of the ergoline family. Terguride is approved for and used in the treatment of hyperprolactinemia. Terguride is an oral, potent antagonist of 5-HT2B and 5-HT2A (serotonin) receptors. Serotonin stimulates the proliferation of pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells and induces fibrosis in the wall of pulmonary arteries. Together, this causes vascular remodeling and narrowing of the pulmonary arteries. These changes result in increased vascular resistance and PAH. Due to the potential anti-proliferative and anti-fibrotic activity of terguride, this potential medicine could offer the hope of achieving reversal of pulmonary artery vascular remodeling and attenuation of disease progression. In May 2008, terguride was granted orphan drug status for the treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension. In May 2010 Pfizer purchased worldwide rights for the drug.
Possibly Marketed Outside US

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levomethadone, or R-(−)-methadone, is the active enantiomer of methadone; having approximately 50x the potency of the S-(+)-enantiomer as well as greater μ-opioid receptor selectivity.

Showing 4191 - 4200 of 4335 results