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Showing 4201 - 4210 of 4335 results

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Rhein, also known as cassic acid, is a substance in the anthraquinone group obtained from rhubarb species like Rheum undulatum and Rheum palmatum as well as in Cassia reticulata. Rhein, a metabolite of Diacerein and sennosides, alleviates pain and fever, inhibits inflammation, and has weak laxative. Rhein dose-dependently inhibits superoxide anion production, chemotaxis and phagocytic activity of neutrophils, and macrophage migration and phagocytosis. In addition, rhein exerts its anticancer effects via the modulation of processes of cellular proliferation, apoptosis, migration, and invasion. The pharmacokinetics of rhein have not been intensively studied in humans, but at least one study in healthy male volunteers found that rhein was better absorbed from oral administration of rhubarb than from a retention enema. Rhein (at an oral dose of 50 mg twice per day) was shown to be safe when administered for five days to elderly patients with chronic congestive heart failure.
Possibly Marketed Outside US
Japan:Etilefrine Hydrochloride
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Etilefrine is a cardiac stimulant used as an antihypotensive. Intravenous infusion of this compound increases cardiac output, stroke volume, venous return and blood pressure in man and experimental animals, suggesting stimulation of both α and β adrenergic receptors. However, in vitro studies indicate that etilefrine has a much higher affinity for β1 (cardiac) than for β2 adrenoreceptors. Intravenous etilefrine increases the pulse rate, cardiac output, stroke volume, central venous pressure and mean arterial pressure of healthy individuals. Marked falls in pulse rate, cardiac output, stroke volume and peripheral bloodflow, accompanied by rises in mean arterial pressure, occur when etilefrine is infused after administration of intravenous propranolol 2,5 mg. These findings indicate that etilefrine has both β1 and α1 adrenergic effects in man. The French Health Products Agency concluded that etilefrine and heptaminol have an unfavourable harm-benefit balance, and also placed restrictions on the use of midodrine.
Protionamide is a thioamide derivative with antitubercular activity, usually involving to treat MDR TB and leprosy. It has the same active substances and cross-resistance with ethionamide. Prothionamide is part of a group of drugs thioamides. The side effects of prothionamide are similar to ethionamide. Prothionamide is most commonly associated with nausea and vomiting. It may cause depression and hallucinations. Rarely, prothionamide will cause jaundice, menstrual disturbances and peripheral neuropathy. Prothionamide has received approval in Germany for the treatment of TB and drug resistant TB. While prothionamide is widely used to treat MDR TB, there is little published evidence demonstrating safety and efficacy. Protionamide forms a covalent adduct with bacterial nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD), PTH-NAD, which competitively inhibits 2-trans-enoyl-ACP reductase (inhA), an enzyme essential for mycolic acid synthesis. This results in increased cell wall permeability and decreased resistance against cell injury eventually leading to cell lysis. Mycolic acids, long-chain fatty acids, are essential mycobacterial cell wall components and play a key role in resistance to cell injury and mycobacterial virulence.
Possibly Marketed Outside US
CLEARASIL DAILY CLEAR REVIVING TONER by Shelton, R. S.; Campen, M. G. Van; Tilford, C. H.; Lang, H. C.; Nisonger, L.; Bandelin, F. J.; Rubenkoenig, H. L.
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Tetradonium is a cationic germicidal detergent, often used in disinfectant and deodorant compositions.
Possibly Marketed Outside US
UK NHS:Sulpiride
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Sulpiride is an atypical antipsychotic drug (although some texts have referred to it as a typical antipsychotic) of the benzamide class used mainly in the treatment of psychosis associated with schizophrenia and major depressive disorder, and sometimes used in low dosage to treat anxiety and mild depression. Sulpiride is commonly used in Europe, Russia and Japan. Sulpiride is a selective antagonist at dopamine D2 and D3 receptors. This action dominates in doses exceeding 600 mg daily. In doses of 600 to 1,600 mg sulpiride shows mild sedating and antipsychotic activity. Its antipsychotic potency compared to chlorpromazine is only 0.2 (1/5). In low doses (in particular 50 to 200 mg daily) its prominent feature is antagonism of presynaptic inhibitory dopamine receptors accounting for some antidepressant activity and a stimulating effect. Therefore, it is in these doses used as a second line antidepressant. Racemic and L-sulpiride significantly decreased stimulated serum gastrin concentration, but they did not affect fasting serum gastrin or basal and stimulated gastric acidity. D-sulpiride significantly decreased gastric acid secretion, without affecting serum gastrin levels.
Possibly Marketed Outside US
ZANIDIP by Corsini, A.|Bonfatti, M.|Quarato, P.|Accomazzo, M.R.|Raiteri, M.|Sartani, A.|Testa, R.|Nicosia, S.|Paoletti, R.|Fumagalli, R.
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(S)-Lercanidipine is enantiomer of antihypertensive drugs Lercanidipine, that acts by blocking L-type calcium channels, allowing relaxation and opening of blood vessels. The dihydropyridine calcium antagonists promote systemic vasodilatation by a reversible blockade of voltage-dependent Ca2+ influx through L-type channels in the cell membrane. (S)-Lercanidipine has 100- to 200-fold greater affinity than the (R)-enantiomer for the L-type calcium channel. The pharmacokinetics of (S)- Lercanidipine has been evaluated in healthy volunteers, in elderly and non-elderly patients with hypertension, and in patients with renal or hepatic impairment. Patients from these studies were investigated after receiving a single 10 or 20 mg dose of [14C]-labeled rac-Lercanidipine as a solution. The maximum plasma concentrations of (S)-Lercanidipine were reached within 2–3 h and the area under the plasma concentration-time curves were not linearly related to the dose, indicating a saturable first-pass metabolism. The absorption of (S)-LER increases after the ingestion of a high-fat meal. Lercanidipine is highly bound to plasma protein (>98%) in humans. Its volume of distribution of 2–2.5 L/kg was determined in healthy volunteers after intravenous infusion of 2 mg. Lercanidipine is extensively metabolized by CYP 3A4 to inactive pyridine derivatives. A crossover study involving a single administration of either 10 mg of (R)- or (S)-LER or 20 mg of rac-LER as a solution demonstrated no in vivo enantiomer interconversion
Possibly Marketed Outside US
ZANIDIP by Corsini, A.|Bonfatti, M.|Quarato, P.|Accomazzo, M.R.|Raiteri, M.|Sartani, A.|Testa, R.|Nicosia, S.|Paoletti, R.|Fumagalli, R.
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(R)-Lercanidipine is enantiomer of antihypertensive drugs Lercanidipine, that acts by blocking L-type calcium channels, allowing relaxation and opening of blood vessels. The dihydropyridine calcium antagonists promote systemic vasodilatation by a reversible blockade of voltagedependent Ca2+ influx through L-type channels in the cell membrane. (S)-Lercanidipine has 100- to 200-fold greater affinity than the (R)-enantiomer for the L-type calcium channel. The pharmacokinectics of (S)- Lercanidipine has been evaluated in healthy volunteers, in elderly and non-elderly patients with hypertension, and in patients with renal or hepatic impairment. Patients from these studies were investigated after receiving a single 10 or 20 mgdose of [14C]-labeled rac-Lercanidipine as a solution. The maximum plasma concentrations of (S)-Lercanidipine were reached within 2–3 h and the area under the plasma concentration–time curves were not linearly related to the dose, indicating a saturable first-pass metabolism. The absorption of (S)-LER increases after the ingestion of a highfat meal. Lercanidipine is highly bound to plasma protein (>98%) in humans. Its volume of distribution of 2–2.5 L/kg was determined in healthy volunteers after intravenous infusion of 2 mg. Lercanidipine is extensively metabolized by CYP 3A4 to inactive pyridine derivatives. A crossover study involving a single administration of either 10 mg of (R)- or (S)-LER or 20 mg of rac-LER as a solution demonstrated no in vivo enantiomer interconversion
Possibly Marketed Outside US
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Terguride (INN), also known as trans-dihydrolisuride, is a serotonin receptor antagonist and dopamine receptor agonist of the ergoline family. Terguride is approved for and used in the treatment of hyperprolactinemia. Terguride is an oral, potent antagonist of 5-HT2B and 5-HT2A (serotonin) receptors. Serotonin stimulates the proliferation of pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells and induces fibrosis in the wall of pulmonary arteries. Together, this causes vascular remodeling and narrowing of the pulmonary arteries. These changes result in increased vascular resistance and PAH. Due to the potential anti-proliferative and anti-fibrotic activity of terguride, this potential medicine could offer the hope of achieving reversal of pulmonary artery vascular remodeling and attenuation of disease progression. In May 2008, terguride was granted orphan drug status for the treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension. In May 2010 Pfizer purchased worldwide rights for the drug.
Possibly Marketed Outside US
CLEARASIL DAILY CLEAR REVIVING TONER by Shelton, R. S.; Campen, M. G. Van; Tilford, C. H.; Lang, H. C.; Nisonger, L.; Bandelin, F. J.; Rubenkoenig, H. L.
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Tetradonium is a cationic germicidal detergent, often used in disinfectant and deodorant compositions.
Possibly Marketed Outside US

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Gepefrine (Pressionorm and Wintonin) is an antihypotensive agent. It was used for therapy of orthostatic dysregulation. One hour after oral administration of 30 mg or 45 mg gepefrine the blood pressure increased significantly at rest and more markedly on standing and during the step test. Gepefrine led to a reduction in pathological orthostatic regulation during the early phase as well as to the prevention of subjective and objective signs of orthostatic adjustment disorder during the late phase. Patients with insufficient rise in blood pressure during the step test (80 watts) showed after gepefrine a distinct tendency towards normalisation and the regression of subjective states of exhaustion. Gepefrine caused on average no substantive alternations in heart rate during all phases of the investigation. Complications or side-effects due to the method or the medicament were not observed.

Showing 4201 - 4210 of 4335 results