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Showing 1331 - 1340 of 1500 results

US Previously Marketed
First approved in 1982

Class (Stereo):

Guanabenz, an antihypertensive agent for oral administration-, is an aminoguanidine derivative, 2,'6-dichlorobenzylideneamina-guanidine acetate. It is white to an almost white powder having not more than a slight odor. Sparingly soluble in water and in 0.1 N hydrochloric acid; soluble in alcohol and in propylene glycol. Guanabenz is an orally active central alpha-2 adrenergic agonist. Its antihypertensive action appears to be mediated via stimulation of central alpha-adrenergic receptors, resulting in a decrease of sympathetic outflow from the brain at the bulbar level to the peripheral circulatory system. In clinical trials, guanabenz acetate, given orally to hypertensive patients, effectively controlled blood pressure without any significant effect on glomerular filtration rate, renal blood flow, body fluid volume or body weight. The Myelin Repair Foundation and the National Institutes of Health (National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke) are developing guanabenz for the treatment of multiple sclerosis. Unlike the currently available treatment for multiple sclerosis that suppresses the immune system, guanabenz, an FDA approved the drug for the treatment of high blood pressure, has a potential to reduce the loss of myelin by protecting and repairing myelin-producing cells in the brain from damage. Phase I development is underway in the US.
US Previously Marketed
First approved in 1981

Class (Stereo):


Saralasin is an angiotensin II analogue which was developed for the treatment of hypertension in 1970s. For many years saralasin was supposed to be angiotensin receptors blocker, but recent studies have revealed that its pharmacological action can be explained by agonistic behavior toward angiotensin II receptor. The drug was approved by FDA under the name Sarenin, however, it is no longer available on the market.
Lysing is an essential basic amino-acid encoded by codone AAA and AAG, and used in the biosynthesis of proteins. The daily requirement for lysine is 38 mg/kg body weight. The most rich source of lysine is fish, beef, chicken. In a clinical study lysine supplements was found to be an effective for reduction of occurrence, severity and healing time for recurrent HSV infection, however Cochrane Review concluded that the evidence is insufficient. Lysine was investigated for improving anxiety, ameliorating angina prectoris. Lysine acetylsalicylate has been used to treat pain and to detoxify the body after heroin use. Lysine clonixinate has been used for its analgesic properties for the treatment of migraine headaches and other painful conditions. However, limited clinical trials exist for these conditions.
US Previously Marketed
First approved in 1965

Class (Stereo):

Tromethamine is extensively used in biochemistry and molecular biology. Because tromethamine (in the form of R-NH2) is a proton acceptor with a pK of 7.8, it is an effective buffer that can be used to maintain the pH of body fluids. Tromethamine is indicated for the prevention and correction of metabolic acidosis. When administered intravenously as a 0.3 M solution, tromethamine acts as a proton acceptor and prevents or corrects acidosis by actively binding hydrogen ions (H+). It binds not only cations of fixed or metabolic acids, but also hydrogen ions of carbonic acid, thus increasing bicarbonate anion (HCO3‾). TromeThamine also acts as an osmotic diuretic, increasing urine flow, urinary pH, and excretion of fixed acids, carbon dioxide and electrolytes. A significant fraction of tromethamine (30% at pH 7.40) is not ionized and therefore is capable of reaching equilibrium in total body water. This portion may penetrate cells and may neutralize acidic ions of the intracellular fluid.
US Previously Marketed
C-Quens by Eli lilly
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First approved in 1965
C-Quens by Eli lilly
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Class (Stereo):


Chlormadinone acetate (CMA) is a derivative of naturally secreted progesterone that shows high affinity and activity at the progesterone receptor. It has an anti-estrogenic effect and, in contrast to natural progesterone, shows moderate anti-androgenic properties. CMA acts by blocking androgen receptors in target organs and by reducing the activity of skin 5alpha-reductase. It suppresses gonadotropin secretion and thereby reduces ovarian and adrenal androgen production. CMA shows high contraceptive efficacy by inhibiting ovulation due to its ability to suppress or disrupt endogenous gonadotropin secretion and, by this, inhibits follicular growth and maturation. In addition, it suppresses endometrial thickness and increases the viscosity of cervical mucus. Chlormadinone acetate was withdrawn from the market in the USA, but it is still being used in Europe under the name Belara.
Denatonium, usually available as denatonium benzoate (trade names Bitrex) is the most bitter chemical compound known, with bitterness thresholds of 0.05 ppm for the benzoate and 0.01 ppm for the saccharide. Scientists at Macfarlan Smith, Ltd. of Edinburgh, Scotland discovered Bitrex during research on derivatives of the anesthetic lidocaine. The extremely bitter taste proved effective in reducing ingestion by humans and animals. Denatonium is commonly included in placebo medications used in clinical trials to match the bitter taste of certain medications. Denatonium activates bitter taste receptor, mainly, TAS2R4, TAS2R8, TAS2R10, TAS2R13 on many cell types and plays important roles in chemical release, ciliary beating and smooth muscle relaxation through intracellular Ca(2+)-dependent pathways.
Denatonium, usually available as denatonium benzoate (trade names Bitrex) is the most bitter chemical compound known, with bitterness thresholds of 0.05 ppm for the benzoate and 0.01 ppm for the saccharide. Scientists at Macfarlan Smith, Ltd. of Edinburgh, Scotland discovered Bitrex during research on derivatives of the anesthetic lidocaine. The extremely bitter taste proved effective in reducing ingestion by humans and animals. Denatonium is commonly included in placebo medications used in clinical trials to match the bitter taste of certain medications. Denatonium activates bitter taste receptor, mainly, TAS2R4, TAS2R8, TAS2R10, TAS2R13 on many cell types and plays important roles in chemical release, ciliary beating and smooth muscle relaxation through intracellular Ca(2+)-dependent pathways.
Chlorprothixene (Taractan, Tarasan, Truxal) is a thioxanthine derivative developed by Lundbeck for the treatment of psychotic disorders. The drug exerts its activity by binding to and inhibiting serotonin receptors, dopamine receptors, muscarinic acetylcholine receptor, histamine H1 receptor and alpha1-adrenergic receptor.
US Previously Marketed
Monase by Upjohn
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First approved in 1961
Monase by Upjohn
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Class (Stereo):


ETRYPTAMINE (MONASE®), similar to the hallucinogenic tryptamines, is an inhibitor of monoamine oxidase, introduced for use as an antidepressant. It was withdrawn from the market due to problems with agranulocytosis and other side effects. However, it's activity is still under scientific investigation.
US Previously Marketed
Laverna by Winthrop
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First approved in 1959
Laverna by Winthrop
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Class (Stereo):


Oxyphenisatin is a stimulant laxative that has been used by mouth and as an enema. Oxyphenisatin was introduced as Lavema by Winthrop in US in 1959. Oxyphenisatin was used as a cleansing enema apart from x-ray studies and prior to urinary, gastro-intestinal and cholecystography x-ray examination. Oxyphenisatin was also used for preoperative preparation of the large intestine and colon. May be mixed with barium for x-ray examination of the large intestine. Oxyphenisatin may cause jaundice. Oxyphenisatin-induced liver damage usually occurs when the drug has been taken for at least six months and usually two years. Oxyphenisatin was withdrawn in most countries in the early 1970s.

Showing 1331 - 1340 of 1500 results