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Showing 1151 - 1160 of 1222 results

Menadiol is one of the forms of vitamin K4. Chemically, it is closely related to menadione. Oral menadiol appears to be an effectiv ealternative to intravenous phytomenadione in the correction of coagulopathies associated with obstructiveliver disease. This simplifies the care of patients with deranged clotting times requiring cholangeopancrea-tography, particularly those to be managed as out-patients. Menadiol should receive clinical testing as a chemosensitizing agent in human lymphatic neoplasms (HLN). This effect occurred at a concentration (2.0 micrograms/ml; 4.7 microM) of menadiol which is probably clinically achievable and which did not deplete intracellular glutathione.
US Previously Marketed
Hykinone by Abbott
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First approved in 1940
Hykinone by Abbott
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Menadione bisulfite is a water-soluble analog of Vitamin K3. Pharmacologic studies on menadione bisulfate indicad that its toxicity is relatively low. In man, doses approximately ten times as great as those generally recommended for therapeutic use, given daily for a period of one week. Redox cycling compounds, such as menadione, have the potential to effectively mitigate the toxicity of organophosphorus pesticides including parathion. Menadione bisulfite behaved as a competitive inhibitor of chicken muscle aldose reductase.
Pantothenic acid (known as Vitamin B5) is a water-soluble member of the B-vitamin family that is converted into 4’-phosphopantetheine, which is then converted to co-enzyme A (CoA) via adenosine triphosphate. Pantothenic acid regulates epidermal barrier function and keratinocytes differentiation via CoA metabolism. Pantothenic acid is incorporated into co-enzyme A and protects cells against peroxidative damage by increasing the level of glutathione. A recent feasibility study has also shown that daily oral supplementation of a nutritional agent containing pantothenic acid for 8 weeks was feasible and safe. It was discovered the different pharmacological implementation of pantothenic acid, such as treatment of acne, obesity. Existed some reports, mentioned efficacy using pantothenic acid in systemic lupus erythematosus. Significant reduction in morning stiffness, degree of disability, and severity of pain was reported for persons taking pantothenic acid in case of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Vitamin B5 may increase the effects of a group of drugs called cholinesterase inhibitors, which are used to treat Alzheimer's disease. That might lead to severe side effects.
US Previously Marketed
First marketed in 1934

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Sodium thiopental (also known as Sodium Pentothal, thiopental) was discovered in 1930s by investigators working for Abbott Laboratories. Thiopental sodium was used for the induction of general anesthesia and is used as an adjunct to provide hypnosis during balanced anesthesia with other anesthetic agents, including analgesics and muscle relaxants. Thiopental sodium was also used as an adjunct for control of convulsive disorders of various etiology, including those caused by local anesthetics. Finally, thiopental sodium had been used to reduce the intracranial pressure in patients with increased intracranial pressure, if controlled ventilation is provided. Nevertheless, these prescriptions of drug were discontinued. In addition, this drug was banned for use in US executions. Thiopental sodium acts through the CNS with particular activity in the mesencephalic reticular activating system. It was shown, that mechanism of action of sodium thiopental via GABAA receptor. Thiopental binds at a distinct binding site associated with a Cl- ionopore at the GABAA receptor, increasing the duration of time for which the Cl- ionopore is open. The post-synaptic inhibitory effect of GABA in the thalamus is, therefore, prolonged.
US Previously Marketed
First marketed in 1921
gentian violet
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Gentian violet ((GV) hexamethyl pararosaniline, also known as crystal violet, methyl violet) is a triphenylmethane dye with anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-helminithic, anti-trypanosomal, anti-angiogenic and anti-tumor properties. GV has a lengthy history and has been used successfully as monotherapy and an adjunct to treatment in a variety of diseases. Gentian violet interacts with negatively charged components of bacterial cells including the lipopolysaccharide (on the cell wall), the peptidoglycan and DNA. A similar cell penetration and DNA binding process is thought to take place for fungal cells as well. Because Gentian violet is a mutagen and mitotic poison, cell growth is consequently inhibited. A photodynamic action of gentian violet, apparently mediated by a free-radical mechanism, has recently been described in bacteria and in the protozoan T. cruzi. Evidence also suggests that gentian violet dissipates the bacterial (and mitochondrial) membrane potential by inducing permeability. This is followed by respiratory inhibition. This anti-mitochondrial activity might explain gentian violet's efficacy towards both bacteria and yeast with relatively mild effects on mammalian cells.
Silver iodide is an inorganic compound with the formula AgI. It is used as a photosensitive agent in photography, as a local antiseptic, as a chemical intermediate, and in cloud seeding for rain-making. The major hazards encountered in the use and handling of silver iodide stem from its toxicologic properties. Effects from exposure may include skin rashes, conjunctivitis, argyria (a permanent ashen-gray discoloration of skin, conjunctiva, and internal organs), headache, fever, hypersensitivity, laryngitis, and bronchitis.
US Previously Marketed
Stearic Acid U.S.P.
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First marketed in 1921
Stearic Acid U.S.P.
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Stearic Acid is a typical example of a fatty acid, which are essentially long hydrocarbon chains containing a carboxyl group at one end and a methyl group at the other. The chain lengths can vary from 3 (propionic acid) to 24 (lignoceric acid) but the majority of fatty acids found in hydrogenated vegetable or animal oils are around C16-C20 in length. Stearic acid is a saturated acid, since there are no double bonds between neighbouring carbon atoms. Stearic acid is found in various animal and plant fats, and is a major component of cocoa butter and shea butter. Stearic acid is a very common amino acid is used in the manufacturing of more than 3,200 skin and hair care products sold in the United States. On product labels, it is sometimes listed under other names, including Century 1240, cetylacetic acid, Emersol 120, Emersol 132, Emersol 150, Formula 300 and Glycon DP. Stearic Acid is mainly used in the production of detergents, soaps, and cosmetics such as shampoos and shaving cream products. Stearic acid is used along with castor oil for preparing softeners in textile sizing. Being inexpensively available and chemically benign, stearic acid finds many niche applications It is used in the manufacture of candles, and as a hardener in candies when mixed with simple sugar and corn syrup. It is also used to produce dietary supplements. In fireworks, stearic acid is often used to coat metal powders such as aluminum and iron. This prevents oxidation, allowing compositions to be stored for a longer period of time. Stearic acid is a common lubricant during injection molding and pressing of ceramic powders. It is also used as a mold release for foam latex that is baked in stone molds. Stearic acid is known antidiabetic and antioxidant agent.
US Previously Marketed
Benzosulphinide U.S.P.
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First marketed in 1921
Benzosulphinide U.S.P.
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Saccharin is the most established of the artificial sweeteners on the market, this mixture of dextrose and saccharin has been in use for over a century and is found in diet versions of soft drinks. It is 300-500 times sweeter than sugar and contains zero calories. In 1977, the FDA tried to ban its use after evidence showed it caused cancer in rats. Extensive lobbying by the diet food industry allowed products to stay on the shelves as long as they carried warnings about the cancer risks in animals. This warning was removed in 2001 when the Calorie Control Council insisted the link between animal and human cancers could not automatically be made. Consumption of saccharin-sweetened products can benefit diabetics as the substance goes directly through the human digestive system without being digested. While saccharin has no food energy, it can trigger the release of insulin in humans due to its sweet taste. The T1R2/R3 sweet taste receptor exist on the surface of pancreatic beta cells. Saccharin is a unique in that it inhibits glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS) at submaximal and maximal glucose concentrations, with the other sweeteners having no effect. Investigation of saccharin’s dose-response characteristics showed that concentrations of 0.1 and 0.5 mM stimulated insulin secretion, while concentrations of 1 and 2.5 mM inhibited insulin secretion. Saccharin’s effect on insulin secretion was shown to be reversible in INS-1 832/13 clonal pancreatic beta cells after chronic exposure to 1 mM saccharin. Artificial sweeteners may affect insulin secretion via interaction with the sweet taste receptor, also saccharin may affect other cellular processes linked to insulin secretion, and that these effects are both time- and concentration-dependent
US Previously Marketed
Hydrochloric Acid U.S.P.
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First marketed in 1921
Hydrochloric Acid U.S.P.
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HYDROCHLORIC ACID is formed by dissolving hydrogen chloride gas in water. It is a strong corrosive acid that is commonly used as a laboratory reagent. Also, it constitutes the majority of gastric acid, the human digestive fluid. Skin contact with HYDROCHLORIC ACID can cause redness, pain, and severe skin burns. It may cause severe burns to the eye and permanent eye damage.
US Previously Marketed
Sugar of Milk U.S.P.
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First marketed in 1921
Sugar of Milk U.S.P.
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Lactose is the most important carbohydrate in the milk of most species. Its biosynthesis takes place in the mammary gland. The molecular structures of α- and β -lactose differ in the orientation of a hydrogen- and a hydroxyl group on carbon atom no.1 in the glucose moiety. Both forms change into one another continuously. At room temperature, the equilibrium results in a ratio of about 40% α-lactose and 60% β-lactose. The fact that two forms of lactose exist which differ in molecular structure has profound effects on various properties of lactose such as crystallization behavior, crystal morphology, solid-state properties, and solubility. The intestine does not actively absorb lactose unless it is split into its two-monosaccharide components, i.e. glucose and galactose. This hydrolysis of lactose is affected by the enzyme lactase, which is produced by the epithelium cells in the brush-border of the small intestine. Thus, the capacity of mammals to digest lactose is dependent on the lactase activity in the intestine. The maximum activity of the enzyme occurs shortly after birth and declines during the weaning period, after which it remains at a relatively constant level. Genetically determined factors governing residual lactase activity also exist. Individuals having low lactase activity are called lactose malabsorbers. Lactose intolerance is a condition in which people have symptoms due to the decreased ability to digest lactose. The principal symptom of lactose intolerance is an adverse reaction to products containing lactose (primarily milk), including abdominal bloating and cramps, flatulence, diarrhea, nausea, borborygmi, and vomiting (particularly in adolescents). These appear one-half to two hours after consumption.

Showing 1151 - 1160 of 1222 results