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Showing 101 - 110 of 195 results

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Clothiapine is a neuroleptic of dibenzoepine class that ise used for the treatment of mental disorders. It is supposed that clothiapine acts by blocking GABA (A) receptors. The drug is marketed in some European countries under the name Entumin.
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Acepromazine a potent neuroleptic agent with a low order of toxicity, is of particular value in the tranquilization of dogs, cats and horses. Its rapid action and lack of hypnotic effect are added advantages. Acepromazine is a commonly used tranquilizer/sedative in dogs, cats, horses, and other animals. Veterinarians typically prescribe acepromazine to quiet agitated animals or use it as a part of an anesthetic protocol. It is important to note that when used alone, acepromazine is not an effective pain reliever and does little if anything to relieve a pet’s anxiety or fear. Acepromazine can also be used to treat motion sickness and nausea associated with car or plane rides. The mechanism by which acepromazine decreases a pet’s alertness is not fully understood. It is thought to block dopamine receptors in the brain or inhibit the activity of dopamine in other ways.
Possibly Marketed Outside US

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Creatinine is a product of metabolism of creatine phosphate, a molecule that serves as a rapidly mobilizable reserve of a brain and skeletal muscle. Creatinine is excreted by kidneys with little or no reabsorption. Serum creatinine is the most commonly used indicator of renal function.
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Ibopamine is the prodrug of epinine or N-methyl dopamine. Ibopamine stimulates the DA1 and DA2 dopaminergic receptors, the beta 1 and beta 2 adrenoceptors, and the alpha 1 and alpha 2 adrenoceptors. Ibopamine has varying degrees of affinity for these various families, being the highest for the dopamine receptors and the lowest for the alpha adrenergic receptors. Ibopamine reduces systemic vascular resistance, increases cardiac output, and increases renal flow. Ibopamine also modulates the neuroendocrine reflexes in heart failure; plasma renin activity and norepinephrine and aldosterone plasma concentrations are reduced, both immediately and during sustained administration. In patients with heart failure (HF), low doses appear to exert beneficial neurohormonal, hemodynamic, and renal effects, without increased inotropic effects. However, at higher doses (> 200 mg) ibopamine exerts effects that do not appear to be clinically useful in long-term treatment of chronic HF. Several small trials have suggested a benefit of ibopamine on exercise performance in patients with mild to moderate HF. On the basis of these studies, ibopamine is now being used in Europe to treat patients with mild to moderate congestive heart failure (CHF). At doses of 100 or 200 mg/t.i.d., there has been no evidence of significant safety problems. Ibopamine was used in Europe to treat heart failure. In 1995, a study showed that ibopamine increased death rates in patients who had moderate to severe heart failure. In September 1995, doctors and pharmacists in the Netherlands were officially notified that ibopamine should be used only in patients with mild heart failure. Moreover, the official recommendations for when to use ibopamine were changed according to whether patients had mild or severe heart failure. Ibopamine, a sympathomimetic drug, is used in ophthalmology. t has a not-cycloplegic mydriatic activity. Its peak of action is at 45 minutes after instillation in the conjunctival sac. Its action lasts after about 360 minutes. Its D1-dopaminergic stimulation increases the aqueous humor production and it is a provocative test for evaluating the function of aqueous humor outflow structures also in relatives of glaucomatous patients. It is also useful to treat ocular hypotension. Its main use is in every ophthalmological assessment, either diagnostic or preoperative, where the cycloplegia is not adviced. It is useful for the safe mydriasis of patients treated with α-1 adrenergic receptor antagonists.
Possibly Marketed Outside US
Japan:Tiapride Hydrochloride
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Tiapride is a drug that selectively blocks D2 and D3 dopamine receptors in the brain. It is used to treat a variety of neurological and psychiatric disorders including dyskinesia, alcohol withdrawal syndrome, negative symptoms of psychosis, and agitation and aggression in the elderly. A derivative of benzamide, tiapride is chemically and functionally similar to other benzamide antipsychotics such as sulpiride and amisulpride known for their dopamine antagonist effects. Tiapride is marketed under various trade names and is widely available outside of the United States. The most common trade name for tiapride is Tiapridal, which is used throughout Europe, Russia, as well as parts of South America, the Middle East, and North Africa. It is also sold under different names in Italy (Italprid, Sereprile), Japan (Tialaread, Tiaryl, Tiaprim, Tiaprizal), Chile (Sereprid), Germany (Tiaprid, Tiapridex), and China (Tiapride).
Possibly Marketed Outside US
UK NHS:Oxypertine
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Oxypertine (Equipertine, Forit, Integrin, Lanturil, Lotawin, Opertil) is a neuroleptic drug and was originally introduced as a treatment for schizophrenia in the 1960s. Oxypertine is an indole derivative with general properties similar to those of the phenothiazine, chlorpromazine. It has been given by mouth in the treatment of various psychoses including schizophrenia, mania, and disturbed behaviour, and of severe anxiety. Like reserpine and tetrabenazine, oxypertine depletes catecholamines, though not serotonin, possibly underlying its neuroleptic efficacy. The molecular structure is strongly similar to solypertine and milipertine.
Possibly Marketed Outside US
UK NHS:Sertindole
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Sertindole (brand names: "Serdolect" and "Serlect") is an antipsychotic medication. Sertindole was developed by the Danish pharmaceutical company Lundbeck and marketed under license by Abbott Labs. Like other atypical antipsychotics, it has activity at dopamine and serotonin receptors in the brain. It is used in the treatment of schizophrenia. Sertindole is not approved for use in the United States and was discontinued in Australia in January 2014. In Europe, sertindole was approved and marketed in 19 countries from 1996, but its marketing authorization was suspended by the European Medicines Agency in 1998 and the drug was withdrawn from the market. In 2002, based on new data, the EMA's CHMP suggested that Sertindole could be reintroduced for restricted use in clinical trials, with strong safeguards including extensive contraindications and warnings for patients at risk of cardiac dysrhythmias, a recommended reduction in maximum dose from 24 mg to 20 mg in all but exceptional cases, and extensive ECG monitoring requirement before and during treatment.
Possibly Marketed Outside US
NCT02020408: Phase 4 Interventional Completed Eating Disorder
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Raclopride is a salicylamide neuroleptic, that acts as a selective antagonist of D2 dopamine receptors both in vitro and in vivo. Tritium-labelled raclopride has properties that demonstrate its usefulness as a radioligand for the labelling of dopamine-D2 receptors : 3H-Raclopride has a high affinity for the rat and human dopamine-D2 receptors, the non-specific binding of 3H-raclopride is very low, not exceeding 5% of the total binding and the distribution of the 3H-raclopride binding sites in the brain closely correlates with the dopaminergic innervation. The binding of 3H-raclopride is blocked by dopamine-D2 agonists and antagonists, while the D1 agonist SKF 38393 and the Dl antagonist SCH 23390 have much less potency. The interaction of dopamine with 3H-raclopride binding results in a shallow competition curve, which suggests that 3H-raclopride, similar to other dopamine-D2 radioligands, labels both high and low agonist affinity states of the dopamine-D2 receptor. The in vivo receptor binding studies performed with 3H-raclopride also demonstrate its favorable properties as a dopamine-D2 receptor marker in vivo In contrast to some other compounds used as radioligands, raclopride enters the brain readily and binds with a low component of non-specific binding in all dopamine-rich brain areas. A saturation curve may be achieved in vivo binding studies since injections of increasing concentrations of 3H-raclopride appears to be saturated at concentrations above 25 mkCi (corresponding to approximately 5 nmol/kg). Raclopride antagonizes apomorphine-induced hyperactivity in the rat at low doses (ED50 = 130 nM/kg i.p.) but induces catalepsy only at much higher doses (ED50 = 27 mkM/kg i.p.). Radiolabelled raclopride has been used as a ligand for in vitro and in vivo autoradiography in rat and primate brains. Raclopride C 11 is used with positron emission tomography (PET) as a clinical research tool to determine dopamine type 2 (D 2) receptor density in the human brain under normal and pathological conditions. For example, raclopride C 11 used in PET studies has served to confirm the age-related decrease in striatal dopamine D2 receptor density, which may be associated with a decline in the motor as well as cognitive functions. In patients with Alzheimer's disease, raclopride C 11 may be used to examine neuroreceptor distribution and quantities, which may help in the analysis of degenerative alterations of neuron populations and neuroreceptor systems in patients with this disease. In Huntington's disease, in which degeneration of neostriatal interneurons occurs (postsynaptic to the dopaminergic input), specific binding of raclopride C 11 to D 2 receptors may serve as one of the parameters in predicting performance in cognitive tasks.
Possibly Marketed Outside US
UK NHS:Sulpiride
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Sulpiride is an atypical antipsychotic drug (although some texts have referred to it as a typical antipsychotic) of the benzamide class used mainly in the treatment of psychosis associated with schizophrenia and major depressive disorder, and sometimes used in low dosage to treat anxiety and mild depression. Sulpiride is commonly used in Europe, Russia and Japan. Sulpiride is a selective antagonist at dopamine D2 and D3 receptors. This action dominates in doses exceeding 600 mg daily. In doses of 600 to 1,600 mg sulpiride shows mild sedating and antipsychotic activity. Its antipsychotic potency compared to chlorpromazine is only 0.2 (1/5). In low doses (in particular 50 to 200 mg daily) its prominent feature is antagonism of presynaptic inhibitory dopamine receptors accounting for some antidepressant activity and a stimulating effect. Therefore, it is in these doses used as a second line antidepressant. Racemic and L-sulpiride significantly decreased stimulated serum gastrin concentration, but they did not affect fasting serum gastrin or basal and stimulated gastric acidity. D-sulpiride significantly decreased gastric acid secretion, without affecting serum gastrin levels.
Talipexole is a D2 receptor agonist which was marketed in June 1996 in Japan for the treatment of Parkinson's disease. Clinical trials with talipexole in patients with Parkinson's disease demonstrated statistically significant improvements from baseline for parkinsonian symptoms including akinesia, rigidity, tremor and gait disturbances.

Showing 101 - 110 of 195 results