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Showing 12671 - 12680 of 12951 results

Possibly Marketed Outside US

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levomethadone, or R-(−)-methadone, is the active enantiomer of methadone; having approximately 50x the potency of the S-(+)-enantiomer as well as greater μ-opioid receptor selectivity.
Possibly Marketed Outside US
Japan:Monosodium Fumarate
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3-Aminopropionitrile (Beta-amino-propionitrile, BAPN) is a toxic constituent from lathyrus plants. BAPN found in lathyrus odoratus (our more common garden sweet pea plant) is thought to be responsible for osteolathyrism due to irreversible inhibition of lysyl oxidase (LOX), an enzyme necessary for the covalent cross-linking of tropocollagen molecules during the maturation of mature collagen. BAPN demonstrated in antimetastatic and antimyelofibrotic activity in vivo due to inhibition of LOX.
Possibly Marketed Outside US
Prolopa Cap 200-50 by Hoffmann La Roche [Canada]
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Benserazide is a peripherally-acting aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase (AADC) or DOPA decarboxylase inhibitor. Benserazide is only used in conjunction with L-dopa for the treatment of Parkinson's disease under the brand name Madopar in the UK. Madopar HBS (125 mg) is a controlled-release dosage form with 100 mg L-dopa and 25 mg benserazide.
Possibly Marketed Outside US
Japan:Proxazole Citrate
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Class (Stereo):

Proxazole Citrate is a spasmolytic papaverine-like agent used for functional gastrointestinal disorders in veterinary and acute renal insufficiency. In animal models, Proxazole has antitussive, antispasmodic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and antipyretic activities. Proxazole has veterinary uses against gastritis, infective and non-infective gastro-enteritis, urethritis, cystitis and spastic states with an inflammatory component of the smooth muscles of the digestive and genito-urinary systems. Proxazole is excreted both in feces and urine mainly as inactive metabolites.
Possibly Marketed Outside US
Japan:Pirenzepine Hydrochloride
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Pirenzepine is a M1 muscarinic receptor antagonist, which is prescribed for the treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcer in Europe. The drug preferentially acts on the gastric mucosa to inhibit secretion of both gastric acid and pepsin. Experiment with healthy volunteers demonstrated that pirenzepine passes the blood-brain barrier, but only to a small extent.
Possibly Marketed Outside US

Class (Stereo):

Propionylpromazine is used as a neuroleptic to combat stress in pets and farm animals. The main use is to combat stress in the transport of pigs. Propionylpromazine was in common use in veterinary practice in the 1950s and 1960s. Propionylpromazine is of interest to JECFA because of the illicit use at pharmacological dosage (< 1 mg/kg i.m.) in the immediate pre-slaughter period.
Possibly Marketed Outside US

Class (Stereo):

Unithiol was developed in the Soviet Union in the late 1950s. It only became more widely used in America and Western Europe since the mid-1970s, and particularly since the late 1970s when the Heyl Company in Germany began production. It remained the mainstay of chelation treatment of arsenic and mercury intoxication for more than half a century. Unithiol has been used in the management of acute and chronic poisoning with a number of different metals and metalloids, and is particularly useful for arsenic, bismuth and mercury. Unithiol can be given parenterally or orally depending on the clinical situation and severity of poisoning. Its action mechanism is close that of complexones. Active sulfhydryl groups enter into reactions with thiol poisons present in blood and tissues, form not toxic complex with them eliminated with urine. The poisons fixation results in the body enzyme systems changed under the poisons effect functions restoration. It is efficient as an antidote in case of intoxications by arsenic and heavy metals salts.
Possibly Marketed Outside US

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Hydroquinine (Inhibin®) has been approved for marketing in the Netherlands for the treatment of nocturnal cramps when treatment with drugs is considered necessary. It is available in the Netherlands since March 1990 as an over-the-counter drug with a dose of 200 mg with the evening meal and a further 100 mg at bedtime for 14 days. Hydroquinine also has antimalarial and demelanizing activity. It might be used to lightens light brown color patches on skin, age spots, skin discolorations associated with pregnancy, skin trauma or taking birth control pills. Hydroquinine is used in skin lightening creams and lotions because it is an effective bleaching agent, slowing the production of the tyrosinase enzyme and reducing the amount of melanin formed.
Possibly Marketed Outside US

Class (Stereo):

Hydroquinine (Inhibin®) has been approved for marketing in the Netherlands for the treatment of nocturnal cramps when treatment with drugs is considered necessary. It is available in the Netherlands since March 1990 as an over-the-counter drug with a dose of 200 mg with the evening meal and a further 100 mg at bedtime for 14 days. Hydroquinine also has antimalarial and demelanizing activity. It might be used to lightens light brown color patches on skin, age spots, skin discolorations associated with pregnancy, skin trauma or taking birth control pills. Hydroquinine is used in skin lightening creams and lotions because it is an effective bleaching agent, slowing the production of the tyrosinase enzyme and reducing the amount of melanin formed.
Possibly Marketed Outside US
UK NHS:Dopexamine hydrochloride
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Class (Stereo):

Dopexamine hydrochloride is a synthetic catecholamine, structurally related to dopamine, with marked intrinsic agonist activity at beta 2-adrenoceptors, lesser agonist activity at dopamine DA1- and DA2-receptors and beta 1-adrenoceptors, and an inhibitory action on the neuronal catecholamine uptake mechanism. The drug is administered by intravenous infusion, and is characterized by a rapid onset and short duration of action. Dopexamine is being tested as a treatment for heart failure and sepsis.

Showing 12671 - 12680 of 12951 results