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Showing 381 - 390 of 667 results

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Algestone acetophenide, also known as dihydroxyprogesterone acetophenide, is an agonist of the progesterone receptor. Algestone acetophenide in combination with estradiol enanthate is sold under the brand name Deladroxate as a form of long-lasting injectable birth control. The combination provides simultaneously prolonged progestational and estrogenic activities both of which are maintained at effective levels for approximately three weeks after the intramuscular injection of a single dose.
Possibly Marketed Outside US
UK NHS:Benorilate
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Benorilate is an aspirin-paracetamol ester with analgesic, antiinflammatory, and antipyretic properties. After absorption, it is rapidly metabolised to salicylate and paracetamol. It has been used orally in the treatment of mild to moderate pain and fever. It has also been used in osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and soft-tissue rheumatism. Associated adverse reactions: nausea, diarrhea or constipation, digestive disorders or heartburn, occasionally - a transient skin rash, and sleepiness. Benoral should not be administered concomitantly with probenecid or any other uricosuric agents that decrease tubular reabsorption as any form of salicylate antagonises this effect when given in doses of less than 5 gm per day.
Stilamin - Pws IV 3mg/amp by Emd Serono, A Division Of Emd Inc., Canada [Canada]
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Laropiprant is a drug, which was used in combination with nicotinic acid (also known as niacin) and was known under tradename: tredaptive. Tredaptive was indicated as adjunctive therapy to diet for use in patients with primary hypercholesterolaemia (heterozygous familial and non-familial) or mixed dyslipidaemia. The marketing authorisation for Tredaptive has been withdrawn at the request of the marketing-authorisation holder due to increases in side effects with no cardiovascular benefit. Laropiprant is a selective antagonist of the prostaglandin D(2) (PGD(2)) receptor subtype 1 (DP1). It also has the affinity to interact with thromboxane A2 receptor (TP), although it is approximately 190-fold less potent when compared to DP1. Activation of TP has been shown to induce platelet aggregation in vitro, whereas activation of human platelet DP1 inhibits platelet aggregation. These in vitro data indicate that laropiprant may alter platelet function either by enhancement of platelet reactivity through DP1 antagonism or by inhibition of platelet aggregation through TP antagonism. Also were clinical trials phase II for the laropiprant alone, there were shown, that drug did not demonstrate efficacy in asthmatic patients or patients with allergic rhinitis.
First approved in 1989


Norgestimate is a steroidal progestin of the 19-nortestosterone group that is used in combination with ethinylestradiol as an oral contraceptive and for treatment of acne. and in combination with estradiol in menopausal hormone replacement therapy. Norgestimate shows high selectivity for the progesterone receptor and low androgenic activity.
First approved in 1940
Ephynal Acetate by Hoffmann-La Roche
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It is known that Vitamin E, traditionally known as α¬ tocopherol, is a mixture of eight different compounds, four tocopherols and four tocotrienols, each one being designated as α, β, γ and δ forms. The two groups differ in the hydrophobic tridecyl side chain which is saturated (phytyl) in tocopherols and unsaturated having three double bonds (geranyl) in tocotrienols. During the last few years, it has been found that all the eight forms are biologically active and perform specific functions. Clinical research has shown that mixture of tocotrienols and tocopherols offer synergistic protective action against heart ailments and cancer that is not exclusively offered by α¬tocopherol. The other advantage of mixed tocopherols and tocotrienols is their role in slowing down aging. Diseases like diabetes 1 and 2, autoimmune diseases, bacterial and viral infections, Alzheimer disease, fungal (Candida) infections are prevented by these compounds. It helps in the maintenance of bones, muscles, eyes (vision), memory, sleep, lungs, infertility, skin and wrinkles. Although all forms of Vitamin E exhibit antioxidant activity, it is known that the antioxidant activity of vitamin E is not sufficient to explain the vitamin's biological activity. Vitamin E's anti-atherogenic activity involves the inhibition of the oxidation of LDL and the accumulation of oxLDL in the arterial wall. Vitamin E's antithrombotic and anticoagulant activities involves the downregulation of the expression of intracellular cell adhesion molecule(ICAM)-1 and vascular cell adhesion molecule(VCAM)-1 that lowers the adhesion of blood components to the endothelium. Its antioxidant effects explain the neuroprotective effects of vitamin E. The immunomodulatory effects of Vitamin E have been demonstrated in vitro, where alpha-tocopherol increases mitogenic response of T lymphocytes from aged mice. The mechanism of this response by vitamin E is not well understood, however it has been suggested that vitamin E itself may have mitogenic activity independent of its antioxidant activity. The mechanism of action of vitamin E's antiviral effects (primarily against HIV-1) involves its antioxidant activity. Vitamin E reduces oxidative stress, which is thought to contribute to HIV-1 pathogenesis, as well as to the pathogenesis of other viral infections. Vitamin E also affects membrane integrity and fluidity and, since HIV-1 is a membraned virus, altering membrane fluidity of HIV-1 may interfere with its ability to bind to cell-receptor sites, thus decreasing its infectivity.


Possibly Marketed Outside US
Octaplasma by Octapharma Pharmazeutika Produktionsges M B H [Canada]
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Showing 381 - 390 of 667 results