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Showing 361 - 370 of 693 results

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Uric acid, generated from the metabolism of purines, has proven and emerging roles in human disease. Humans produce large quantities of uric acid. Excess serum accumulation of uric acid can lead to a type of arthritis known as gout. Hyperuricemia may increase risk factors for cardiovascular disease. High serum uric acid was associated with higher risk of type 2 diabetes and other diseases.
Possibly Marketed Outside US
Dermabliss 3-IN-1 MEDICATED ALLERGY WIPES by Vetnique Labs Llc
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Glucuronic acid is a sugar acid that was first identified in urine. It is an intermediate metabolite of the uronic acid pathway. Moreover, glucuronic acid is involved in detoxification of certain drugs and toxins by conjugating with them and forming glucuronides. Glucuronic acid has been found to cause an increase in TLR4-dependent reporter protein expression in a cell line transfected with TLR4 and associated co-signaling molecules, and can cause TLR4-dependent pain in humans.
Possibly Marketed Outside US
Clasteon by Sunovion [Canada]
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Clodronate (also known as clodronic acid) is a drug used to treat a high level of calcium in the blood caused by changes in the body that happen with cancer. Clodronate is approved in some countries and is sold under trade trade name bonefos for oral use. Bonefos is indicated in the management of osteolytic lesions, hypercalcemia and bone pain associated with skeletal metastases in patients with carcinoma of the breast or multiple myeloma. Bonefos is also indicated for the maintenance of clinically acceptable serum calcium levels in patients with hypercalcemia of malignancy initially treated with an intravenous bisphosphonate. Bonefos forms complexes with divalent metal ions, and therefore simultaneous administration with food, antacids and mineral supplements may impair absorption. It was suggested, that the mechanism of action of clodronate was involved osteoclast apoptosis.
Palmitoleic acid, commonly known as omega-7, is a rare monounsatured fatty acid, which was generally reported to benefit the skin in promoting epithelialisation, and certain gynaecological problems (vaginal mycoses). Until now, sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides), a shrub widely found in Europe and Asia, and macadamia nuts have been the principal sources. Palmitoleic acid (PMA) has anti-inflammatory and antidiabetic activities. Palmitoleic acid is a gap junction uncoupler.
Possibly Marketed Outside US
LipoGel CR Base by Southeastern Medical Technologies
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First approved in 2013
LipoGel CR Base by Southeastern Medical Technologies
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Possibly Marketed Outside US
Vita-Rx Diabetic Vitamin by Pure Source, Llc
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First approved in 2013
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Methylcobalamin (also known as mecobalamin, MeCbl, or MeB12) is one of the two forms of biologically active vitamin B12. Methyl-B12 is the principal form of circulating vitamin B12, hence the form, which is transported into peripheral tissue. Methylcobalamin is absorbed by the intestine by a specific mechanism, which uses the intrinsic factor, and by a diffusion process in which approximately 1% of the ingested dose is absorbed. Cyanocobalamin and hydroxycobalamin are forms of the vitamin that require conversion to methylcobalamin. Methylcobalamin alone or in combination with others compound are used to treat different diseases. Being a component of CEREFOLIN NAC it is used to treat Alzheimer's dementia. As a part of METANX® tablets is used for the dietary management of endothelial dysfunction in patients with diabetic peripheral neuropathy. Methylcobalamin exerted therapeutic effects on neuropathic pain in diabetics, possibly through its neurosynthesis and neuroprotective actions. The possible mechanisms can be considered as follows. (1) Methylcobalamin improved nerve conduction velocity; (2) methylcobalamin promoted injured nerve regeneration, recovering the neuromuscular functions in peripheral hyperalgesia and allodynia; and (3) methylcobalamin inhibited the ectopic spontaneous discharges from peripheral primary sensory neurons in neuropathic pain states. Methylcobalamin is the only form that can cross the blood-brain barrier and so can directly protect brain cells from degeneration. While crossing the barrier, it also stimulates production of serotonin, a chemical neurotransmitter responsible for elevated mood; research where Alzheimer’s patients were administered methylcobalamin showcased improvements in memory, communication skills, and emotions. It also helps form the myelin sheath, the insular coating around nerve cells that allow for electrical impulses to travel through the nervous system more efficiently.
L-Theanine is a relaxing and nondietary amino acid found pretty much exclusively in teas from Camellia sinensis (alongside green tea catechins and caffeine) and is known to promote relaxation without sedation. It appears to be effective at this as well as reducing stress at standard dosages. L-theanine was discovered as a constituent of green tea in 1949 and was approved in Japan in 1964 for unlimited use in all foods, including chocolates, soft drinks, and herb teas, except infant foods. It also provides a unique umami (brothy or savory) taste and flavor to green tea infusion. L-theanine may help relieve stress by inducing a relaxing effect without drowsiness and may also possess immunologic attributes. Theanine may also have effects on the cardiovascular system and play a preventative role in cancer; however, limited clinical information is available to support these claims. L-Theanine and its positive effects on cognitive performance is one of its most important functions. Because of chemical structure of L-Theanine similar to glutamate it can act as a neurotransmitter related to memory. In a study made on rats, it was found out that L-Theanine modulated the serotonin and dopamine levels and increased learning skills with memory. In addition, it is stated that L-Theanine increases neuro - throphine mRNA level by activating its neuro - transmitter inhibiting system and supports the central nervous system that helps the development of brain functions. L-Theanine had a positive effect on memory and had positive effects on the treatment and prevention of Alzheimer. Theanine is an antagonist of the NMDA receptors (albeit with fairly weak efficacy) and can inhibit synaptic release of glutamate via blocking the transporter competitively. Theanine may also reduce glutamate levels, but this is also a fairly weak mechanism requiring a high concentration of theanine.
Possibly Marketed Outside US
CFR:21 CFR 357.210
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Arachidic acid, also known as eicosanoic, is a component of wild soybean. It is a saturated fatty acid, which is used for the production of detergents and lubricants, and was discovered to modulate expression of cyclooxygenase-2, an enzyme pivotal to skin inflammation and reparation.
Possibly Marketed Outside US
Folic-K by Foxland Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
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THIOCTIC ACID, also known as alpha-lipoic acid, is a vitamin-like antioxidant that acts as a free-radical scavenger. It exists in two enantiomeric forms, R and S, being the R isoform an essential cofactor of four mitochondrial enzyme complexes. THIOCTIC ACID is available as an over-the-counter nutritional supplement and has been used nutritionally and clinically since the 1950s for various diseases and conditions.

Showing 361 - 370 of 693 results