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Showing 31441 - 31450 of 31824 results

Possibly Marketed Outside US

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Tiazotic acid is an antioxidant. As tiazotic acid morpholinium salt it is marketed under the brand names Thiotriazoline, Tiokor among others in Russia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan as the treatment of ischemic heart diseases. It is proposed to be a hepatoprotective, wound-healing and antiviral agent. A comparative international multicenter randomized trial, assessed anti-anginal anti ischemic efficacy and safety of Trimetazidine (60 mg/d) and Thiotriazoline (600 mg/d) in symptomatic patients with chronic ischemic heart disease receiving the first line therapy. The study assessed the efficacy of the two drugs on total exercise duration, time to 1-mm ST segment depression, the number of angina attacks and nitroglycerin tablets consumed amount. Both drugs have demonstrated clinical efficacy equal for all primary and secondary endpoints. Thiotriazoline was also used for the he correction of hepatotoxicity during combined chemoradiotherapy for cancer patients.
Possibly Marketed Outside US
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(S)-Sulindac is the (S)-enantiomer of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) Sulindac, that is marketed in the U.S. by Merck as Clinoril. Sulindac is a prodrug, derived from sulfinyl-indene, that is converted in vivo to an active sulfide compound by liver methionine sulfoxide reductases (Msr). The (Msr) family of enzymes includes two major classes, MsrA and MsrB, that specifically reduce the S- and R-epimers of Sulindac. Reduction of (S)-Sulindac to Sulindac Sulfide catalyzed by methionine sulfoxide reductase (Msr)-A. The oxidation of both epimers to sulindac sulfone is catalyzed primarily by the microsomal cytochrome P450 (P450) system. (S)-Sulindac increases the activity of the P450 system better than (R)-sulindac, but both epimers increase primarily the enzymes that oxidize (R)-sulindac. Both epimers can protect normal lung cells against oxidative damage and enhance the killing of lung cancer cells exposed to oxidative stress.
Possibly Marketed Outside US
CFR:21 CFR 331.11
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D-(-)-tartaric acid is isomer of tartaric acid, that industrially produced in the largest amounts. D-(-)-Tartaric acid may be used in the preparation of enantiospecific homochiral cis-4-formyl β-lactams. It may also be used as a starting material in the synthesis of D-erythro-sphingosine and L-lyxo-phytosphingosine. D-(-)-tartaric acid is widely used as an acidizing agent for beverages and other foods, and this use is similar to citric acid. Tartaric acid can be used as an acid dye mordant when it is combined with tannin. It is also used for some development and fixing operations in the photographic industry. D-(-)-Tartaric Acid is used in the preparation of synthetic analgesics. Tartaric acid is metabolically inert in the human body. When taken by mouth, only about 20% of ingested tartrate is eliminated in the urine; the remainder is not absorbed as such since it is destroyed in the intestinal tract by bacterial action. Sodium tartrate in daily doses of up to 10 or even 20 g has been used in medical practice as a laxative.
Possibly Marketed Outside US
PMS-tiaprofenic by Pharmascience Inc [Canada]
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Class (Stereo):

Tiaprofenic acid is a non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory, analgesic compound, which nonselectively inhibits cyclooxygenase protein. Tiaprofenic acid was approved in Europe for the symptomatic relief of arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis and other inflammatory-rheumatic disorders as well as the painful conditions after injury.
Possibly Marketed Outside US

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Ritiometan, an antibacterial agent, is marketed under the trade name Necyrane for the treatment of colds and rhinopharyngitis for adults and children over 30 months.

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Dimecrotic acid is a choleretic agent with spasmolytic properties. It is obtained by reaction of resorcinol with acetoacetate to give 4-methyl-7-hydroxycoumarin. It is indicated for the treatment of hepato-digestive insufficiency and its manifestations. It shouldn’t be used in case of blockage of bile ducts, severe liver failure and severe renal impairment. Diarrhea may be associated with high doses of dimecrotic acid.
Possibly Marketed Outside US
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Sennoside B is a member of the class of sennosides that used as the laxative. Sennosides are used all over the world as a treatment for constipation. Sennosides are hydroxyanthracene glycosides derived from Senna leaves. The phytoconstituents principally responsible for its characteristic action are two anthraquinone glycosides namely; Sennoside A and Sennoside B. Sennoside A and B together are responsible for up to 40 – 60% activity of crude senna. They have identical molecular weights and formulae and are in fact diastereomers with the same substituent (H) located in opposite directions. Sennoside B has reported that it has inhibitory effects on PDGF receptor signaling and cell proliferation induced by PDGF-BB in human osteosarcoma cells.
Possibly Marketed Outside US

Class (Stereo):

TIANEPTINE, a tricyclic antidepressant, is a drug used for the treatment of the major depressive disorder. It was discovered by The French Society of Medical Research in the 1980s. Unlike other tricyclic antidepressants, TIANEPTINE is a selective serotonin reuptake enhancer with minimal effects on norepinephrine and dopamine uptake. Also, it is a full agonist at the mu-opioid and delta-opioid receptors with no effect at the kappa-opioid receptors. Selective mu-opioid agonists typically induce euphoria, which may contribute to TIANEPTINE's antidepressant effect. It is marketed as Coaxil/Stablon in many European countries, but it is not available in the US.
Possibly Marketed Outside US
Patent Blue Sodium Injection by Guerbet [Canada]
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Class (Stereo):

Patent Blue V (E-131) is a synthetic dye used as a food coloring. In Europe, it is used in beverages, preserves of red fruits, desserts, confectionary. In medicine, Patent Blue V is used as a contrast agent for visualizing lymphatic vessels. Patent Blue V is also used in dentistry in a disclosing tablet to demonstrate the presence of plaque on teeth.
Calcium dobesilate (brand name Doxium) is a veno-tonic drug, which is widely prescribed in more than 60 countries from Europe, Latin America, Asia and the Middle East for three main indications: chronic venous disease, diabetic retinopathy and the symptoms of haemorrhoidal attack. This drugs also in the phase III of clinical trial is an effective adjuvant therapy, with an absence of significant side-effects, in patients with venous ulcers and stasis dermatitis. It was suggested, that the inhibitory effect of calcium dobesilate on platelet function is mediated through the cyclic AMP pathway, and probably through activation of adenyl cyclase.

Showing 31441 - 31450 of 31824 results