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Showing 91 - 100 of 693 results

Mrtoprolol is a beta-adrenergic receptor blocking agent. In vitro and in vivo animal studies have shown that it has a preferential effect on beta-1 adrenoreceptors, chiefly located in cardiac muscle. Clinical pharmacology studies have confirmed the beta-blocking activity of metoprolol in man, as shown by (1) reduction in heart rate and cardiac output at rest and upon exercise, (2) reduction of systolic blood pressure upon exercise, (3) inhibition of isoproterenol-induced tachycardia, and (4) reduction of reflex orthostatic tachycardia. Mrtoprolol is indicated for the treatment of hypertension, angina pectoris and myocardial infarction
Sulindac is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agent (NSAIA) of the arylalkanoic acid class that is marketed in the U.S. by Merck as Clinoril. Like other NSAIAs, it may be used in the treatment of acute or chronic inflammatory conditions. Sulindac is a prodrug, derived from sulfinylindene, that is converted in vivo to an active sulfide compound by liver enzymes. The sulfide metabolite then undergoes enterohepatic circulation; it is excreted in the bile and then reabsorbed from the intestine. This is thought to help maintain constant blood levels with reduced gastrointestinal side effects. Some studies have shown sulindac to be relatively less irritating to the stomach than other NSAIA's except for drugs of the cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibitor class. The exact mechanism of its NSAIA properties is unknown, but it is thought to act on enzymes COX-1 and COX-2, inhibiting prostaglandin synthesis.
Cimetidine is a histamine H2-receptor antagonist. It reduces basal and nocturnal gastric acid secretion and a reduction in gastric volume, acidity, and amount of gastric acid released in response to stimuli including food, caffeine, insulin, betazole, or pentagastrin. It is used to treat gastrointestinal disorders such as gastric or duodenal ulcer, gastroesophageal reflux disease, and pathological hypersecretory conditions. Cimetidine inhibits many of the isoenzymes of the hepatic CYP450 enzyme system. Other actions of Cimetidine include an increase in gastric bacterial flora such as nitrate-reducing organisms. Cimetidine binds to an H2-receptor located on the basolateral membrane of the gastric parietal cell, blocking histamine effects. This competitive inhibition results in reduced gastric acid secretion and a reduction in gastric volume and acidity.
First approved in 1977

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Baclofen (brand names Kemstro, Lioresal, and Gablofen) is a derivative of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). Baclofen is a muscle relaxer and an antispastic agent and is used to treat muscle symptoms caused by multiple sclerosis, including spasm, pain, and stiffness. It is primarily used to treat spasticity and is under investigation for the treatment of alcoholism. Although baclofen is an analog of the putative inhibitory neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), there is no conclusive evidence that actions on GABA systems are involved in the production of its clinical effects. Baclofen is rapidly and extensively absorbed and eliminated. Absorption may be dose-dependent, being reduced with increasing doses. Baclofen is excreted primarily by the kidney in unchanged form and there is relatively large intersubjective variation in absorption and/or elimination. Baclofen is a direct agonist at GABA-B receptors. The precise mechanism of action of baclofen is not fully known. It is capable of inhibiting both monosynaptic and polysynaptic reflexes at the spinal level, possibly by hyperpolarization of afferent terminals, although actions at supraspinal sites may also occur and contribute to its clinical effect.
Fenoprofen is a propionic acid derivative with analgesic, antiinflammatory and antipyretic properties. Fenoprofen inhibits prostaglandin synthesis by decreasing the enzyme needed for biosynthesis. In patients with rheumatoid arthritis, the anti-inflammatory action of fenoprofen has been evidenced by relief of pain, increase in grip strength, and reductions in joint swelling, duration of morning stiffness, and disease activity (as assessed by both the investigator and the patient). In patients with osteoarthritis, the anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects of fenoprofen have been demonstrated by reduction in tenderness as a response to pressure and reductions in night pain, stiffness, swelling, and overall disease activity (as assessed by both the patient and the investigator). These effects have also been demonstrated by relief of pain with motion and at rest and increased range of motion in involved joints. In patients with rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis, clinical studies have shown fenoprofen to be comparable to aspirin in controlling the aforementioned measures of disease activity, but mild gastrointestinal reactions (nausea, dyspepsia) and tinnitus occurred less frequently in patients treated with fenoprofen than in aspirin-treated patients. It is not known whether fenoprofen causes less peptic ulceration than does aspirin. In patients with pain, the analgesic action of fenoprofen has produced a reduction in pain intensity, an increase in pain relief, improvement in total analgesia scores, and a sustained analgesic effect. Indicated for relief of the signs and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Also for the relief of mild to moderate pain.
First approved in 1976

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Tolmetin is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agent. It was marketed as Tolectin in USA. TOLECTIN (tolmetin sodium) is indicated for the relief of signs and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. TOLECTIN is indicated in the treatment of acute flares and the long-term management of the chronic disease. TOLECTIN is also indicated for treatment of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. The mode of action of tolmetin is not known. However, studies in laboratory animals and man have demonstrated that the anti-inflammatory action of tolmetin is not due to pituitary-adrenal stimulation. Tolmetin inhibits prostaglandin synthetase in vitro and lowers the plasma level of prostaglandin E in man. This reduction in prostaglandin synthesis may be responsible for the anti-inflammatory action.
Naproxen (naproxen sodium, NAPROSYN®) is a propionic acid derivative related to the arylacetic acid group of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). It is an anti-inflammatory agent with analgesic and antipyretic properties. Both the acid and its sodium salt are used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and other rheumatic or musculoskeletal disorders, dysmenorrhea, and acute gout. The mechanism of action of the naproxen (naproxen sodium, NAPROSYN®), like that of other NSAIDs, is not completely understood but involves inhibition of cyclooxygenase (COX-1 and COX-2).

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Sodium ferric gluconate complex (brand name Ferrlecit by Sanofi) is an intravenously administered iron product. Ferrlecit is an iron complex. It works by providing the body with its necessary level of iron. Ferric gluconate has been shown to be effective in dialysis and non-dialysis associated anemia of chronic kidney disease (CKD). It has also been shown to be effective in improving responses to EPO in chemotherapy induced anemia.
Mebendazole, known as Emverm is a (synthetic) broad-spectrum anthelmintic that acts by interfering with carbohydrate metabolism and inhibiting polymerization of microtubules. The loss of the cytoplasmic microtubules leads to impaired uptake of glucose by the larval and adult stages of the susceptible parasites, and depletes their glycogen stores. Degenerative changes in the endoplasmic reticulum, the mitochondria of the germinal layer, and the subsequent release of lysosomes result in decreased production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is the energy required for the survival of the helminth. Due to diminished energy production, the parasite is immobilized and eventually dies. Emverm tablets are used for the treatment of Enterobius vermicularis (pinworm), Trichuris trichiura (whipworm), Ascaris lumbricoides (common roundworm), Ancylostoma duodenale (common hookworm), Necator americanus (American hookworm) in single or mixed infections. All metabolites are devoid of anthelmintic activity. In man, approximately 2% of administered mebendazole is excreted in urine and the remainder in the feces as unchanged drug or a primary metabolite. Preliminary evidence suggests that cimetidine inhibits mebendazole metabolism and may result in an increase in plasma concentrations drug. Mebendazole sometimes causes diarrhea, abdominal pain, and elevated liver enzymes. In rare cases, it has been associated with a dangerously low white blood cell count, low platelet count, and hair loss, with a risk of agranulocytosis in rare cases
Aldoxorubicin (INNO-206) is a tumor-targeted doxorubicin conjugate developed by CytRx for treating relapsed and refractory sarcomas, especially L-sarcomas. Aldoxorubicin is a rationally-engineered cytotoxic which delivers a well-established anti-cancer agent, doxorubicin, into the tumor. Currently, in late-stage clinical trials, Aldoxorubicin appears to overcome the key limitations of doxorubicin, including cumulative dose restrictions. Aldoxorubicin utilizes an acid-sensitive linker that selectively binds to albumin, which may allow the cytotoxic payload to preferentially accumulate in the tumor and potentially spare the surrounding healthy tissue. This mechanism leverages the tumor's low pH environment and accompanying dependency upon circulating albumin to fuel growth, to enable the delivery of multifold times the standard dosing of doxorubicin. The preferential uptake of Aldoxorubicin by tumor tissue and the acid sensitive release of doxorubicin allow for Aldoxorubicin to be a very promising anticancer agent. In phase I and II trials, Aldoxorubicin demonstrates superior efficacy over doxorubicin. Although the studies were not powered for OS, Aldoxorubicin shows improved PFS and tumor response in comparison to doxorubicin. The safety profile was also comparable to that of doxorubicin. Similarly, results from the recent phase III study showed a benefit in PFS in the leiomyosarcoma subtypes.