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Showing 51 - 60 of 529 results

First marketed in 1921
Sodium Glycerophosphate U.S.P.
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Synthetic glycerophosphates have been known for many years and have been prepared in several ways. The acid may exist in two isomeric forms, alpha and beta. The L-a-acid is the naturally occurring form; the b-acid, present in hydrolyzates of lecithins from natural sources, arises from migration of the phosphoryl group from the a-carbon atom. Dehydrogenation of L-glycerol 3-phosphate produces Dihydroxyacetone phosphate and is part of the entry of glycerol (sourced from triglycerides) into the glycolytic pathway.
Methenamine is an antibacterial agent for preventing recurrent urinary tract infection. It can be used as methenamine hippurate or methenamine mandelate preparations and is United States Food and Drug Administration-approved. Methenamine exerts its activity because it is hydrolyzed to formaldehyde in acid urine.
First marketed in 1827

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Morphine is one of the most important and widely used opioid for the treatment of chronic and acute pain: the very wide interindividual variability in the patients’ response to the drug may have genetic derivations. Sulphate salt of morphine sold under the many brand names, one of them, DURAMORPH, which is indicated for the management of pain severe enough to require use of an opioid analgesic by intravenous administration, and for which alternative treatments are not expected to be adequate. In addition for the epidural or intrathecal management of pain without attendant loss of motor, sensory, or sympathetic function. Morphine is a full opioid agonist and is relatively selective for the mu-opioid receptor, although it can bind to other opioid receptors at higher doses. The principal therapeutic action of morphine is analgesia. Like all full opioid agonists, there is no ceiling effect for analgesia with morphine. The precise mechanism of the analgesic action is unknown. However, specific CNS opioid receptors for endogenous compounds with opioid-like activity have been identified throughout the brain and spinal cord and are thought to play a role in the analgesic effects of this drug. Morphine has a high potential for addiction and abuse. Common side effects include drowsiness, vomiting, and constipation. Caution is advised when used during pregnancy or breast-feeding, as morphine will affect the baby.
First marketed in 0652
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Alcohols exhibit rapid broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity against vegetative bacteria (including mycobacteria), viruses, and fungi but are not sporicidal. They are, however, known to inhibit sporulation and spore germination, but this effect is reversible. Because of the lack of sporicidal activity, alcohols are not recommended for sterilization but are widely used for both hard-surface disinfection and skin antisepsis. Lower concentrations may also be used as preservatives and to potentiate the activity of other biocides. Many alcohol products include low levels of other biocides (in particular chlorhexidine), which remain on the skin following evaporation of the alcohol, or excipients (including emollients), which decrease the evaporation time of the alcohol and can significantly increase product efficacy. Ethanol in combination with: chlorhexidine gluconate 1% was approved to use in surgical hand antiseptic. It significantly reduces the number of microorganisms on the hands and forearms prior to surgery or patient care. Ethanol is also used as a co-solvent to dissolve many insoluble drugs and to serve as a mild sedative in some medicinal formulations. Ethanol is metabolized by the hepatic enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase. Ethanol affects the brain’s neurons in several ways. It alters their membranes as well as their ion channels, enzymes, and receptors. Alcohol also binds directly to the receptors for acetylcholine, serotonin, GABA, and the NMDA receptors for glutamate. The sedative effects of ethanol are mediated through binding to GABA receptors and glycine receptors (alpha 1 and alpha 2 subunits). It also inhibits NMDA receptor functioning. In its role as an anti-infective, ethanol acts as an osmolyte or dehydrating agent that disrupts the osmotic balance across cell membranes.
US Approved OTC
21 CFR 349.18(d) ophthalmic:vasoconstrictor tetrahydrozoline hydrochloride
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First approved in 1954
Tyzine by Pfizer
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Tetrahydrozoline is an alpha adrenergic receptor agonist, which is used in form of nasal solution or spray (Tyzin) for decongestion of nasal and nasopharyngeal mucosa.
US Approved OTC
21 CFR 331.11(i)(1) antacid:aluminum-containing aluminum phosphate
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First approved in 1942
Phosphaljel by Wyeth
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Kasal (Sodium Aluminum Phosphate, basic, non-leavening) is a white odorless powder comprised of an autogenous mixture of alkaline sodium aluminum phosphate and dibasic sodium phosphate. Kasal is used primarily as an emulsifier in the production of processed cheese.
US Approved OTC
21 CFR 341.14(a)(2)(ii) cough/cold:antitussive codeine phosphate
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First marketed in 1921
Codeine Sulphate U.S.P.
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Codeine is an opiate used to manage mild to moderate pain severe enough to require an opioid. Codeine is a selective agonist for the mu opioid receptor and has an affinity to delta and kappa-opioid receptors. In some countries, this drug is regulated under various narcotic control laws, because its chronic use can cause physical dependence. In others, it is available without a medical prescription in combination with paracetamol.
Zinc monocarbonate (Zinc Carbonate) is an inorganic salt. In the United States, Zinc Carbonate may be used as an active ingredient in OTC drug products. When used as an active drug ingredient, the established name is Zinc Carbonate. Zinc monocarbonate is generally recognized as safe by FDA. It is used as skin protectant active ingredient. Zinc carbonate was found to retard the degradation of some poly(lactide-co-glycolide) (PLG) microspheres in vivo and in vitro. Adding Zinc Carbonate is essential during the preparation of PLGA microspheres. It can remarkably improve the stability of drugs in the acid microenvironment inside PLGA microspheres.
Ferric chloride is a compound used as a food additive, a haemostatic or treatment for hypochromic anaemia. Ferric chloride induced vascular injury is a widely used model of occlusive thrombosis that reports platelet activation and aggregation in the context of an aseptic closed vascular system. Iron i.v. ferric chloride (960 mg) has being shown to be effective in correcting anaemia in HD patients with iron deficiency.
INN:amiselimod [INN]
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Amiselimod (MT-1303) is a selective sphingosine 1-phosphate 1 (S1P1 ) receptor modulator which is currently being developed for the treatment of various autoimmune diseases. Unlike some other S1P receptor modulators, amiselimod seemed to show a favourable cardiac safety profile in preclinical, phase I and II studies. Amiselimod may be potentially useful for treatment of multiple sclerosis; inflammatory diseases; autoimmune diseases; psoriasis and inflammatory bowel diseases. Amiselimod is currently being developed by Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Corporation.