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Showing 4871 - 4880 of 4933 results

Possibly Marketed Outside US
Regubil by Laboratoire Riva Inc [Canada]
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Taurocholic acid is a bile acid and is the product of conjugation of cholic acid with taurine. Its sodium salt is the chief ingredient of the bile of carnivorous animals. Taurocholic acid, as with all bile acids, acts as a detergent to solubilize fats for absorption and is itself absorbed. It is used as a cholagogue and cholerectic (a bile purging agent). Hydrolysis of taurocholic acid yields taurine, a nonessential amino acid. Taurocholic acid is one of the main components of urinary nonsulfated bile acids in biliary atresia. Raised levels of the bile acid taurocholate in the fetal serum in obstetric cholestasis may result in the development of a fetal dysrhythmia and in sudden intra-uterine death. In medical use, it is administered as a cholagogue and choleretic. Taurocholic acid is a potent TGR5 ligand, and in dogs, colonic perfusion with TCA induces PYY secretion. TCA enemas could stimulate GLP-1 and PYY secretion in obese patients with type 2 diabetes receiving the dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) inhibitor, sitagliptin. Satiogen Pharmaceuticals is developing rectally administered taurocholic acid, a bile acid, for the treatment of obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Possibly Marketed Outside US
UK NHS:Dibrompropamidine isetionate
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Dibrompropamidine isetionate is an antiseptic. Ointment containing dibrompropamidine isetionate is used to treat minor eye or eyelid infections, such as conjunctivitis and blepharitis.
Possibly Marketed Outside US
Regubil by Laboratoire Riva Inc [Canada]
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Taurocholic acid is a bile acid and is the product of conjugation of cholic acid with taurine. Its sodium salt is the chief ingredient of the bile of carnivorous animals. Taurocholic acid, as with all bile acids, acts as a detergent to solubilize fats for absorption and is itself absorbed. It is used as a cholagogue and cholerectic (a bile purging agent). Hydrolysis of taurocholic acid yields taurine, a nonessential amino acid. Taurocholic acid is one of the main components of urinary nonsulfated bile acids in biliary atresia. Raised levels of the bile acid taurocholate in the fetal serum in obstetric cholestasis may result in the development of a fetal dysrhythmia and in sudden intra-uterine death. In medical use, it is administered as a cholagogue and choleretic. Taurocholic acid is a potent TGR5 ligand, and in dogs, colonic perfusion with TCA induces PYY secretion. TCA enemas could stimulate GLP-1 and PYY secretion in obese patients with type 2 diabetes receiving the dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) inhibitor, sitagliptin. Satiogen Pharmaceuticals is developing rectally administered taurocholic acid, a bile acid, for the treatment of obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Possibly Marketed Outside US

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Cinchonidine is an alkaloid found in Cinchona officinalis and Gongronema latifolium. Cinchonidine is an antimalarial drug which has been used clinically in malaria caused by Plasmodium falciparum. Cinchonidine is reported as an ingredient of Quinimax in a number of countries. Quinimax is a combination of four alkaloids (quinine, quinidine, cinchoine and cinchonidine).
Possibly Marketed Outside US

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Iodine-labeled ioglycamic acid (Bilivistan or Biligram) has been used as a contrast medium for intravenous cholangiocystography.
Possibly Marketed Outside US

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Ioglicinate, contrast agent, is used in computed tomography.
Lisuride (DOPERGIN®), a highly active dopaminergic ergot derivative with prolactin-lowering properties, has a pronounced affinity for dopamine receptors. It may also act as an agonist at some serotonin receptors. Lisuride (DOPERGIN®) is concentrated within the pituitary where it acts on dopamine receptors which inhibit prolactin release. It can be used in the clinical conditions where a dopaminergic or prolactin-lowering effect is needed.
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Pangamic acid (6-O-(dimethylaminoacetyl)-D-gluconic acid) has been detected 1938 and described as a natural, universally occurring substance with multiple biological and medical functions. In this respect pangamic acid has been worldwide on the market since decades as a drug stimulating cellular respiration. In addition to the natural pangamic acid, diisopropylammonium dichloroacetate (DIPA), a synthetic product not found in biological material, is on the market requesting similar biological functions. Pangamic acid is the name given to a product originally claimed to contain D-gluconodimethyl aminoacetic acid, which was obtained from apricot kernels and later from rice bran. It is also referred to as vitamin B15, but pangamic acid is not generally recognized as a vitamin. Despite serious safety concerns, pangamic acid is used for improving exercise endurance; treating asthma and related diseases, skin conditions including eczema, lung problems, painful nerve and joint conditions, cancer, and arthritis; improving the oxygenation of the heart, brain, and other vital organs; and “detoxifying” the body. It is also used for treating alcoholism, hangovers, and fatigue; protecting against urban air pollutants; extending cell life; strengthening the immune system; lowering bloodcholesterol levels; and assisting in hormone regulation. Since there is no standard identity for the chemicals in pangamic acid, how it might work is unknown. Although pangamic acid is also called vitamin B15, there is no research that shows it is required by the body, as the term “vitamin” would suggest. The United States Food and Drug Administration has recommended seizing any chemicals advertised as pangamic acid and restraining the importation and interstate shipment of pangamic acid on the grounds that pangamic acid and pangamic acid products are unsafe for use and have no known nutritional properties
Cefprozil is a 2nd generation cephalosporin that is FDA approved for the treatment of mild to moderate infections of upper respiratory tract, lower respiratory tract, and uncomplicated skin and skin-structure infections. Cefprozil, like the penicillins, is a beta-lactam antibiotic. By binding to specific penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs) located inside the bacterial cell wall, it inhibits the third and last stage of bacterial cell wall synthesis. Common adverse reactions include diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, abdominal pain and vaginitis. Nephrotoxicity has been reported following concomitant administration of aminoglycoside antibiotics and cephalosporin antibiotics. Concomitant administration of probenecid doubled the AUC for cefprozil.

Showing 4871 - 4880 of 4933 results