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Showing 461 - 470 of 666 results

Ceftaroline fosamil is a 5th generation cephalosporin with an in vitro spectrum of activity including Streptococcus agalactiae, penicillin- and cephalosporin-resistant S. pneumoniae, S. pyogenes, methicillin-susceptible S. aureus and methicillin-resistant S. aureus, Haemophilus influenzae, Klebsiella oxytoca, K. pneumoniae and Moraxella catarrhalis. Ceftaroline fosamil (TAK-599 or PPI-0903), the prodrug of the active metabolite, ceftaroline, was synthesized by Takeda Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd and developed by Cerexa, Inc. and Forest Laboratories, Inc. It is currently approved by the FDA for the treatment of acute bacterial skin and skin structure infections (ABSSSI) and community-acquired bacterial pneumonia (CABP) in adults. Ceftaroline fosamil is marketed under the brand name TEFLARO®, indicated in adult and pediatric patients 2 months of age and older for the treatment of acute bacterial skin and skin structure infections (ABSSSI) caused by susceptible isolates of the following Gram-positive and Gram-negative microorganisms: Staphylococcus aureus (including methicillin-susceptible and ‑resistant isolates), Streptococcus pyogenes, Streptococcus agalactiae, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and Klebsiella oxytoca. TEFLARO is also indicated in adult and pediatric patients 2 months of age and older for the treatment of community-acquired bacterial pneumonia (CABP) caused by susceptible isolates of the following Gram-positive and Gram-negative microorganisms: Streptococcus pneumoniae (including cases with concurrent bacteremia), Staphylococcus aureus (methicillin-susceptible isolates only), Haemophilus influenzae, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Klebsiella oxytoca, and Escherichia coli. Ceftaroline provides in vitro bactericidal activity against methicillin-, vancomycin-, daptomycin-, and linezolid-resistant Gram-positive organisms and select Gram-negative pathogens. The pharmacodynamics of ceftaroline is similar to other β-lactam agents. Ceftaroline exhibits a favorable adverse effect profile and is generally well tolerated. The bactericidal action of ceftaroline is mediated through binding to essential penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs). Ceftaroline is bactericidal against S. aureus due to its affinity for PBP2a and against Streptococcus pneumoniae due to its affinity for PBP2x.

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Ulipristal acetate (also known as CDB-2914 and PGL4001 and trade name Ella in the U.S) is a novel oral emergency contraceptive designed and developed by HRA Pharma. It is a selective progesterone receptor modulator, which reversibly blocks the progesterone receptors in target tissues it was approved in May 2009 by the European Commission and in August 2010 by the FDA as safe and effective in preventing unintended pregnancy for up to 120 hours – or five days – post- unprotected intercourse or contraceptive failure. Ella is not intended for routine use as a contraceptive. When taken immediately before ovulation is to occur, ella postpones follicular rupture. The likely primary mechanism of action of ulipristal acetate for emergency contraception is therefore inhibition or delay of ovulation; however, alterations to the endometrium that may affect implantation may also contribute to efficacy. The most common side effects are: headache, nausea, stomach (abdominal) pain, menstrual pain. Some women taking ella may have their next period earlier or later than expected. If your period is more than a week late, you should get a pregnancy test.
DEGARELIX (FIRMAGON®) is a synthetic linear decapeptide amide containing seven unnatural amino acids, five of which are D-amino acids. It is a GnRH receptor antagonist. It binds reversibly to the pituitary GnRH receptors, thereby reducing the release of gonadotropins and consequently testosterone. DEGARELIX (FIRMAGON®) is effective in achieving and maintaining testosterone suppression below the castration level of 50 ng/dL and is indicated for the treatment of patients with advanced prostate cancer.
DEGARELIX (FIRMAGON®) is a synthetic linear decapeptide amide containing seven unnatural amino acids, five of which are D-amino acids. It is a GnRH receptor antagonist. It binds reversibly to the pituitary GnRH receptors, thereby reducing the release of gonadotropins and consequently testosterone. DEGARELIX (FIRMAGON®) is effective in achieving and maintaining testosterone suppression below the castration level of 50 ng/dL and is indicated for the treatment of patients with advanced prostate cancer.
CRESTOR (rosuvastatin calcium) is an inhibitor of HMG-CoA reductase. It has been widely launched for the treatment of patients with dyslipidaemia and has also been approved in the US and EU to slow the progression of atherosclerosis.
Zoledronic acid (Reclast, Aclasta, Zometa) is an intravenous, highly potent amino-bisphosphonate approved worldwide, including in the USA, EU and Japan for use in patients with primary or secondary osteoporosis or low bone mass (approved indications vary between countries). Its high affinity to and long half-life in bone, and long duration of action allow for once-yearly administration, which has the potential to improve adherence to therapy. Zoledronic acid once yearly for up to 3 years improved bone mineral density (BMD) at several skeletal sites, reduced fracture risk and bone turnover, and/or preserved bone structure and mass relative to placebo in clinical studies in patients with primary or secondary osteoporosis. While additional benefits were seen when treatment was continued for up to 6 years, as evidenced by a reduced risk of vertebral fractures and higher BMD relative to 3 years’ therapy, there was the minimal advantage of treatment beyond 6 years. Therefore, in patients with low fracture risk, treatment discontinuation should be considered after approximately 5 years’ therapy. Zoledronic acid administered annually or once in 2 years was also effective in preventing bone loss in patients with low bone mass. Zoledronic acid was generally well tolerated, with the most common adverse events (AEs) being transient, mild-to-moderate post-infusion symptoms, which decreased with subsequent infusions.

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Cetrorelix is a synthetic decapeptide with gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) antagonistic activity. GnRH induces the production and release of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) from the gonadotrophic cells of the anterior pituitary. Due to a positive estradiol (E2) feedback at midcycle, GnRH liberation is enhanced resulting in an LH-surge. This LH-surge induces the ovulation of the dominant follicle, resumption of oocyte meiosis and subsequently luteinization as indicated by rising progesterone levels. Cetrorelix competes with natural GnRH for binding to membrane receptors on pituitary cells and thus controls the release of LH and FSH in a dose-dependent manner. Cetrorelix binds to the gonadotropin releasing hormone receptor and acts as a potent inhibitor of gonadotropin secretion. It competes with natural GnRH for binding to membrane receptors on pituitary cells and thus controls the release of LH and FSH in a dose-dependent manner. Cetrorelix is marketed primarily under the brand name Cetrotide. Cetrotide (cetrorelix acetate for injection) is indicated for the inhibition of premature LH surges in women undergoing controlled ovarian stimulation.
Ganirelix (N-acetyl-3-(2-naphthyl)-D-alanyl-4-chloro-D-phenylalanyl-3-(3-pyridyl)-D-alanyl-L-seryl-L-tyrosyl-N9 ,N10-diethyl-D-homoarginyl-L-leucylN9 ,N10-diethyl-L-homoarginyl-L-prolyl-D-acrylamide) is a synthetic decapeptide with high antagonistic activity against naturally occurring gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH). Ganirelix Acetate Injection is indicated for the inhibition of premature luteinizing hormone (LH) surges in women undergoing controlled ovarian hyperstimulation. Ganirelix is administered by a subcutaneous injection of 250 µg once per day during the mid to late follicular phase of a woman’s menstrual cycle. Treatment should start on the 5th or 6th day after the start of ovarian stimulation, and the mean duration of its use is five days. Clinical studies have shown that the most common side effect is a slight reaction at the site of injection in the form of redness, and sometimes swelling. Clinical studies have shown that, one hour after injection, the incidence of at least one moderate or severe local skin reaction per treatment cycle was 12% in 4 patients treated with Ganirelix and 25% in patients treated subcutaneously with a GnRH agonist. The local reactions generally disappear within 4 hours after administration. Other reported side effects are some that are known to be associated with ovarian hyperstimulation, including gynecological abdominal pain, headache, vaginal bleeding, nausea, and gastrointestinal abdominal pain.
Anagrelide is an orally active quinazinolone derivative that was originally developed as an antiplatelet drug. The drug inhibits cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase III (PDEIII) and phopholipase A2, which is thought to cause the side effects of vasodilation, positive inotropism, reduced platelet aggregation. However, significant inhibition of platelet aggregation is observed only at doses of anagrelide higher than those required to reduce platelet count. It is indicated for the treatment of patients with thrombocythemia, secondary to myeloproliferative disorders. Commonly reported side effects of anagrelide include: abdominal pain, dizziness, headache, nausea, and palpitations. Other side effects include: back pain, fever, tachycardia, vomiting, and anorexia. There is a single case report, which suggests that sucralfate may interfere with anagrelide absorption. Anagrelide is an inhibitor of cyclic AMP PDE III. The effects of medicinal products with similar properties such as inotropes milrinone, enoximone, amrinone, olprinone and cilostazol may be exacerbated by anagrelide.
Clopidogrel, an antiplatelet agent structurally and pharmacologically similar to ticlopidine, is used to inhibit blood clots in a variety of conditions such as peripheral vascular disease, coronary artery disease, and cerebrovascular disease. Clopidogrel is sold under the name Plavix by Sanofi and Bristol-Myers Squibb. Plavix (clopidogrel bisulfate) is an inhibitor of ADP-induced platelet aggregation acting by direct inhibition of adenosine diphosphate (ADP) binding to its receptor and of the subsequent ADPmediated activation of the glycoprotein GPIIb/IIIa complex. Clopidogrel must be metabolized by CYP450 enzymes to produce the active metabolite that inhibits platelet aggregation. The active metabolite of clopidogrel selectively inhibits the binding of adenosine diphosphate (ADP) to its platelet P2Y12 receptor and the subsequent ADPmediated activation of the glycoprotein GPIIb/IIIa complex, thereby inhibiting platelet aggregation. This action is irreversible. Consequently, platelets exposed to clopidogrel’s active metabolite are affected for the remainder of their lifespan (about 7 to 10 days). Platelet aggregation induced by agonists other than ADP is also inhibited by blocking the amplification of platelet activation by released ADP. Plavix (clopidogrel bisulfate) is indicated for the reduction of atherothrombotic events.

Showing 461 - 470 of 666 results