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Showing 31 - 40 of 227 results

BMS-906024 is a lead candidate of a series of inhibitors of gamma secretase-mediated Notch signalling. BMS-906024 is an orally bioavailable, small-molecule gamma secretase (GS) and pan-Notch inhibitor, with potential antineoplastic activity. Upon administration, GS/pan-Notch inhibitor BMS-906024 binds to GS and blocks activation of Notch receptors, which may inhibit the proliferation of tumor cells with an overly-active Notch pathway. The integral membrane protein GS is a multi-subunit protease complex that cleaves single-pass transmembrane proteins, such as Notch receptors, at residues within their transmembrane domains that lead to their activation. Overexpression of the Notch signaling pathway has been correlated with increased tumor cell growth. BMS-906024 is currently in Phase 1 clinical trials for patients with T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia and metastatic solid tumors, including lung cancer.
INN:benethamine penicillin [INN]
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Benethamine penicillin is a medium-long-acting insoluble penicillin salt. After a single injection, this salt acts and bacteriostatic level of penicillin is maintained in the blood for three to six days.
NCT00543816: Phase 3 Interventional Terminated Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2
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MK-0767 is a potent hypoglycaemic insulin sensitizer being evaluated by Kyorin with potential as an antidiabetic agent. MK-0767 acts as a dual agonist of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors alpha and gamma, induced high-affinity interactions of PPARα and PPARγ with the transcriptional coactivator CBP in vitro. In ob/ob mice, MK-0767 normalized hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia with equal or greater potency and efficacy than pioglitazone. Treatment of hamsters with MK-0767 produced substantial reductions in blood cholesterol and triglycerides. In dogs, MK-0767 reduced serum cholesterol levels with a potency more than 10-fold greater than simvastatin. The efficacies of MK-0767 and simvastatin were additive when given together.
NCT01943630: Phase 2 Interventional Unknown status External Genital Warts
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Ammonium trichlorotellurate (AS-101) is a synthetic non-toxic tellurium derivative, structurally similar to cisplatin, with immunostimulatory and anti-hair loss properties. Ammonium trichlorotellurate induces production of colony stimulating factor (CSF), interleukin-2 (IL-2), and IL-2 receptors by increasing the calcium ion influx through the cell membrane and subsequently exerts its immunostimulatory effects through the CSF-mediated increase in macrophage/granulocytes. This agent is also a potent inducer of interferon and a spectrum of cytokines such as IL-1, IL-6, and tumor necrosis factor (TNF). In animal studies, ammonium trichlorotellurate exerts its anti-hair loss effect by inducing anagen and obstructing spontaneous catagen via promoting follicular keratinocyte proliferation and interfering with terminal differentiation, respectively. AS-101 suppresses production of HIV-1. It inhibited reverse transcriptase activity and replication of human immunodeficiency virus type 1. RDDP and DDDP activities were impaired by the drug with calculated IC50 value of about 4 uM. Intravenous AS-101 was in trials in patients with HIV infections. AS-101, a small-molecule integrin αvβ3 and VLA-4 inhibitor is being developed by BioMAS in Israel for the treatment of genital warts, age-related macular degeneration and fertility preservation. Phase II clinical trials are ongoing. The drug was also undergoing phase II development in acute myeloid leukaemia, atopic dermatitis, chemotherapy-induced damage, myelodysplastic syndromes, thrombocytopenia, alopecia, psoriasis. However, development for these indications was discontinued.
NCT00045786: Phase 2 Interventional Completed Myelodysplastic Syndrome
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Cromakalim is an ATP-sensitive potassium (KATP) channel opener, which was studied for the treatment of gastric ulcer, hypertension and preventing a cardiomyopathy. But the development of this drug was discontinued due to heart lesions found in monkey chronic toxicity studies.
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