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Showing 121 - 130 of 2696 results

NCT04150042: Phase 1 Interventional Recruiting Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma Metastatic
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RRX-001, also known as ABDNAZ, is a dinitroazetidine derivative with potential radiosensitizing activity. Upon administration, RRx-001 is able to dilate blood vessels, thereby increasing tumor blood flow and thus improving oxygenation to the tumor site. By increasing oxygen levels, these tumor cells may be more susceptible to radiation therapy. Tumor hypoxia is correlated with tumor aggressiveness, metastasis and resistance to radiotherapy. In mouse models, RRx-001 administered intravenously as a single agent was equipotent to cisplatin while better tolerated. RRx-001 also showed activity as a radiosensitizer in both in vitro and in vivo models. The activity of RRx-001 is thought to be associated with a nucleophilic substitution by circulating thiol compounds and covalent binding of RRx-001 to cysteinyl residues in Hb, followed by the generation of nitrogen oxides. During 2014-2015 EpicentRx has launched Phase 2 trials in brain, colorectal, non-small cell lung, small cell lung and cholangiocarcinoma both alone and in combination. The anti-proliferative effects of RRx-001 are not explainable via a single mechanism. RRx-001 exerts its anti-proliferative effect, at least partially, through interference with glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD), a key enzyme in the pentose phosphate pathway, responsible for maintaining adequate levels of the major cellular reductant, NADPH.
INN:ceralifimod [INN]
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Ceralifimod (ONO-4641) is an oral, selective Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 1 and 5 agonist. It was studied in the phase 2 trials for the treatment of multiple sclerosis, however, further, development was discontinued.
NCT02723292: Not Applicable Interventional Completed Adolescent Problems
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INN:fosalvudine tidoxil [INN]
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Heidelberg Pharma Research developed fosalvudine tidoxil, a prodrug derived from the nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor alovudine, for the treatment of HIV infections. This drug had reached phase II clinical trials before its development was discontinued.
Circ Heart Fail. Jul 2022;15(7):e009120.: Not Applicable Human clinical trial Completed Heart Failure/diagnosis
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Chromic Phosphate Cr-51 is a radiopharmaceutical compound that has been extensively used in nuclear medicine. When administered intraperitoneally, the particulate form of chromic phosphate is pocketed in various areas of the peritoneum, or filtered out by the first lymph nodes encountered, because of the too large particle size, whereas the colloidal form is carried over to the lymphatic system. The larger particles originally present in its size spectrum or formed in vivo by aggregation of smaller particles are trapped by the first line of lymph nodes, and the remainder goes into the thoracic duct, with posterior incorporation into the blood circulation and final removal by the reticuloendothelial system: liver, spleen and bone marrow.
Fozivudine tidoxil is a thioether lipid–Zidovudine (ZDV) conjugate. After intake it is split intracellularly into the lipid moiety and ZDV-monophosphate, which is subsequently phosphorylated to the active metabolite ZDV-triphosphate. The rationale behind the development of fozivudine (FZD) was to take advantage of the high cleavage activity in mononuclear cells and other organs resulting in increased amounts of intracellular ZDV available for phosphorylation to the active metabolite, and a very low activity in red blood and stem cells, which should result in reduced haematologic toxicity. It is member of the family of nucleoside reverse transcriptase (RT) inhibitors. Fozivudine tidoxil has been in Phase II clinical trials for the treatment of HIV infection. There were three adverse events possibly related to fozivudine: urine abnormality, gastrointestinal pain and abnormal dreams.
NCT00984516: Phase 2 Interventional Completed Cicatrix
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Mannose 6-phosphate (M6P) has type-I integral membrane receptors. M6P-receptors bind and transport M6P-enzymes to lysosomes, but it can also modulate the activity of a variety of extracellular M6P-glycoproteins (i.e., latent TGFbeta precursor, urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor, Granzyme B, growth factors, Herpes virus). M6P has been demonstrated to reduce active TGF-β1 expression on cultured tendon fibroblasts and improved range of movement in a rabbit flexor tendon injury model. Studies of M6P in relation to skin scarring demonstrate improvement in scar cosmesis and accelerated return of normal dermal architecture. Juvidex, a formulation of M6P, inhibits the activation of TGF-beta1 and TGF-beta2, which are present at high levels in adult wounds that scar. On the other hands, M6P in a 600 mM hypertonic solution (Adaprev) potentially acts via a physical, non-chemical, hyperosmotic effect.