Tianafac (also known as L8109) is a thienylacetic acid derivative patented by Labaz group as antipyretics and anti-inflammatory agent useful for the treatment of arthritis. In preclinical models, Tianafac inhibits prostaglandin formation by seminal v...
Premazepam is a pyrrolodiazepine derivative patented by Gruppi Lepetit S.p.A. as a muscle relaxant. Premazepam is a partial agonist of benzodiazepine receptors and was shown in 1984 to possess both anxiolytic and sedative properties in humans. Prema...
Clamidoxic acid is a derivative of phenoxyacetic acid developed in the late 1950s by Smith and Nephew Research Ltd. Clamidoxic acid has been shown to have anti-inflammatory activity and low toxicity in animal tests. The compound was investigated in t...
Etazepine (5,6-dihydro-5-methyl-11H-11-ethoxy-dibenzo[b,e]azepin-6-one) demonstrates anticonvulsant activity in rodents. Etazepine seems to exert its anticonvulsant effects by activating the GABAergic system.
Tixadil is a coronary vasodilator and sedative agent.
Class (Stereo):
Levophacetoperane is a piperidine derivative. Levofacetoperane is a sympathomimetic central nervous system stimulant and is commonly used to treat depression. Levophacetoperane is also a known analeptic and is strongly linked to apnea reversal in dog...
Barucainide, an IB anti-arrhythmic agent, was evaluated in patients with coronary artery disease. Its antiarrhythmic effect was studied in patients with markedly depressed left-ventricular function. Barucainide was in phase II clinical trials to trea...
Clodoxopone (LR 19731) is a hypoglycemic agent, developed in the 1980s by Italian company Lusofarmaco. In animal models, the drug lowered the plasma cholesterol and triglyceride levels in several experimental conditions after single or repeated treat...
Clofeverine is a compound synthesized by the Japanese company Fujisawa Pharmaceutical. Clofeverine is a highly selective relaxant for gastrointestinal smooth muscles with a beta-receptor stimulative nature. On isolated ileum, the inhibitory effect of...
Nafcaproic acid (DA-808) is a synthetic choleretic agent.