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Showing 12791 - 12800 of 12951 results

Cefsulodin is a third-generation of cephalosporin antibiotic with a narrow spectrum of activity. It has a specific activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Cefsulodin’s targets are bacterial penicillin binding proteins. Drug is indicated for the treatment of infections of lower respiratory tract, skin and skin structures, urinary tract, bone and joint; treatment of gynecological infections; treatment of intra-abdominal infections; treatment of septicemia and CNS infections including meningitis caused by susceptible strains of specific microorganisms. Cefsulodin appears to be well tolerated and relatively free of any significant toxicity except for nausea and vomiting.
Possibly Marketed Outside US
Japan:Etilefrine Hydrochloride
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Etilefrine is a cardiac stimulant used as an antihypotensive. Intravenous infusion of this compound increases cardiac output, stroke volume, venous return and blood pressure in man and experimental animals, suggesting stimulation of both α and β adrenergic receptors. However, in vitro studies indicate that etilefrine has a much higher affinity for β1 (cardiac) than for β2 adrenoreceptors. Intravenous etilefrine increases the pulse rate, cardiac output, stroke volume, central venous pressure and mean arterial pressure of healthy individuals. Marked falls in pulse rate, cardiac output, stroke volume and peripheral bloodflow, accompanied by rises in mean arterial pressure, occur when etilefrine is infused after administration of intravenous propranolol 2,5 mg. These findings indicate that etilefrine has both β1 and α1 adrenergic effects in man. The French Health Products Agency concluded that etilefrine and heptaminol have an unfavourable harm-benefit balance, and also placed restrictions on the use of midodrine.
Possibly Marketed Outside US
SPECTAMINE by Medi-Physics
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Iofetamine is a diagnostic compound that was used for brain-imaging. Iofetamine may cause different adverse reactions such as increase in systolic blood pressure by about 10 mm Hg, dizziness, hearing loss and allergy.
Possibly Marketed Outside US
Regubil by Laboratoire Riva Inc [Canada]
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Taurocholic acid is a bile acid and is the product of conjugation of cholic acid with taurine. Its sodium salt is the chief ingredient of the bile of carnivorous animals. Taurocholic acid, as with all bile acids, acts as a detergent to solubilize fats for absorption and is itself absorbed. It is used as a cholagogue and cholerectic (a bile purging agent). Hydrolysis of taurocholic acid yields taurine, a nonessential amino acid. Taurocholic acid is one of the main components of urinary nonsulfated bile acids in biliary atresia. Raised levels of the bile acid taurocholate in the fetal serum in obstetric cholestasis may result in the development of a fetal dysrhythmia and in sudden intra-uterine death. In medical use, it is administered as a cholagogue and choleretic. Taurocholic acid is a potent TGR5 ligand, and in dogs, colonic perfusion with TCA induces PYY secretion. TCA enemas could stimulate GLP-1 and PYY secretion in obese patients with type 2 diabetes receiving the dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) inhibitor, sitagliptin. Satiogen Pharmaceuticals is developing rectally administered taurocholic acid, a bile acid, for the treatment of obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Possibly Marketed Outside US

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Bisantrene was classed as an anthracycline chemotherapeutic agent. It inhibits replication, kills tumor cells in clonogenic assays, and intercalates with DNA, where it inhibits both DNA and RNA synthesis. Bisantrene preferentially binds to A-T rich regions of DNA, where it effects changes to supercoiling and initiates strand breaks in association with DNA-associated proteins. This results from the inhibition of the enzyme topoisomerase II, which relaxes DNA coiling during replication and transcription. Toxicity studies in dogs and monkeys revealed that leukopenia, anorexia, diarrhea injection site necrosis, enterocolitis, muscle degeneration, and pulmonary edema were observed with high doses. Bisantrene was found to have less associated cardiotoxicity than other anthracenes. The existing data for bisantrene clearly demonstrated activity in acute myeloid leukemia, and in other indications including lymphoma, refractory breast cancer, and ovarian cancer.
Possibly Marketed Outside US

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Benapryzine is a dialkylaminoethanol ester of diphenylacetic acid. It is a muscarinic cholinoceptor antagonist with negligible peripheral effects. Benapryzine in addition to its anti-acetylcholine action antagonizes both maximal electroshock and metrazol-induced convulsions in mice. This feature is not generally shown by anti-acetylcholine agents but is seen with orphenadrine. Side effects of benapryzine were rare. They are: drowsiness, dry mouth, confusion, disorientation, hallucinations and postural syncope with measurable postural hypotension. Benapryzine has been used as an antiparkinsonian agent.
Possibly Marketed Outside US
UK NHS:Naftidrofuryl oxalate
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Naftidrofuryl (INN), also known as nafronyl or as the oxalate salt naftidrofuryl oxalate or nafronyl oxalate, is a vasodilator used in the management of peripheral and cerebral vascular disorders. The drug act as a selective antagonist of 5-HT2 receptors. Naftidrofuryl is marketed under a variety of trade names, including Artocoron, Azunaftil, Di-Actane, Dusodril, Enelbin, Frilix, Gevatran, Iridus, Iridux, Luctor, Nafti, Naftoling, Naftodril, Nafoxal, Praxilene, Sodipryl retard, and Vascuprax. Praxilene belongs to a group of medicines known as ‘metabolic activators’. These are used to treat different types of blood circulation problems. Praxilene allows the body to make better use of the oxygen in your blood. Praxilene is used to treat the following symptoms: cramp-like pains; cramps in legs at night; severe pain in r legs when people are resting (rest pain); pale or blue fingers or toes which get worse when it is cold; numbness, tingling or burning feelings in the fingers or toes (Raynaud’s syndrome or acrocyanosis); open sores on the legs or feet (trophic ulcers); poor circulation caused by diabetes (diabetic arteriopathy).
Possibly Marketed Outside US

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Debrisoquin is an antihypertensive drug having guanethidine-like properties, which inhibits monoamine oxidase (MAO) and does not enter the brain. Debrisoquine was used for the treatment of hypertension. Debrisoquine hydroxylation phenotype has been the most used test in humans to evaluate CYP2D6 activity. Two debrisoquine hydroxylation phenotypes have been described: poor and extensive metabolizers. A group with a very low debrisoquine metabolic ratio within the extensive metabolizers, named ultrarapid metabolizers, has also been distinguished. This CYP2D6 variability can be for a large part alternatively determined by genotyping, which appears to be of clinical importance given CYP2D6 involvement in the metabolism of a large number of commonly prescribed drugs.
Methylbenactyzium bromide has been used as a spasmolytic for the treatment of gastrointestinal ulcer and gastrointestinal spasms.
Possibly Marketed Outside US

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Cinchonidine is an alkaloid found in Cinchona officinalis and Gongronema latifolium. Cinchonidine is an antimalarial drug which has been used clinically in malaria caused by Plasmodium falciparum. Cinchonidine is reported as an ingredient of Quinimax in a number of countries. Quinimax is a combination of four alkaloids (quinine, quinidine, cinchoine and cinchonidine).

Showing 12791 - 12800 of 12951 results