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Showing 41 - 50 of 102 results

Esculetin (aka Aesculetin) is a derivative of coumarin. It is a naturally occurring lactone which is present in chicory and in many toxic medicinal plants; often found in a glycosidic form or conjugated to caffeic acids. It is used as an ingredient in some sunscreens, but there is evidence that it acts as a photosensitizer for DNA damage. Esculetin has been investigated in a number of cellular and animal cancer models, and for other conditions such as dry eyes.
7-hydroxyflavone belongs to the flavone subgroup of flavonoids. It is a potent inhibitor of 20alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (AKR1C1), aromatase (cytochrome P450 19; CYP19), aldo-keto reductases AKR1B10 and AKR1B1. It can inhibit LPS-induced inflammation via attenuating the production of NO, PGE2, TNF-alpha and IL-6, indicating that it may be lead compound for developing anti-inflammatory agent. 7-hydroxyflavone may serve as potential protective agents in the treatment of patients with chronic EV71 infection.
Saikosaponin D is a triterpene saponin found in Bupleurum that exhibits antioxidative, immunomodulatory, anti-fibrotic, anti-angiogenic, anticancer, and chemopreventive activities. Saikosaponin D increases activity of superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase and decreases activity of malondialdehyde in cellular models of oxidative damage. In other in vitro models, saikosaponin D increases secretion of IL-12, maturation of dendritic cells, and proliferation of lymphocytes. Saikosaponin D inhibits SERCA, increasing intracellular Ca2+ and inducing autophagy. In vivo, this compound decreases severity of fibrosis. In embryos, saikosaponin D decreases microvessel formation. Additionally, this compound decreases tumor formation in DEN-treated animal models and suppresses expression of CEBP-β and COX-2. Saikosaponin D also induces apoptosis and activation of caspases 3 and 7 in hepatocellular carcinoma cells. Saikosaponin D is a Glucocorticoid receptor agonist. It is a COX-2 and iNOS inhibitor.

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RP-67580 selectively inhibits the binding of substance-P to Neurokinin Receptor-1 and does not show meaningful antagonistic activity against NK2 and NK3. Preclinical trials had been conducted and discontinued in France for the potential treatment of inflammation and pain. RP-67580 has not been used in human trials.
Astragalin (kaempferol-3-O-glucoside) is extracted from many traditional herbs and medicinal plants. Astragalin extracted from persimmon and Rosa agrestis leaves has anti-atopic dermatitis and antioxidant activity. Several biological functions of astragalin have been studied, including inhibition of prostaglandin E2 production and angiotensin converting enzyme activity. It has been reported that astragalin has the inhibitory effect on NO and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α production in Raw 264.7 cells. Astragalin is a flavonoid with anti-inflammatory activity. It may be a promising cancer therapeutic drug and it has the potential of preventing atherosclerosis formation.
Estragole (ES) is a natural constituent of a number of plants (e.g. tarragon, sweet basil and sweet fennel) and their essential oils have been widely used in foodstuffs as flavouring agents. Estragole ES was given GRAS Generally Recognized As Safe status by the Flavor and Extract Manufacturer’s Association FEMA, 1965 and is approved by the Food and Drug Administration for food use 21 CFR code of Federal Regulation 121.1164 . Several studies with oral, i.p. or s.c. administration to CD-1 and B6C3F1 mice have shown the carcinogenicity of ES. In vivo and in vitro experimental assays have shown that EST has sedative, anticonvulsant, antioxidant, antimicrobial, and anesthetic activity.

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Umbelliferone is a natural product of the coumarin family which can be found in many different plant species. It absorbs ultraviolet light strongly at several wavelengths and is used in sunscreens. It has also been reported to have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-nocioceptive properties.

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4'-Chlordiazepam or Ro5-4864 (7-chloro-5- (4-chlorophenyl)-1,3-dihydro-1-methyl-2-H-1,4-benzodiazepine-2)) is a ligand of peripheral-type benzodiazepine receptor (translocator protein or Tspo). It exerts neurosteroidogenic activity. 4'- chlordiazepam is sedative, convulsant and anxiogenic in rodents.
Anethole is a flavoring agent in foods and beverages; in perfumery, particularly for soap and dentifrices. The more abundant isomer, and the one preferred for use, is the trans- or E isomer. It is distinctly sweet, measuring 13 times sweeter than sugar. Anethole has potent antimicrobial properties, against bacteria, yeast, and fungi. Anethole also has nematicidal activity and is a promising insecticide. Several essential oils consisting mostly of anethole have insecticidal action. Anethole has estrogenic activity. It is slightly toxic and may act as an irritant in large quantities.
US Previously Marketed
Salicin U.S.P.
Source URL:
First marketed in 1921

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The most well known component of willow bark extract is salicin, it is a prodrug, which is gradually transported to the lower part of the intestine, hydrolyzed to saligenin by intestinal bacteria, and converted to salicylic acid after absorption. Salicin possesses an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and antipyretic properties. Salicin suppressed the activation of MAPKs and NF-κB signaling pathways and thus maybe might be a potential therapeutic agent against inflammatory diseases.