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Showing 81 - 90 of 149 results

AMINOBENZOATE SODIUM is a salt of Aminobenzoic acid. Aminobenzoic acid is an intermediate in the synthesis of folate by bacteria, plants, and fungi. Many bacteria, including those found in the human intestinal tract such as E. coli, generate Aminobenzoic acid from chorismate by the combined action of the enzymes 4-amino-4-deoxychorismate synthase and 4-amino-4-deoxychorismate lyase. Plants produce Aminobenzoic acid in their chloroplasts, and store it as a glucose ester (pABA-Glc) in their tissues. Humans lack the enzymes to convert Aminobenzoic acid to folate, so require folate from dietary sources such as green leafy vegetables. In humans, Aminobenzoic acid is considered nonessential and, although it has been referred to historically as "vitamin Bx", is no longer recognized as a vitamin, because most people have colon bacteria that generate Aminobenzoic acid. The potassium salt is used as a drug against fibrotic skin disorders, such as Peyronie's disease, under the trade name Potaba.
Procaine is an anesthetic agent indicated for production of local or regional anesthesia, particularly for oral surgery. Procaine (like cocaine) has the advantage of constricting blood vessels which reduces bleeding, unlike other local anesthetics like lidocaine. Procaine is an ester anesthetic. It is metabolized in the plasma by the enzyme pseudocholinesterase through hydrolysis into para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA), which is then excreted by the kidneys into the urine. Procaine acts mainly by inhibiting sodium influx through voltage gated sodium channels in the neuronal cell membrane of peripheral nerves. When the influx of sodium is interrupted, an action potential cannot arise and signal conduction is thus inhibited. The receptor site is thought to be located at the cytoplasmic (inner) portion of the sodium channel. Procaine has also been shown to bind or antagonize the function of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors as well as nicotinic acetylcholine receptors and the serotonin receptor-ion channel complex.
US Previously Marketed
55 FR 33254 corn/callus remover phenoxyacetic acid
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Phenoxyacetic acid is found in cocoa and cocoa products. Phenoxyacetic acid is a flavouring ingredient. Phenoxyacetic acid is on the FDA list of approved food additives (PART 172 - FOOD ADDITIVES PERMITTED FOR DIRECT ADDITION TO FOOD FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION; Subpart F--Flavoring Agents and Related Substances Sec. 172.515 Synthetic flavoring substances and adjuvants.). Research has shown that Phenoxyacetic acid induced hematopoietic cell proliferation, providing potential for oral therapeutics which stimulate proliferation of hematopoietic cells of multiple lineages, as well as inducing fetal globin, important for therapy of hemoglobinopathies.
Dihydrocapsaicin is a capsaicinoid and analog and congener of capsaicin in chili peppers. Like capsaicin, it contributes to the spicy taste of chili peppers, although it is less potent than capsacian. Dihydrocapsaicin has been shown to induce hypothermia in rats, a property which may help protect victims of stroke and cardiac arrest.
Possibly Marketed Outside US

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Penimepicycline is a salt of beta-lactam antibiotic penicillin V and tetracycline antibiotic pipacycline. Penimepicycline exerts a bactericidal action on the streptococci, and a bacteriostatic action on various gram-positive and gram-negative bacilli, as well as on the penicillin-resistant staphylococci. In the 1960s it was studied in Japan for the treatment of urological, respiratory, gynecological and other infections.
Possibly Marketed Outside US
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Rokitamycin is a macrolide antibiotic against Gram-positive bacteria. Synthesized from strains of Streptomyces kitasatoensis. Rokitamycin is an inhibitor of protein synthesis by specifically binding to the 50 S subunit of the ribosome. Specificity towards prokaryotes relies upon the absence of 50S ribosomes in eukaryotes.
Possibly Marketed Outside US
Patent Blue Sodium Injection by Guerbet [Canada]
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Patent Blue V (E-131) is a synthetic dye used as a food coloring. In Europe, it is used in beverages, preserves of red fruits, desserts, confectionary. In medicine, Patent Blue V is used as a contrast agent for visualizing lymphatic vessels. Patent Blue V is also used in dentistry in a disclosing tablet to demonstrate the presence of plaque on teeth.