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Showing 61 - 70 of 105 results


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US Previously Marketed
Neodrol by Pfizer
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First approved in 1953
Neodrol by Pfizer
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STANOLONE, also known as dihydrotestosterone, is a potent androgenic metabolite of testosterone and anabolic agent for systemic use. It may be used as a replacement of male sex steroids in men who have androgen deficiency, for example as a result of the loss of both testes, and also the treatment of certain rare forms of aplastic anemia which are or may be responsive to anabolic androgens.
Possibly Marketed Outside US
First approved in 2000

Class (Stereo):

Possibly Marketed Outside US
Unknown by Clark, L.C.|Kochakian, C.D.
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Epitestosterone (17alpha-hydroxy-4-androsten-3-one) is a naturally occurring epimer of testosterone. It apparently parallels the formation of testosterone, but on the other hand its concentration is not influenced by exogenous administration of testosterone. This fact creates the basis of the present doping control of testosterone abuse. Epitestosterone can be considered as a weak antiandrogen in the term of displacement of androgen from receptor binding and as an efficient inhibitor of 5 alpha-reductase. Epitestosterone exerts androgen receptor-independent neuroprotective activity in vitro.
Testosterone valerate, or testosterone pentanoate, is a synthetic, steroidal androgen. It is a short-to-medium duration C17β valerate ester of testosterone, with a terminal half-life of approximately twice that of the short-acting testosterone propionate. Testosterone valerate is available exclusively as a component of the veterinary drug Deposterona developed by Syntex Animal Health Company, which is marketed in Mexico. Deposterona also contains testosterone acetate and testosterone undecanoate and is used to treat impotence, weakness, fatigue and hypogonadism in male breeding animals (cows, pigs, canines, sheep), as well as a general protein-sparing anabolic. It is administered via intramuscular injection and acts as a long-lasting prodrug of testosterone. Esterified forms of testosterone are designed to prolong the window of therapeutic effect following administration, allowing for less frequent injection schedule compared to injections of unesterified steroid. Deposterona is also used for bodybuilding purposes in men and not recommended for women performance-enhancing purposes due to its strong androgenic nature, side effects, and slow-acting characteristics (making blood levels difficult to control). Deposterona is only known to be manufactured in Mexico. Because it contains a low concentration of steroid,this product is not in high demand, and not readily diverted for illicit sale.