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Showing 271 - 280 of 31824 results

First approved in 1953
Cyclogyl HCl by Schieffelin
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Cyclopentolate (cyclopentolate hydrochloride) is a parasympatholytic anticholinergic used solely to obtain mydriasis or cycloplegia. This anticholinergic preparation blocks the responses of the sphincter muscle of the iris and the accommodative muscle of the ciliary body to cholinergic stimulation, producing pupillary dilation (mydriasis) and paralysis of accommodation (cycloplegia). It acts rapidly, but has a shorter duration than atropine. Maximal cycloplegia occurs within 25 to 75 minutes after instillation. Complete recovery of accommodation usually takes 6 to 24 hours. Complete recovery from mydriasis in some individuals may require several days. Heavily pigmented irides may require more doses than lightly pigmented irides.
First approved in 1953
Dorsacaine HCl by Smith-Dorsey
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Oxybuprocaine (benoxinate) hydrochloride (MINIMS®) is a local, surface anaesthetic of the ester type. It has been shown to give effective surface anaesthesia in short opthalmological procedures. Sensation of pain is locally and reversibly reduced, with the possibility of temperature and pressure sensitivity also affected. Anaesthetic activity is ten times that of cocaine and twice that of tetracaine (amethocaine). Oxybuprocaine (benoxinate) binds to sodium channel and reversibly stabilizes the neuronal membrane which decreases its permeability to sodium ions. Depolarization of the neuronal membrane is inhibited thereby blocking the initiation and conduction of nerve impulses.
Edetic acid (EDTA) is a chelating agent. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved edetic acid chelation therapy as a treatment for lead and heavy metal poisoning. Edetic acid in form of disodium salt was withdrawn from the market due to death resulting from hypocalcemia during chelation.
First approved in 1952
Leucovorin by Lederle
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Leucovorin is a compound similar to folic acid, which is a necessary vitamin. It has been around and in use for many decades. Leucovorin is a medication frequently used in combination with the chemotherapy drugs fluoruracil and methotrexate. Leucovorin is not a chemotherapy drug itself, however it is used in addition to these chemotherapy drugs to enhance anticancer effects (with fluorouracil) or to help prevent or lessen side effects (with methotrexate). Leucovorin is also used by itself to treat certain anemia problems when folic acid deficiency is present.

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Cysteine (cysteine hydrochloride is a salt) is a thiol-containing amino acid that is oxidized to form cystine. Cysteine is synthesized from methionine via the trans-sulfuration pathway in the adult, but newborn infants lack the enzyme, cystathionase, necessary to effect this conversion. Therefore, cysteine is generally considered to be an essential amino acid in infants.
Levoleucovorin is the pharmacologically active isomer of leucovorin or 5-formyl tetrahydrofolic acid, a folate analog . Levoleucovorin does not require reduction by the enzyme dihydrofolate reductase in order to participate in reactions utilizing folates as a source of “onecarbon” moieties. Administration of levoleucovorin can counteract the therapeutic and toxic effects of folic acid antagonists such as methotrexate, which act by inhibiting dihydrofolate reductase. Levoleucovorin can enhance the therapeutic and toxic effects of fluoropyrimidines used in cancer therapy such as 5-fluorouracil. 5-fluorouracil is metabolized to 5-fluoro-2'-deoxyuridine-5'-monophosphate (FdUMP), which binds to and inhibits thymidylate synthase (an enzyme important in DNA repair and replication). Levoleucovorin is readily converted to another reduced folate, 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate, which acts to stabilize the binding of FdUMP to thymidylate synthase and thereby enhances the inhibition of this enzyme. Fusilev® (levoleucovorin) is approved by FDA for i) rescue after high-dose methotrexate therapy in osteosarcoma, ii) diminishing the toxicity and counteracting the effects of impaired methotrexate elimination and of inadvertent overdosage of folic acid antagonists and iii) in combination chemotherapy with 5-fluorouracil in the palliative treatment of patients with advanced metastatic colorectal cancer.
First approved in 1952

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Isoniazid is a bactericidal agent active against organisms of the genus Mycobacterium, specifically M. tuberculosis, M. bovis and M. kansasii. Isoniazid is recommended for all forms of tuberculosis in which organisms are susceptible. Isoniazid is a prodrug and must be activated by bacterial catalase. Isoniazid inhibits InhA, the enoyl reductase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis, by forming a covalent adduct with the NAD cofactor. The most frequent adverse reactions to isoniazid are those affecting the nervous system and the liver.
Probenecid is the prototypical uricosuric agent. It inhibits the renal excretion of organic anions and reduces tubular reabsorption of urate. Probenecid has also been used to treat patients with renal impairment, and, because it reduces the renal tubular excretion of other drugs, has been used as an adjunct to antibacterial therapy. Probenecid is used for treatment of the hyperuricemia associated with gout and gouty arthritis. Probenecid is a uricosuric and renal tubular blocking agent. It inhibits the tubular reabsorption of urate, thus increasing the urinary excretion of uric acid and decreasing serum urate levels. Effective uricosuria reduces the miscible urate pool, retards urate deposition, and promotes resorption of urate deposits. Probenecid inhibits the tubular secretion of penicillin and usually increases penicillin plasma levels by any route the antibiotic is given. A 2-fold to 4-fold elevation has been demonstrated for various penicillins. Probenecid decreases both hepatic and renal excretion of sulfobromophthalein (BSP). The tubular reabsorption of phosphorus is inhibited in hypoparathyroid but not in euparathyroid individuals. Probenecid does not influence plasma concentrations of salicylates, nor the excretion of streptomycin, chloramphenicol, chlortetracycline, oxytetracycline, or neomycin.
Sulfasalazine is an anti-inflammatory indicated for the treatment of ulcerative colitis and rheumatoid arthritis. The mode of action of Sulfasalazine or its metabolites, 5-aminosalicylic acid (5-ASA) and sulfapyridine (SP), is still under investigation, but may be related to the anti-inflammatory and/or immunomodulatory properties that have been observed in animal and in vitromodels, to its affinity for connective tissue, and/or to the relatively high concentration it reaches in serous fluids, the liver and intestinal walls, as demonstrated in autoradiographic studies in animals. In ulcerative colitis, clinical studies utilizing rectal administration of Sulfasalazine, SP and 5-ASA have indicated that the major therapeutic action may reside in the 5-ASA moiety. The relative contribution of the parent drug and the major metabolites in rheumatoid arthritis is unknown. Sulfasalazine is used for the treatment of Crohn's disease and rheumatoid arthritis as a second-line agent. Sulfasalazine is marketed under the trade name Azulfidine among others.
Dicyclomine is an anticholinergic tertiary amine used frequently by oral and parenteral route as an effective anti-spasmodic agent. Dicyclomine hydrochloride salt is approved under brand name bentyl for the treatment of functional bowel/irritable bowel syndrome. In addition is known, that dicyclomine is also used in morning and motion sickness, dysmenorrheal, intestinal hypermotility. It was shown, that Dicyclomine is a selective M1 and M3 muscarinic receptors antagonist, but os shown pharmacological activity via the M1 receptor.