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Showing 2481 - 2490 of 2582 results

Possibly Marketed Outside US
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Octotiamine is an analogue of vitamin B1. As a component of vitamin complex used for the treatment of vitamin B1 deficiency; vitamin B1 supplement.
Possibly Marketed Outside US

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Thebacon (dihydrocodeinone enol acetate, trade name Acedicon) is semisynthetic opioid analgetic and antitussive compound. Boehringer-Ingelheim merketed Acedicon for the treatment of cough. Thebacon is a Schedule I drug, that has not got approved use in US.
Possibly Marketed Outside US

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Tiazotic acid is an antioxidant. As tiazotic acid morpholinium salt it is marketed under the brand names Thiotriazoline, Tiokor among others in Russia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan as the treatment of ischemic heart diseases. It is proposed to be a hepatoprotective, wound-healing and antiviral agent. A comparative international multicenter randomized trial, assessed anti-anginal anti ischemic efficacy and safety of Trimetazidine (60 mg/d) and Thiotriazoline (600 mg/d) in symptomatic patients with chronic ischemic heart disease receiving the first line therapy. The study assessed the efficacy of the two drugs on total exercise duration, time to 1-mm ST segment depression, the number of angina attacks and nitroglycerin tablets consumed amount. Both drugs have demonstrated clinical efficacy equal for all primary and secondary endpoints. Thiotriazoline was also used for the he correction of hepatotoxicity during combined chemoradiotherapy for cancer patients.
Possibly Marketed Outside US
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THALLOUS OXIDE (Thallium (1) Oxide) has been used in the manufacturing of glass of a high coefficient of refraction for optical purposes (thallium flint glass) and for artificial gems. Thallium oxide is black in color and is the inorganic compound of Thallium and Oxygen. THALLOUS OXIDE compounds are typically insoluble in aqueous solutions (water) and extremely stable making them useful in ceramic structures as simple as producing clay bowls to advanced electronics (e.g. tablets) and in light weight structural components in aerospace and electrochemical applications such as fuel cells. THALLOUS OXIDE is toxic by ingestion. It has previously been used as rat poison and ant killer, but its use is prohibited since 1972.
Possibly Marketed Outside US
Japan:Giractide Acetate
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Giractide is a polypeptide hormone corresponding to the first eighteen amino acid residues of corticotropin in which the 1-serine is replaced by glycine. Giractide acts through the stimulation of cell surface the adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) receptors, which are primarily located on the adrenocortical cells. Giractide stimulates the cortex of the adrenal gland and boosts the synthesis of corticosteroids, mainly glucocorticoids but also sex steroids (androgens). Giractide has been studied in animal models to stimulate glucocorticoid production.
Possibly Marketed Outside US
Acetylmethadol by National Inst. for
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Methadyl Acetate is a narcotic analgesic with a long onset and duration of action. Methadyl Acetate is primarily a mu-type opioid receptor agonist and the drug decreases a patient's opioid use by preventing opioid withdrawal. Levacetylmethadol, the enantiomer of Methadyl Acetate, was approved in 1993 by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for use in the treatment of opioid dependence. In 2001, levacetylmethadol was removed from the U.S. market due to reports of life-threatening ventricular rhythm disorders.
Possibly Marketed Outside US
Japan:Anecortave Acetate
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Anecortave is a novel angiogenesis inhibitor used in the treatment of the exudative (wet) form of age-related macular degeneration. It will be marketed by Alcon as anecortave acetate (AA) for depot suspension under the trade name Retaane. In 2007 they received their letter of approval for Retaane’s indication to treat wet age-related macular degeneration (AMD), but final approval would require the completion of an additional clinical study. As a result, the Anecortave Acetate Risk-Reduction Trial (AART) was continued to be supported by Alcon. This study looked at the efficacy of Retaane to reduce the progression of the dry from of AMD to the wet-form. In 2008, Alcon Inc. announced they were terminating the development of anecortave acetate for the prevention of developing sight-threatening choroidal neovascularization secondary to age-related macular degeneration. In 2009, Alcon Inc. announced they would terminate the development of the drug for the reducing intraocular pressure associated with glaucoma. Currently, anecortave acetate is not on the market or being made for therapeutic use by Alcon Inc.[7] This could be due to the lack of efficacy of clinical trials with anecortave acetate or because of newer more efficacious products that are currently on the market. Anecortave acetate functions as an antiangiogenic agent, inhibiting blood vessel growth by decreasing extracellular protease expression and inhibiting endothelial cell migration. Its angiostatic activity does not seem to be mediated through any of the commonly known pharmacological receptors. RETAANE blocks signals from multiple growth factors because it acts downstream and independent of the initiating angiogenic stimuli and inhibits angiogenesis subsequent to the angiogenic stimulation. Recently was discovered, that phosphodiesterase 6-delta (PDE6D) was a molecular binding partner of AA and this provided insight into the role of this drug candidate in treating glaucoma.
Possibly Marketed Outside US

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Acefylline is a stimulant drug of the xanthine chemical class. It acts as an adenosine receptor antagonist. Acephylline piperazine is a theophylline derivative with a direct bronchodilator action. It has the advantages over theophylline in being far less toxic and producing minimal gastric irritation. It is indicated for the treatment of asthma, emphysema, acute and chronic bronchitis associated with bronchospasm.Acefylline relaxes smooth muscles, relieves bronchospasm & has a stimulant effect on respiration. It stimulates the myocardium & central nervous system, decreases peripheral resistance & venous pressure & causes diuresis. The mechanism of action is still not clear, inhibition of phosphodiesterase with a resulting increase in intracellular cyclic AMP does occur, but not apparently at concentrations normally used for clinical effect. Other proposed mechanisms of action include adenosine receptor antagonism, prostaglandin antagonism & effects on intracellular calcium. Sodium phenobarbital is a non-selective central nervous system depressant that is primarily used as sedative-hypnotic.
Possibly Marketed Outside US

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Acefylline is a stimulant drug of the xanthine chemical class. It acts as an adenosine receptor antagonist. Acephylline piperazine is a theophylline derivative with a direct bronchodilator action. It has the advantages over theophylline in being far less toxic and producing minimal gastric irritation. It is indicated for the treatment of asthma, emphysema, acute and chronic bronchitis associated with bronchospasm.Acefylline relaxes smooth muscles, relieves bronchospasm & has a stimulant effect on respiration. It stimulates the myocardium & central nervous system, decreases peripheral resistance & venous pressure & causes diuresis. The mechanism of action is still not clear, inhibition of phosphodiesterase with a resulting increase in intracellular cyclic AMP does occur, but not apparently at concentrations normally used for clinical effect. Other proposed mechanisms of action include adenosine receptor antagonism, prostaglandin antagonism & effects on intracellular calcium. Sodium phenobarbital is a non-selective central nervous system depressant that is primarily used as sedative-hypnotic.
Possibly Marketed Outside US

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Acetyldihydrocodeine, a narcotic opiate derivative that was used in Germany as an analgesic. This drug has never been marketed in the USA.

Showing 2481 - 2490 of 2582 results