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Showing 51 - 60 of 667 results

Spironolactone is a synthetic 17-lactone steroid which is a renal competitive aldosterone antagonist in a class of pharmaceuticals called potassium-sparing diuretics. On its own, spironolactone is only a weak diuretic, but it can be combined with other diuretics. Due to its anti-androgen effect, it can also be used to treat hirsutism, and is a common component in hormone therapy for male-to-female transgendered people. Spironolactone inhibits the effect of aldosterone by competing for intracellular aldosterone receptor in the distal tubule cells. This increases the secretion of water and sodium, while decreasing the excretion of potassium. Spironolactone has a fairly slow onset of action, taking several days to develop and similarly the effect diminishes slowly. Spironolactone is a specific pharmacologic antagonist of aldosterone, acting primarily through competitive binding of receptors at the aldosterone-dependent sodium-potassium exchange site in the distal convoluted renal tubule. Spironolactone causes increased amounts of sodium and water to be excreted, while potassium is retained. Spironolactone acts both as a diuretic and as an antihypertensive drug by this mechanism. It may be given alone or with other diuretic agents which act more proximally in the renal tubule. Aldosterone interacts with a cytoplasmic mineralocorticoid receptor to enhance the expression of the Na+, K+-ATPase and the Na+ channel involved in a Na+ K+ transport in the distal tubule . Spironolactone bind to this mineralcorticoid receptor, blocking the actions of aldosterone on gene expression. Aldosterone is a hormone; its primary function is to retain sodium and excrete potassium in the kidneys. Spironolactone is used primarily to treat low-renin hypertension, hypokalemia, and Conn's syndrome.
Medroxyprogesterone acetate (INN, USAN, BAN), also known as 17α-hydroxy-6α-methylprogesterone acetate, and commonly abbreviated as MPA, is a steroidal progestin, a synthetic variant of the human hormone progesterone. Medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) administered orally or parenterally in the recommended doses to women with adequate endogenous estrogen, transforms proliferative into secretory endometrium. Androgenic and anabolic effects have been noted, but the drug is apparently devoid of significant estrogenic activity. While parenterally administered MPA inhibits gonadotropin production, which in turn prevents follicular maturation and ovulation, available data indicate that this does not occur when the usually recommended oral dosage is given as single daily doses. MPA is a more potent derivative of its parent compound medroxyprogesterone (MP). While medroxyprogesterone is sometimes used as a synonym for medroxyprogesterone acetate, what is normally being administered is MPA and not MP. Used as a contraceptive and to treat secondary amenorrhea, abnormal uterine bleeding, pain associated with endometriosis, endometrial and renal cell carcinomas, paraphilia in males, GnRH-dependent forms of precocious puberty, as well as to prevent endometrial changes associated with estrogens. Progestins diffuse freely into target cells in the female reproductive tract, mammary gland, hypothalamus, and the pituitary and bind to the progesterone receptor. Once bound to the receptor, progestins slow the frequency of release of gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) from the hypothalamus and blunt the pre-ovulatory LH surge.
First approved in 1959
Hibitane by Ayerst
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Chlorhexidine is a broad-spectrum biocide effective against Gram-positive bacteria, Gram-negative bacteria and fungi. It is used primarily as its salts (e.g., the dihydrochloride, diacetate, and digluconate). Chlorhexidine inactivates microorganisms with a broader spectrum than other antimicrobials (e.g. antibiotics) and has a quicker kill rate than other antimicrobials (e.g. povidone-iodine). It has both bacteriostatic (inhibits bacterial growth) and bactericidal (kills bacteria) mechanisms of action, depending on its concentration. Chlorhexidine kills by disrupting the cell membrane. The most common side effects associated with chlorhexidine gluconate oral rinses are: 1) an increase in staining of teeth and other oral surfaces; 2) an increase in calculus formation; and 3) an alteration in taste perception; 4) toothache; 5) upper respiratory tract infection; and 6) headache.
First approved in 1959
Oxylone Cream by Upjohn
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Fluorometholone is a glucocorticoid employed, usually as eye drops, in the treatment of allergic and inflammatory conditions of the eye. Corticosteroids such as fluorometholone inhibit the inflammatory response to a variety of inciting agents and probably delay or slow healing. There is no generally accepted explanation for the mechanism of action of ocular corticosteroids. However, corticosteroids are thought to act by the induction of phospholipase A2 inhibitory proteins, collectively called lipocortins. It is postulated that these proteins control the biosynthesis of potent mediators of inflammation such as prostaglandins and leukotrienes by inhibiting the release of their common precursor, arachidonic acid. Arachidonic acid is released from membrane phospholipids by phospholipase A2. Corticosteroids are capable of producing a rise in intraocular pressure. In clinical studies of documented steroid-responders, fluorometholone demonstrated a significantly longer average time to produce a rise in intraocular pressure than dexamethasone phosphate.
Dexamethasone acetate (NEOFORDEX®) is the acetate salt form of dexamethasone, which is a synthetic glucocorticoid; it combines high anti-inflammatory effects with low mineralocorticoid activity. At high doses (e.g. 40 mg), it reduces the immune response. Dexamethasone acetate (NEOFORDEX®) is indicated in adults for the treatment of symptomatic multiple myeloma in combination with other medicinal products. Dexamethasone has been shown to induce multiple myeloma cell death (apoptosis) via a down-regulation of nuclear factor-κB activity and an activation of caspase-9 through second mitochondria-derived activator of caspase (Smac; an apoptosis promoting factor) release. Prolonged exposure was required to achieve maximum levels of apoptotic markers along with increased caspase-3 activation and DNA fragmentation. Dexamethasone also down-regulated anti apoptotic genes and increased IκB-alpha protein levels. Dexamethasone apoptotic activity is enhanced by the combination with thalidomide or its analogues and with proteasome inhibitor (e.g. bortezomib).
Triamcinolone acetonide is a synthetic corticosteroid used to treat various skin conditions, and to relieve the discomfort of mouth sores. In nasal spray form, it is used to treat allergic rhinitis. It is a more potent derivative of triamcinolone, and is about eight times as potent as prednisone. TRIESENCE™ is a synthetic corticosteroid indicated for: sympathetic ophthalmia, temporal arteritis, uveitis, and ocular inflammatory conditions unresponsive to topical corticosteroids. Triamcinolone acetonide is a synthetic fluorinated corticosteroid with approximately 8 times the potency of prednisone in animal models of inflammation. Although the precise mechanism of corticosteroid antiallergic action is unknown, corticosteroids have been shown to have a wide range of actions on multiple cell types (e.g., mast cells, eosinophils, neutrophils, macrophages, lymphocytes) and mediators (e.g., histamine, eicosanoids, leukotrienes, cytokines) involved in inflammation.
First approved in 1957
Norlutin by Parke-Davis
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Norethisterone (INN, BAN), also known as Norethindrone (USAN) (brand names Micronor, AYGESTIN, numerous others) is a synthetic progestational hormone (progestin) with actions similar to those of progesterone but functioning as a more potent inhibitor of ovulation. It has weak estrogenic and androgenic properties. The hormone has been used for the treatment of secondary amenorrhea, endometriosis, and abnormal uterine bleeding due to hormonal imbalance in the absence of organic pathology, such as submucous fibroids or uterine cancer. AYGESTIN® is not intended, recommended or approved to be used with oncomitant estrogen therapy in postmenopausal women for endometrial protection. Progestins diffuse freely into target cells and bind to the progesterone receptor. Target cells include the female reproductive tract, the mammary gland, the hypothalamus, and the pituitary. Once bound to the receptor, progestins slow the frequency of release of gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) from the hypothalamus and blunt the pre-ovulatory LH surge. Allergic reaction could be: Itching or hives, swelling in your face or hands, swelling or tingling in your mouth or throat, chest tightness, trouble breathing.
Methylprednisolone is a prednisolone derivative with similar anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive action. It is adjunctive therapy for short-term administration in rheumatoid arthritis. It is indicated in the following conditions: endocrine disorders, rheumatic disorders, collagen diseases, allergic states etc. Methylprednisolone is marketed in the USA and Canada under the brand names Medrol and Solu-Medrol. Methylprednisolone is a GR receptor agonist.
L-arginine is a nonessential amino acid that may play an important role in the treatment of cardiovascular disease due to its antiatherogenic, anti-ischemic, antiplatelet, and antithrombotic properties. It has been promoted as a growth stimulant and as a treatment for erectile dysfunction in men. L-arginine is a nonessential amino acid that may play an important role in the treatment of heart disease due to its block arterial plaque buildup, blood clots, platelet clumping, and to increase blood flow through the coronary artery. L-arginine is commonly sold as a health supplement claiming to improve vascular health and treat erectile dysfunction in men. L-arginine, which is promoted as a human growth stimulant, has also been used in bodybuilding. In the 1800s, it was first isolated from animal horn.
Fludrocortisone acetate (approved as Florinef) is a synthetic adrenocortical steroid possessing very potent mineralcorticoid properties and high glucocorticoid activity. Main indications are Partial replacement therapy for primary and secondary adrenocortical insufficiency in Addison's disease and for the treatment of salt losing adrenogenital syndrome.