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Showing 31421 - 31430 of 31824 results

Possibly Marketed Outside US
NCT00357019: Phase 4 Interventional Completed Keratoconjunctivitis, Vernal
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ISOSPAGLUMIC ACID is used as an antiallergic agent.
Possibly Marketed Outside US
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YTTRIUM Y-90 (YTRACIS®, YTTRIGA®) is a radioactive form of the chemical element yttrium. It is used for radiolabelling other medicines. An example of its use is the treatment of some type of tumors, where the radiolabelled medicine carries the radioactivity to the site of a tumor to destroy the tumor cells.
Possibly Marketed Outside US
NCT03181984: Phase 4 Interventional Completed Port-Wine Stain
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Hematoporphyrin (Photodyn), a porphyrin prepared from hemin, is used as a photosensitizer in photodynamic therapy. Photodynamic therapy is based on the use of light-sensitive photosensitizers. Photoactivation causes the formation of singlet oxygen, which produces peroxidative reactions that can cause cell damage and death. Hematoporphyrin was used as the therapeutic agent in patients with manic-depressive reactions and in patients with involutional melancholia. One of the last studies has shown, that Hematoporphyrin-Photodynamic therapy (PDT) combined with stent placement is an effective and safe treatment for extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (EHCC).
Possibly Marketed Outside US
UK NHS:Naftidrofuryl oxalate
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Naftidrofuryl (INN), also known as nafronyl or as the oxalate salt naftidrofuryl oxalate or nafronyl oxalate, is a vasodilator used in the management of peripheral and cerebral vascular disorders. The drug act as a selective antagonist of 5-HT2 receptors. Naftidrofuryl is marketed under a variety of trade names, including Artocoron, Azunaftil, Di-Actane, Dusodril, Enelbin, Frilix, Gevatran, Iridus, Iridux, Luctor, Nafti, Naftoling, Naftodril, Nafoxal, Praxilene, Sodipryl retard, and Vascuprax. Praxilene belongs to a group of medicines known as ‘metabolic activators’. These are used to treat different types of blood circulation problems. Praxilene allows the body to make better use of the oxygen in your blood. Praxilene is used to treat the following symptoms: cramp-like pains; cramps in legs at night; severe pain in r legs when people are resting (rest pain); pale or blue fingers or toes which get worse when it is cold; numbness, tingling or burning feelings in the fingers or toes (Raynaud’s syndrome or acrocyanosis); open sores on the legs or feet (trophic ulcers); poor circulation caused by diabetes (diabetic arteriopathy).
Possibly Marketed Outside US
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Eseridine (Geneserine) has been known for many years as an anticholinergic agent and used in therapy as a gastrointestinal antispastic. Eseridine salicylate is an inhibitor of cholinesterase activity that has been given by mouth in preparations for dyspepsia and other gastric disorders. It has also been studied for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease.
Possibly Marketed Outside US
Xenyhexenic acid by ZYF Pharm Chemical
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Xenyhexenic acid is a biphenyl organic compound, discovered in 1958. When fed to rats, xenyhexenic acid inhibited hypercholesterolemia and hyperlipemia that been induced by the administration of Triton.
Possibly Marketed Outside US
Xenyhexenic acid by ZYF Pharm Chemical
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Xenyhexenic acid is a biphenyl organic compound, discovered in 1958. When fed to rats, xenyhexenic acid inhibited hypercholesterolemia and hyperlipemia that been induced by the administration of Triton.
Possibly Marketed Outside US
Octinum-D by Knoll
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Octamylamine is an Antispasmodic. Trademark: Octinum D.
Possibly Marketed Outside US
Japan:Nicametate Citrate
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Possibly Marketed Outside US
NCT02121951: Phase 4 Interventional Withdrawn Nephrostomy; Complications
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Methylarsonic acid, monosodium salt is an organoarsenic compound formed from the methylation of inorganic arsenic by living organisms. Methylarsonate is used as a contact herbicide in either the monosodium or disodium salt form. It goes by the trade names Weed-E-Rad, Ansar 170 H.C., Ansar 529 H.C., DiTac and others. Methylarsonate is considered only slightly toxic, having an oral LD50 of 2200 mg/Kg for rats. The inhalation risk is greater with LD50 Rats >20 mg. Long term studies with people exposed to organoarsenicals has shown an increased risk of skin cancer (Spiewak, 2001), lung cancer and some liver cancers, although some recent studies have shown some arsenic containing compounds (specifically Arsine trioxide) may have anticarcinogenic properties (Wang, 2001). In mammals, Methylarsonate is also an intermediate in the detoxification of inorganic arsenic. In the arsenate detoxification I pathway, arsenite reacts with S-adenosyl-L-methionine to produce methylarsonate and S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine. Arsenite methyltransferase catalyzes this reaction. Methylarsonate then reacts with 2 glutathione molecules to produce glutathione disulfide and methylarsonite. This reaction is catalyzed by methylarsonate reductase. Methylarsonate is an organic arsenic compound with adverse effects similar to those of arsenic trioxide. Methylarsonate was formerly included in some vitamin and mineral preparations. It was once used to treat tuberculosis, chorea, and other affections in which the cacodylates were used.

Showing 31421 - 31430 of 31824 results