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Showing 151 - 160 of 31824 results

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Loratadine is a derivative of azatadine and a second-generation histamine H1 receptor antagonist used in the treatment of allergic rhinitis and urticaria. Unlike most classical antihistamines (histamine H1 antagonists) it lacks central nervous system depressing effects such as drowsiness. Loratadine competes with free histamine and exhibits specific, selective peripheral H1 antagonistic activity. This blocks the action of endogenous histamine, which subsequently leads to temporary relief of the negative symptoms (eg. nasal congestion, watery eyes) brought on by histamine. Loratadine has low affinity for cholinergic receptors and does not exhibit any appreciable alpha-adrenergic blocking activity in-vitro. Loratadine also appears to suppress the release of histamine and leukotrienes from animal mast cells, and the release of leukotrienes from human lung fragments, although the clinical importance of this is unknown.
Felbamate is an antiepileptic indicated as monotherapy or as an adjunct to other anticonvulsants for the treatment of partial seizures resulting from epilepsy. Receptor-binding studies in vitro indicate that felbamate has weak inhibitory effects on GABA-receptor binding, benzodiazepine receptor binding, and is devoid of activity at the MK-801 receptor binding site of the NMDA receptor-ionophore complex. However, felbamate does interact as an antagonist at the strychnine-insensitive glycine recognition site of the NMDA receptor-ionophore complex. The mechanism by which felbamate exerts its anticonvulsant activity is unknown, but in animal test systems designed to detect anticonvulsant activity, felbamate has properties in common with other marketed anticonvulsants. In vitro receptor binding studies suggest that felbamate may be an antagonist at the strychnine-insensitive glycine-recognition site of the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor-ionophore complex. Antagonism of the NMDA receptor glycine binding site may block the effects of the excitatory amino acids and suppress seizure activity. Animal studies indicate that felbamate may increase the seizure threshold and may decrease seizure spread. It is also indicated that felbamate has weak inhibitory effects on GABA-receptor binding, benzodiazepine receptor binding. Felbamate should be used only in those patients who respond inadequately to alternative treatments and whose epilepsy is so severe that a substantial risk of aplastic anemia and/or liver failure is deemed acceptable in light of the benefits conferred by its use. Felbatol is the brand name used in the United States for felbamate.
Gabapentin enacarbil (Horizant in USA, Regnite in Japan), is a prodrug of gabapentin, an antiepileptic drug (AED). It was designed for increased oral bioavailability over gabapentin and to be transported through two high capacity transporters in the intestine, sodium-dependent multivitamin transporter (SMVT) and MCT1. It was shown that the prodrug is a substrate for both MCT1 and SMVT. The oral bioavailability of gabapentin following the administration of its prodrug was found to be 84.2% compared with 25.4% after a similar oral dose of gabapentin. Discovered and developed by XenoPort, gabapentin enacarbil was approved in the United States in 2011 for the treatment of moderate-to-severe primary restless legs syndrome (RLS) in adults and in June 2012 for the management of postherpetic neuralgia (PHN) in adults. Therapeutic effects of gabapentin enacarbil in RLS and PHN are attributable to gabapentin. The precise mechanism by which gabapentin is efficacious in RLS and PHN is unknown. In vitro studies have shown that gabapentin binds with high affinity to certain parts of voltage-activated calcium channels in the central nervous system. However, the relationship of this binding to the therapeutic effects of gabapentin enacarbil in RLS and PHN is unknown. The most common adverse reactions for adult patients with moderate-to-severe primary RLS and PHN receiving Horizant were somnolence/sedation, dizziness, headache, nausea and fatigue.
Cefpodoxime is an orally administered, extended spectrum, semi-synthetic antibiotic of the cephalosporin class. Cefpodoxime is a bactericidal agent that acts by inhibition of bacterial cell wall synthesis. Cefpodoxime has activity in the presence of some beta-lactamases, both penicillinases and cephalosporinases, of Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria. Cefpodoxime is indicated for the treatment of patients with mild to moderate infections caused by susceptible strains of the designated microorganisms in the conditions: acute otitis media; pharyngitis and/or tonsillitis; community-acquired pneumonia; acute bacterial exacerbation of chronic bronchitis; gonorrhea; uncomplicated skin and skin structure infections; acute maxillary sinusitis and uncomplicated urinary tract infections (cystitis). Common adverse reactions include diarrhea, nausea, vaginal fungal infections, vulvovaginal infections, abdominal pain, headache. Concomitant administration of high doses of antacids (sodium bicarbonate and aluminum hydroxide) or H2 blockers reduces peak plasma levels by 24% to 42% and the extent of absorption by 27% to 32%, respectively. Oral anti-cholinergics (e.g., propantheline) delay peak plasma levels (47% increase in Tmax), but do not affect the extent of absorption (AUC). Probenecid: As with other beta-lactam antibiotics, renal excretion of cefpodoxime was inhibited by probenecid and resulted in an approximately 31% increase in AUC and 20% increase in peak cefpodoxime plasma levels.
Oxaprozin is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) with analgesic and antipyretic properties. Anti-inflammatory effects of Oxaprozin are believed to be due to inhibition of cylooxygenase in platelets which leads to the blockage of prostaglandin synthesis. Antipyretic effects may be due to action on the hypothalamus, resulting in an increased peripheral blood flow, vasodilation, and subsequent heat dissipation. Oxaprozin is a non-selective NSAID, with a cell assay system showing lower COX-2 selectivity implying higher COX-1 selectivity. Oxaprozin is used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, dysmenorrhea, and to alleviate moderate pain.
Paclitaxel is a mitotic inhibitor used in cancer chemotherapy. It was discovered in a US National Cancer Institute program at the Research Triangle Institute in 1967 when Monroe E. Wall and Mansukh C. Wani isolated it from the bark of the Pacific yew tree, Taxus brevifolia and named it taxol. Later it was discovered that endophytic fungi in the bark synthesize paclitaxel. When it was developed commercially by Bristol-Myers Squibb (BMS), the generic name was changed to paclitaxel and the BMS compound is sold under the trademark Taxol. In this formulation, paclitaxel is dissolved in Kolliphor EL and ethanol, as a delivery agent. Taxol is marketed for the treatment of Breast cancer; Gastric cancer; Kaposi's sarcoma; Non-small cell lung cancer; Ovarian cancer. A newer formulation, in which paclitaxel is bound to albumin, is sold under the trademark Abraxane. Paclitaxel is a taxoid antineoplastic agent indicated as first-line and subsequent therapy for the treatment of advanced carcinoma of the ovary, and other various cancers including breast cancer. Paclitaxel is a novel antimicrotubule agent that promotes the assembly of microtubules from tubulin dimers and stabilizes microtubules by preventing depolymerization. This stability results in the inhibition of the normal dynamic reorganization of the microtubule network that is essential for vital interphase and mitotic cellular functions. In addition, paclitaxel induces abnormal arrays or "bundles" of microtubules throughout the cell cycle and multiple asters of microtubules during mitosis. Used in the treatment of Kaposi's sarcoma and cancer of the lung, ovarian, and breast. Abraxane® is specfically indicated for the treatment of metastatic breast cancer and locally advanced or metastatic non-small cell lung cancer. Paclitaxel interferes with the normal function of microtubule growth. Whereas drugs like colchicine cause the depolymerization of microtubules in vivo, paclitaxel arrests their function by having the opposite effect; it hyper-stabilizes their structure. This destroys the cell's ability to use its cytoskeleton in a flexible manner. Specifically, paclitaxel binds to the β subunit of tubulin. Tubulin is the "building block" of mictotubules, and the binding of paclitaxel locks these building blocks in place. The resulting microtubule/paclitaxel complex does not have the ability to disassemble. This adversely affects cell function because the shortening and lengthening of microtubules (termed dynamic instability) is necessary for their function as a transportation highway for the cell. Chromosomes, for example, rely upon this property of microtubules during mitosis. Further research has indicated that paclitaxel induces programmed cell death (apoptosis) in cancer cells by binding to an apoptosis stopping protein called Bcl-2 (B-cell leukemia 2) and thus arresting its function.
Pamidronic acid (Pamidronate Disodium) is a bone resorption inhibitor. The principal pharmacologic action of pamidronate disodium is inhibition of bone resorption. Although the mechanism of antiresorptive action is not completely understood, several factors are thought to contribute to this action. Pamidronate disodium adsorbs to calcium phosphate (hydroxyapatite) crystals in bone and may directly block dissolution of this mineral component of bone. In vitro studies also suggest that inhibition of osteoclast activity contributes to inhibition of bone resorption. In animal studies, at doses recommended for the treatment of hypercalcemia, pamidronate disodium inhibits bone resorption apparently without inhibiting bone formation and mineralization. Of relevance to the treatment of hypercalcemia of malignancy is the finding that pamidronate disodium inhibits the accelerated bone resorption that results from osteoclast hyperactivity induced by various tumors in animal studies. Pamidronate disodium, in conjunction with adequate hydration, is indicated for the treatment of moderate or severe hypercalcemia associated with malignancy, with or without bone metastases. Pamidronate disodium is indicated for the treatment of patients with moderate to severe Paget’s disease of bone. Pamidronate disodium is indicated, in conjunction with standard antineoplastic therapy, for the treatment of osteolytic bone metastases of breast cancer and osteolytic lesions of multiple myeloma.
Etodolac is an anti-inflammatory agent with analgesic and antipyretic properties. It is used to treat osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and control acute pain. The therapeutic effects of etodolac are achieved via inhibition of the synthesis of prostaglandins involved in fever, pain, swelling and inflammation. Etodolac is administered as a racemate. As with other NSAIDs, the S-form has been shown to be active while the R-form is inactive. Both enantiomers are stable and there is no evidence of R- to S- conversion in vivo. Similar to other NSAIDs, the anti-inflammatory effects of etodolac result from inhibition of the enzyme cycooxygenase (COX). This decreases the synthesis of peripheral prostaglandins involved in mediating inflammation. Etodolac binds to the upper portion of the COX enzyme active site and prevents its substrate, arachidonic acid, from entering the active site. Etodolac was previously thought to be a non-selective COX inhibitor, but it is now known to be 5 – 50 times more selective for COX-2 than COX-1. Antipyresis may occur by central action on the hypothalamus, resulting in peripheral dilation, increased cutaneous blood flow, and subsequent heat loss. Etodolac is used for acute and long-term management of signs and symptoms of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, as well as for the management of pain. Lodine, the brand-name formulation of the drug, has been discontinued in the United States, and only the generic form of etodolac is available.
Tenivastatin (well known as simvastatin acid or simvastatin hydroxy acid) is a pharmacologically active metabolite, which is formed in the mammalian organism from lactone prodrug, simvastatin. Tenivastatin is a potent reversible inhibitor of HMGCR (HMG-CoA reductase), reduces cholesterol synthesis and increases low-density lipoprotein (LDL) receptors on cell membranes of liver and extrahepatic tissues. It is also a substrate of organic anion transporting polypeptide 1B1 (OATP1B1/Oatp2), an influx transporter expressed on the sinusoidal membrane of hepatocytes. Recent studies have shown that OATP1B1 plays a clinically important role in the hepatic elimination of several drugs including statins, via mediating the hepatic uptake. In addition, was discovered, that the tenivastatin was a substrate of another transporter protein, human organic anion transporting polypeptide 3A1 (OATP3A1), which is predominately expressed in the heart. Presence of OATP3A1 in cardiomyocytes suggested that transporter could modulate the exposure of cardiac tissue to simvastatin acid due to its enrichment in cardiomyocytes. Increases in the uptake of simvastatin acid by OATP3A1 when combined with OATP substrates suggest the potential for drug-drug interactions that could influence clinical outcomes.

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Benazepril is a prodrug which is metabolized by the liver into its active form benazeprilat via cleavage of the drug's ester group. Benazepril and Benazeprilat inhibit angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) in human subjects and animals. Benazeprilat has much greater ACE inhibitory activity than does Benazepril. It is indicated for the treatment of hypertension. It may be used alone or in combination with thiazide diuretics. Adverse reactions reported in controlled clinical trials and rarer events seen in post-marketing experience, include the following: Stevens-Johnson syndrome, pemphigus, apparent hypersensitivity reactions (manifested by dermatitis, pruritus, or rash), photosensitivity, and flushing, nausea, pancreatitis, constipation, gastritis, vomiting, and melena, thrombocytopenia and hemolytic anemia, anxiety, decreased libido, hypertonia, insomnia, nervousness, and paresthesia. Patients on diuretics, especially those in whom diuretic therapy was recently instituted, may occasionally experience an excessive reduction of blood pressure after initiation of therapy with Benazepril. Increased serum lithium levels and symptoms of lithium toxicity have been reported in patients receiving ACE inhibitors (including benazepril) during therapy with lithium.