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Alminoprofen is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) of the phenylpropionic acid class. It has anti-inflammatory properties different from the classical NSAID. Alminoprofen possesses both antiphospholipase A2 (PLA2) activity and anti-cycloxygenase (COX) activity.
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Aldosterone is a hormone secreted by the adrenal cortex that regulates electrolyte and water balance by increasing the renal retention of sodium and the excretion of potassium. Recent findings have shown that the physiological functions of the hormone aldosterone go far beyond its well-known role in blood-pressure regulation and salt/water homeostasis. Aldosterone is for example involved in the regulation of inflammation, and also binds directly to mineralocorticoid receptors in specific brain regions. At the late distal tubule and collecting duct, aldosterone has two main actions: 1) aldosterone acts on mineralocorticoid receptors (MR) on principal cells in the distal tubule of the kidney nephron, increasing the permeability of their apical (luminal) membrane to potassium and sodium and activates their basolateral Na+/K+ pumps, stimulating ATP hydrolysis leading to phosphorylation of the pump and a conformational change in the pump exposes the Na+ ions to the outside. The phosphorylated form of the pump has a low affinity for Na+ ions, hence reabsorbing sodium (Na+) ions and water into the blood, and secreting potassium (K+) ions into the urine; 2) aldosterone stimulates H+ secretion by intercalated cells in the collecting duct, regulating plasma bicarbonate (HCO3−) levels and its acid/base balance; and 3) aldosterone may act on the central nervous system via the posterior pituitary gland to release vasopressin (ADH) which serves to conserve water by direct actions on renal tubular resorption.