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Felypressin is a non-catecholamine vasoconstrictor that is chemically related to vasopressin, the posterior pituitary hormone. Felypressin is added to some local anesthetics such as prilocaine in a concentration of 0.03 IU/ml. Its antidiuretic effects are less than those of vasopressin. Felypressin is used as a vasoconstrictor in local anesthetic injections for dental use and is an ingredient of preparations that have been used for the treatment of pain and inflammation of the mouth.


Approval Year


Primary TargetPharmacologyConditionPotency


ConditionModalityTargetsHighest PhaseProduct


Sample Use Guides

In Vivo Use Guide
Adult: As combination containing prilocaine hydrochloride 30 mg and felypressin 0.03 IU/ml: Usual dose: 1-5 ml, adjust according to response. Max: 10 ml. Child: As combination containing prilocaine hydrochloride 30 mg and felypressin 0.03 IU/ml: <10 yr: 1-2 ml; 10-18 yr: 1-5 ml, max 10ml. Adjust dose according to response.
Route of Administration: Intramuscular
In Vitro Use Guide
Adenohypophyses, removed from decapitated rats, were divided into four segments of approximately equal size and incubated together for 150 min at 37 °C in 2-0 ml medium, ionically similar to cerebrospinal fluid containing ascorbic acid (1 mmol/1; pH 7-4), through which 95% O2 / 5% CO2 was passed continually. The medium was replaced after 120 and 135 min. The pituitary segments were then separated and incubated for a further 15 min, either in medium (1-0 ml) con¬ taining vasopressin-receptor agonist Felypressin and/or CRF-41 or in a corresponding volume of medium alone (controls). The medium was stored at -30 °C and its ACTH concentration determined subsequently
Substance Class Protein
Protein Sub Type
Sequence Type COMPLETE
Record UNII
Record Status Validated (UNII)
Record Version
Subunit 0