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Showing 1 - 10 of 38 results

First approved in 1991

Class (Stereo):


Prednicarbate is a relatively new topical corticosteroid drug. It is similar in potency to hydrocortisone. It has a favorable benefit-risk ratio, with an inflammatory action similar to that of a medium potency corticosteroid, but with a low potential to cause skin atrophy. DERMATOP Ointment (prednicarbate ointment) 0.1% is a medium potency corticosteroid indicated for the relief of the inflammatory and pruritic manifestations of corticosteroid responsive dermatoses. Like other topical corticosteroids, prednicarbate has anti-inflammatory, anti-pruritic and vasoconstrictive properties. The mechanism of the anti-inflammatory activity of the topical steroids, in general, is unclear. However, corticosteroids are thought to act by the induction of phospholipase A2 inhibitory proteins, collectively called lipocortins. It is postulated that these proteins control the biosynthesis of potent mediators of inflammation such as prostaglandins and leukotrienes by inhibiting the release of their common precursor arachidonic acid. Arachidonic acid is released from membrane phospholipids by phospholipase A2. Prednicarbate has a strong correlation between transactivation and glucocorticoid receptor binding.
First approved in 1977

Class (Stereo):

Diflorasone is a topical corticosteroid used to treat itching and inflammation of the skin. Topical corticosteroids share anti-inflammatory, antipruritic and vasoconstrictive actions. The mechanism of anti-inflammatory activity of the topical corticosteroids is unclear. Various laboratory methods, including vasoconstrictor assays, are used to compare and predict potencies and/or clinical efficacies of the topical corticosteroids. There is some evidence to suggest that a recognizable correlation exists between vasoconstrictor potency and therapeutic efficacy in man. The extent of percutaneous absorption of topical corticosteroids is determined by many factors including the vehicle, the integrity of the epidermal barrier, and the use of occlusive dressings. Topical corticosteroids can be absorbed from normal intact skin. Inflammation and/or other disease processes in the skin increase percutaneous absorption. Occlusive dressings substantially increase the percutaneous absorption of topical corticosteroids. Thus, occlusive dressings may be a valuable therapeutic adjunct for treatment of resistant dermatoses. Once absorbed through the skin, topical corticosteroids are handled through pharmacokinetic pathways similar to systemically administered corticosteroids. Corticosteroids are bound to plasma proteins in varying degrees. They are metabolized primarily in the liver and are then excreted by the kidneys. Some of the topical corticosteroids and their metabolites are also excreted into the bile.
First approved in 1966

Class (Stereo):


Etynodiol (used in a form of diacetate) is a steroid that was used as a contraceptive drug. Etynodiol diacetate and etynodiol are rapidly metabolized to an active metabolite, norethisterone, which binds to progesterone receptor and modulates its activity.

Class (Stereo):

Senegenin (Tenuigenin) is a natural product from Polygala tenuifolia used in Chinese medicine to improve memory and intelligence. Senegenin attenuated hepatic ischemia-reperfusion induced cognitive dysfunction via increasing NR2B expression in rat hippocampus. Senegenin displayed antiapoptotic and antioxidative activity in hippocampal neurons due to scavenging of intracellular reactive oxygen species, regulating Bcl-2 family and suppressing caspase-3 activity. In vitro studies have indicated that senegenin treatment suppresses secretion of amyloid β protein and attenuate its cytotoxicity. Anti-inflammatory effect of senegenin is expressed via inhibition of NF-κB activation and was investigated in preclinical models of pneumonia, osteoarthritis, acute liver injury and other diseases.