Search results for "Cellular or Molecular Interactions [MoA]|Physiochemical Activity [MoA]|Dyes [MoA]" in comments (approximate match)
Showing 1 - 3 of 3 results
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Trypan blue (trade name MembraneBlue, VisionBlue) is a vital stain used to selectively color dead tissues or cells blue. Live cells or tissues with intact cell membranes are not colored. Since cells are very selective in the compounds that pass throu...
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Fluorescein is a synthetic organic compound available as a dark orange/red powder slightly soluble in water and alcohol. It is widely used as a fluorescent tracer for many applications. Fluorescein was first synthesized by Adolf von Baeyer in 1871. ...
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ICG is a cyanine fluorescent dye which is used in medicine as an indicator substance (for photometric hepatic function diagnostics and fluorescence angiography) in cardiac, circulatory, hepatic and ophthalmic conditions. It is administered intravenou...