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Showing 4891 - 4900 of 4933 results

US Approved Allergenic Extract (1994)



Gold monoiodide (AuI; Aurum iodatum) is a chemical compound of gold and iodine. This compound can be synthesized by heating gold and iodine in a sealed tube at 120°C for about four months. It decomposes when treated with hot water, but its related complexes are much more stable. It’s used like unapproved homeopathic product for treatment of Senile Paresis. This product is to be used for self-limiting conditions. If symptoms do not improve in 4 days, or worsen, discontinue use and seek assistance of health professional
Possibly Marketed Outside US
Sumaxin Cleansing Pads by Medimetriks Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
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Possibly Marketed Outside US
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Sulfomyxin is an antibacterial sulfonamide. It is intended for use in chickens and turkeys as an aid in the treatment of disease caused or complicated by E. coli, such as colibacillosis and complicated chronic respiratory disease.
Corticorelin ovine is an analogue of the naturally occurring human corticotropin-releasing hormone (hCRH) peptide. Corticorelin ovine is a potent stimulator of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) release from the anterior pituitary. ACTH stimulates cortisol production from the adrenal cortex. Corticorelin ovine was marketed under the brand name ACTHREL for use in differentiating pituitary and ectopic production of ACTH in patients with ACTH-dependent Cushing’s syndrome.
More than a century ago, Sir Henry Dale demonstrated that a component of the pituitary causes contractions of the mammalian uterus, hence his coining the term “oxytocic,” derived from the Greek for “quick birth,” for its activity. The discovery that a component of the pituitary causes milk secretion followed within a few years. By 1930, oxytocin was separated from vasopressin into pitocin and pitressin, respectively, at Parke Davis and made available for research. That a single peptide was responsible for these uterine and mammary actions was definitively confirmed upon the sequencing and synthesis of the peptide, 9 amino acids in length. Vincent du Vigneaud was awarded a Nobel Prize for this work. Oxytocin is indicated for the initiation or improvement of uterine contractions, where this is desirable and considered suitable for reasons of fetal or maternal concern, in order to achieve vaginal delivery. Oxytocin is indicated to produce uterine contractions during the third stage of labor and to control postpartum bleeding or hemorrhage. Uterine motility depends on the formation of the contractile protein actomyosin under the influence of the Ca2+- dependent phosphorylating enzyme myosin light-chain kinase. Oxytocin promotes contractions by increasing the intracellular Ca2+. Oxytocin has specific receptors in the myometrium and the receptor concentration increases greatly during pregnancy, reaching a maximum in early labor at term. The Oxytocin receptor is a typical class I G protein-coupled receptor that is primarily coupled via G(q) proteins to phospholipase C-beta. The high-affinity receptor state requires both Mg(2+) and cholesterol, which probably function as allosteric modulators. The agonist-binding region of the receptor has been characterized by mutagenesis and molecular modeling and is different from the antagonist binding site. The function and physiological regulation of the Oxytocin system is strongly steroid dependent.
nucleic acid
NCT01743807: Phase 1 Interventional Terminated Relapsed Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
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Showing 4891 - 4900 of 4933 results