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Potassium propionate is the potassium salt of propionic acid. It is used as an antimicrobial agent in bread to prevent germination of some types of bacteria which causes sticky yellow patches to occur. Has been linked with behavioural and learning problems, migraines, headaches and can cause asthma. Potassium propionate is represented by the food labeling E number E283 in Europe and by the INS number 283 in Australia and New Zealand. It is very effective against molds and rope forming bacteria and is preferred in chemically leavened cakes, tortillas, pie fillings. Since Probake® Potassium Propionate does not add sodium to the product, it is very suitable for low-salt recipes. A typical dosage for potassium propionate in bakery products is 0.3%. Probake Potassium Propionate is available as a dust free agglomerate grade. GRAS.