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Showing 11 - 11 of 11 results

Clomiphene (CLOMID®) is a triphenyl ethylene stilbene derivative which is an estrogen agonist or antagonist depending on the target tissue. It is an orally administered, nonsteroidal, ovulatory stimulant. Clomiphene (CLOMID®) is a mixture of two geometric isomers [cis (zuclomiphene) and trans (enclomiphene)] containing between 30% and 50% of the cis-isomer. Clomiphene (CLOMID®) initiates a series of endocrine events culminating in a preovulatory gonadotropin surge and subsequent follicular rupture. The first endocrine event in response to a course of clomiphene therapy is an increase in the release of pituitary gonadotropins. This initiates steroidogenesis and folliculogenesis, resulting in growth of the ovarian follicle and an increase in the circulating level of estradiol. Following ovulation, plasma progesterone and estradiol rise and fall as they would in a normal ovulatory cycle.

Showing 11 - 11 of 11 results