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Showing 1301 - 1310 of 1356 results

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BioLineRx Ltd has developed BL-8040, a short peptide for the treatment of solid tumors, acute myeloid leukemia, or AML, and stem-cell mobilization for bone-marrow transplantation. BL-8040 acts as CXCR4 antagonist. CXCR4 is a chemokine receptor that is directly involved in tumor progression, angiogenesis, metastasis, and cell survival. In February 2019 US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted Orphan Drug Designation to BL-8040, for the treatment of pancreatic cancer. Previously FDA had granted Orphan Drug Designation for the treatment of acute myeloid leukemia and stem-cell mobilization.

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Setmelanotide (RM-493), is an investigational, first-in-class melanocortin-4 receptor (MC4R) agonist in development for the treatment of rare genetic disorders of obesity. Setmelanotide is thought to activate the MC4R, part of a key biological pathway in humans that regulates weight by increasing energy expenditure and reducing appetite. Variants in genes within the MC4 pathway are associated with unrelenting hunger, known as hyperphagia, and severe, early-onset obesity. Setmelanotide is a potential replacement therapy that may restore lost activity in the MC4 pathway, reestablishing weight and appetite control in patients with these rare genetic disorders.
Etelcalcetide (formerly velcalcetide, trade name Parsabiv) is a calcimimetic drug for the treatment of secondary hyperparathyroidism in patients undergoing hemodialysis. Etelcalcetide was approved (trade name Parsabiv) for the treatment of secondary hyperparathyroidism (HPT) in adult patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) on hemodialysis in February, 2017. Etelcalcetide is a synthetic peptide calcium-sensing receptor agonist. It allosterically modulates the calcium-sensing receptor (CaSR). Etelcalcetide binds to the CaSR and enhances activation of the receptor by extracellular calcium. Activation of the CaSR on parathyroid chief cells decreases PTH secretion.

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FR-135313 (also known as Romidepsin reduced) was studied as a selective inhibitor of the human histone deacetylase 1 (HDAC1).
Octreotide (SMS 201-995, Sandostatin) is an octapeptide that exerts pharmacologic actions similar to the natural hormone, somatostatin. It was developed by Bauer and co-authors at Sandoz. It is an even more potent inhibitor of growth hormone, glucagon, and insulin than somatostatin. Like somatostatin, it also suppresses LH response to GnRH, decreases splanchnic blood flow, and inhibits release of serotonin, gastrin, vasoactive intestinal peptide, secretin, motilin, and pancreatic polypeptide. By virtue of these pharmacological actions, Sandostatin has been used to treat the symptoms associated with metastatic carcinoid tumors (flushing and diarrhea), and Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide (VIP) secreting adenomas (watery diarrhea). Sandostatin substantially reduces growth hormone and/or IGF-I (somatomedin C) levels in patients with acromegaly. A radioactively labelled analogue has been used to visualize somatostatin receptors in a GRF-secreting human tumour.
Octreotide (SMS 201-995, Sandostatin) is an octapeptide that exerts pharmacologic actions similar to the natural hormone, somatostatin. It was developed by Bauer and co-authors at Sandoz. It is an even more potent inhibitor of growth hormone, glucagon, and insulin than somatostatin. Like somatostatin, it also suppresses LH response to GnRH, decreases splanchnic blood flow, and inhibits release of serotonin, gastrin, vasoactive intestinal peptide, secretin, motilin, and pancreatic polypeptide. By virtue of these pharmacological actions, Sandostatin has been used to treat the symptoms associated with metastatic carcinoid tumors (flushing and diarrhea), and Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide (VIP) secreting adenomas (watery diarrhea). Sandostatin substantially reduces growth hormone and/or IGF-I (somatomedin C) levels in patients with acromegaly. A radioactively labelled analogue has been used to visualize somatostatin receptors in a GRF-secreting human tumour.
Octreotide (SMS 201-995, Sandostatin) is an octapeptide that exerts pharmacologic actions similar to the natural hormone, somatostatin. It was developed by Bauer and co-authors at Sandoz. It is an even more potent inhibitor of growth hormone, glucagon, and insulin than somatostatin. Like somatostatin, it also suppresses LH response to GnRH, decreases splanchnic blood flow, and inhibits release of serotonin, gastrin, vasoactive intestinal peptide, secretin, motilin, and pancreatic polypeptide. By virtue of these pharmacological actions, Sandostatin has been used to treat the symptoms associated with metastatic carcinoid tumors (flushing and diarrhea), and Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide (VIP) secreting adenomas (watery diarrhea). Sandostatin substantially reduces growth hormone and/or IGF-I (somatomedin C) levels in patients with acromegaly. A radioactively labelled analogue has been used to visualize somatostatin receptors in a GRF-secreting human tumour.

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Oxiglutathione is the oxidized disulfide form of glutathione (GSH) with potential protective activity. Glutathione disulfide (GSSG) is reduced by glutathione reductase to GSH. GSSG and GSH together play important roles in numerous redox reactions, such as those involved in the detoxification of harmful substances and free radicals, and in reactions preventing oxidative damage in erythrocytes. Upon ocular administration in irrigation solution, glutathione disulfide may exert a beneficial effect on the intracellular redox state of glutathione, thereby protecting the integrity and barrier function of the corneal endothelial cells.
First marketed in 1921
Syrup of Ferrous Iodide U.S.P.
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Iron(II) gluconate (also known as a ferrous gluconate) is used in the treatment of hypochromic anemia. The real problem of iron therapy is not the theoretical utilization of iron, or the reticulocyte response, or even the daily increase of hemoglobin. These are important only as they indicate the return of the patients' blood to normal in a reasonably short time without undue inconvenience. Most patients suffering from hypochromic anemia respond well to most forms of iron when administered in adequate dosage. For the patients who cannot tolerate the usual iron compounds, it is important to have a medication which is effective and which causes minimum disturbance. Ferrous gluconate is such a medicament.

Showing 1301 - 1310 of 1356 results