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Ixabepilone is an antineoplastic agent, epothilone and mitotic inhibitor that is FDA approved for the treatment of patients with metastatic or locally advanced breast cancer resistant to treatment with an anthracycline and a taxane, or whose cancer is taxane resistant and for whom further anthracycline therapy is contraindicated. Ixabepilone binds directly to beta-tubulin subunits on microtubules, leading to suppression of microtubule dynamics. Ixabepilone suppresses the dynamic instability of alpha-beta-II and alpha-beta-III microtubules. The most common adverse reactions (≥20%) are peripheral sensory neuropathy, fatigue/asthenia, myalgia/arthralgia, alopecia, nausea, vomiting, stomatitis/mucositis, diarrhea, and musculoskeletal pain. Inhibitors of CYP3A4 may increase plasma concentrations of ixabepilone.
Cabazitaxel (JEVTANA®) is an antineoplastic agent belonging to the taxane class and is used to treat people with prostate cancer that has progressed despite treatment with docetaxel. It is prepared by semi-synthesis with a precursor extracted from yew needles (10-deacetylbaccatin III). Cabazitaxel (JEVTANA®) is a microtubule inhibitor. It binds to tubulin and promotes its assembly into microtubules while simultaneously inhibiting disassembly. This leads to the stabilization of microtubules, which results in the inhibition of mitotic and interphase cellular functions. The cell is then unable to progress further into the cell cycle, being stalled at metaphase, thus triggering apoptosis of the cancer cell.