Alafosfalin is a phosphonodipeptide with significant activity as an antibacterial agent and as a potentiator of beta-lactam antibiotics. Alafosfalin shows good activity both in vitro and in vivo, particularly against Enterobacteriaceae. The compound acts by interfering with bacterial cell wall biosynthesis and also potentiates the activity of beta-lactam antibiotics. Alafosfalin was found to be highly active against Escherichia coli and moderately active against Serratia, Klebsiella, Enterobacter, and Citrobacter, but less active against gram-positive organisms than were beta-lactams such as cephazolin or ampicillin and inactive against indole-positive Proteus, Pseudomonas, and Acinetobacter.
Approval Year
Sample Use Guides
Studies in humans showed that oral doses of 50 to 2,500 mg were well absorbed, but some metabolic hydrolysis occurred before the drug reached the general circulation. Oral bioavailability was approximately 50% and was largely independent of dose.
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