Podophyllum resin is the powdered mixture of resins removed from the May apple or Mandrake, a perennial plant of the northern and middle United States. The early colonists learned of themedical properties of the root from the Indians, and it was used as a cathartic in the firstUnited States Pharmacopoeia (1820). The resin, podophyllin, was first separated from Podophyllum by John King in 1835. Between 1863 and 1942, podophyllin was reported to be a cathartic, purgative, deobstruent, vermifuge, hydragogue, cholagogue, choleretic, andexpectorant.Itwas recommended, either alone or in combination with other herbs, for diseases of the liverandkidneys, for scrofula, syphilis, gonorrhea, obstructed menstruation, urinary obstruction, dropsy, and coughs. Currently Podophyllum resin is used as a medication to treat genital warts and plantar warts, including in people with HIV/AIDS. Common side effects include redness, itchiness, and pain at the site of use. Severe side effects may include vomiting, abdominal pain, confusion, bone marrow suppression, and diarrhea. It is not recommended for more than a small area at a time. Use during pregnancy is known to be dangerous to the baby.