U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Divider Arrow National Institutes of Health Divider Arrow NCATS


Stereochemistry ACHIRAL
Molecular Formula C6H15N3S
Molecular Weight 161.268
Optical Activity NONE
Defined Stereocenters 0 / 0
E/Z Centers 0
Charge 0

Structure of DIMAPRIT





Dimaprit (S-[3-(N,N-dimethylamino)propyl]isothiourea) has been shown to be a highly specific histamine H2-receptor agonist.

CNS Activity

Curator's Comment: Dimaprit is CNS active in animals. No human data available.

Approval Year



ConditionModalityTargetsHighest PhaseProduct

Approved Use



Histamine modulates the expression of c-fos through cyclic AMP production via the H2 receptor in the human promonocytic cell line U937.
1997 Jun
Phe217 regulates the transfer of allosteric information across the subunit interface of the RecA protein filament.
2001 Jan 10
Disturbance of the prejunctional modulation of cholinergic neurotransmission during chronic granulomatous inflammation of the mouse ileum.
2001 Jul
Cloning and characterization of a novel human histamine receptor.
2001 Mar
Histamine induces exocytosis and IL-6 production from human lung macrophages through interaction with H1 receptors.
2001 Mar 15
Histamine H3 receptor-mediated inhibition of sympathetically evoked mydriasis in rats.
2001 May 4
Histamine inhibits chemotaxis, phagocytosis, superoxide anion production, and the production of TNFalpha and IL-12 by macrophages via H2-receptors.
2001 Sep
Contractile response of horse deep dorsal penile vein to histamine.
2002 Apr
Effects of histamine on the contractile and electrical activity in isolated lymphatic vessels of the guinea-pig mesentery.
2002 Aug
Methods to enhance signal using isotopic in situ hybridization.
2002 Aug
Accelerated clearance of Escherichia coli in experimental peritonitis of histamine-deficient mice.
2002 Aug 15
Activation of histamine H2 receptors ameliorates experimental allergic encephalomyelitis.
2002 Aug 7
Characteristics of histamine tachyphylaxis in rat uterine smooth muscle.
2002 Dec
Further evidence for the involvement of histamine H2 receptors in the control of defensive behaviour generated in the midbrain tectum.
2002 Feb
Rodent antinociception following acute treatment with different histamine receptor agonists and antagonists.
2002 Jun
Influence of SKF 91488, histamine N-methyltransferase inhibitor, on the central cardiovascular regulation during controlled, stepwise hemorrhagic hypotension in rats.
2002 May-Jun
Histamine h(4) and h(2) receptors control histamine-induced interleukin-16 release from human CD8(+) T cells.
2002 Oct
Histamine H(2) receptor-mediated modulation of local cytokine expression in a mouse experimental tumor model.
2002 Oct 11
Histamine receptor type coupled to nitric oxide-induced relaxation of guinea-pig nasal mucosa.
2002 Oct-Dec
Effect of histamine on intercellular adhesion molecule-1 expression and production of interferon-gamma and interleukin-12 in mixed lymphocyte reaction stimulated with interleukin-18.
2002 Sep 27
Differential activation of dual signaling responses by human H1 and H2 histamine receptors.
2003 Feb
Histamine inhibits lipopolysaccharide-induced tumor necrosis factor-alpha production in an intercellular adhesion molecule-1- and B7.1-dependent manner.
2003 Feb
Histamine elicits neuronal excitatory response of red nucleus in the rat via H2 receptors in vitro.
2003 Nov 6
PD-136,450: a CCK2 (gastrin) receptor antagonist with antisecretory, anxiolytic and antiulcer activity.
2003 Oct
Histaminergic receptors modulate the coronary vascular response in isolated guinea pig hearts. Role of nitric oxide.
2003 Sep
Alleviation of ischemic neuronal damage by histamine H2 receptor stimulation in the rat striatum.
2004 Jan 26
Replacement of amino acid sequence features of a- and c-subunits of ATP synthases of Alkaliphilic Bacillus with the Bacillus consensus sequence results in defective oxidative phosphorylation and non-fermentative growth at pH 10.5.
2004 Jun 18
Involvement of histamine H4 and H1 receptors in scratching induced by histamine receptor agonists in Balb C mice.
2004 May
Histamine helps development of eczematous lesions in experimental contact dermatitis in mice.
2005 Aug
Curcuma longa extract protects against gastric ulcers by blocking H2 histamine receptors.
2005 Dec
Histamine contributes to ischemia-related activation of cardiac spinal afferents: role of H1 receptors and PKC.
2005 Feb
Histamine receptors that influence blockage of the normal human nasal airway.
2005 Mar
Excitatory effect of histamine on neuronal activity of rat globus pallidus by activation of H2 receptors in vitro.
2005 Nov
Histamine excites neonatal rat sympathetic preganglionic neurons in vitro via activation of H1 receptors.
2006 Apr
Histamine enhances inhibitory avoidance memory consolidation through a H2 receptor-dependent mechanism.
2006 Jul
Cultured smooth muscle cells of the human vesical sphincter are more sensitive to histamine than are detrusor smooth muscle cells.
2006 May
Study on the antinociceptive action of Tyr-K-MIF-1, a peptide from the MIF family.
2007 Apr
Histamine H4 receptor agonists have more activities than H4 agonism in antigen-specific human T-cell responses.
2007 Jun
Histamine ameliorates anti-glomerular basement membrane antibody-induced glomerulonephritis in rats.
2007 Sep
Olfactory interference during inhibitory backward pairing in honey bees.
The ATPase cycle of the mitochondrial Hsp90 analog Trap1.
2008 Apr 25
The anti-secretory and anti-ulcer activities of esomeprazole in comparison with omeprazole in the stomach of rats and rabbits.
2008 Feb
Validation of a conscious rat model for the discovery of novel agents that inhibit gastric acid secretion.
2008 Jul 28
Histamine-induced itch and its relationship with pain.
2008 Jul 31
Antagonist affinity measurements at the Gi-coupled human histamine H3 receptor expressed in CHO cells.
2008 Jun 6
Histamine metabolism influences blood vessel branching in zebrafish reg6 mutants.
2008 Mar 25
Cytokine responses of intraepithelial lymphocytes are regulated by histamine H(2) receptor.
G-protein coupled receptor signaling architecture of mammalian immune cells.
Pharmacological characterization of the new histamine H4 receptor agonist VUF 8430.
2009 May
Control of the flow properties of DNA by topoisomerase II and its targeting inhibitor.
2010 Sep 22

Sample Use Guides

Mice: oral administration of dimaprit 200 mg/kg
Route of Administration: Other
In vitro, dimaprit dose dependently inhibited the production of TNF-alpha in mouse peritoneal macrophages and human peripheral blood monocytes stimulated with lipopolysaccharide with IC50 values of 1 uM. Dimaprit, added to tumour cell cultures (100 uM), inhibited the incorporation of 3H-thymidine while embryonic cell cultures were unaffected.
Name Type Language
Common Name English
Systematic Name English
Code System Code Type Description
Created by admin on Fri Dec 15 19:45:56 GMT 2023 , Edited by admin on Fri Dec 15 19:45:56 GMT 2023
Created by admin on Fri Dec 15 19:45:56 GMT 2023 , Edited by admin on Fri Dec 15 19:45:56 GMT 2023
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Created by admin on Fri Dec 15 19:45:56 GMT 2023 , Edited by admin on Fri Dec 15 19:45:56 GMT 2023
Created by admin on Fri Dec 15 19:45:56 GMT 2023 , Edited by admin on Fri Dec 15 19:45:56 GMT 2023
Created by admin on Fri Dec 15 19:45:56 GMT 2023 , Edited by admin on Fri Dec 15 19:45:56 GMT 2023