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Stereochemistry ABSOLUTE
Molecular Formula C15H20Cl2N2O3
Molecular Weight 346.238
Optical Activity UNSPECIFIED
Defined Stereocenters 1 / 1
E/Z Centers 0
Charge 0

Structure of RACLOPRIDE C-11






Curator's Comment: the description was created based on several sources, including https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24848155 | https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17765546 | https://www.drugs.com/mmx/raclopride-c-11.html

Raclopride is a salicylamide neuroleptic, that acts as a selective antagonist of D2 dopamine receptors both in vitro and in vivo. Tritium-labelled raclopride has properties that demonstrate its usefulness as a radioligand for the labelling of dopamine-D2 receptors : 3H-Raclopride has a high affinity for the rat and human dopamine-D2 receptors, the non-specific binding of 3H-raclopride is very low, not exceeding 5% of the total binding and the distribution of the 3H-raclopride binding sites in the brain closely correlates with the dopaminergic innervation. The binding of 3H-raclopride is blocked by dopamine-D2 agonists and antagonists, while the D1 agonist SKF 38393 and the Dl antagonist SCH 23390 have much less potency. The interaction of dopamine with 3H-raclopride binding results in a shallow competition curve, which suggests that 3H-raclopride, similar to other dopamine-D2 radioligands, labels both high and low agonist affinity states of the dopamine-D2 receptor. The in vivo receptor binding studies performed with 3H-raclopride also demonstrate its favorable properties as a dopamine-D2 receptor marker in vivo In contrast to some other compounds used as radioligands, raclopride enters the brain readily and binds with a low component of non-specific binding in all dopamine-rich brain areas. A saturation curve may be achieved in vivo binding studies since injections of increasing concentrations of 3H-raclopride appears to be saturated at concentrations above 25 mkCi (corresponding to approximately 5 nmol/kg). Raclopride antagonizes apomorphine-induced hyperactivity in the rat at low doses (ED50 = 130 nM/kg i.p.) but induces catalepsy only at much higher doses (ED50 = 27 mkM/kg i.p.). Radiolabelled raclopride has been used as a ligand for in vitro and in vivo autoradiography in rat and primate brains. Raclopride C 11 is used with positron emission tomography (PET) as a clinical research tool to determine dopamine type 2 (D 2) receptor density in the human brain under normal and pathological conditions. For example, raclopride C 11 used in PET studies has served to confirm the age-related decrease in striatal dopamine D2 receptor density, which may be associated with a decline in the motor as well as cognitive functions. In patients with Alzheimer's disease, raclopride C 11 may be used to examine neuroreceptor distribution and quantities, which may help in the analysis of degenerative alterations of neuron populations and neuroreceptor systems in patients with this disease. In Huntington's disease, in which degeneration of neostriatal interneurons occurs (postsynaptic to the dopaminergic input), specific binding of raclopride C 11 to D 2 receptors may serve as one of the parameters in predicting performance in cognitive tasks.

Approval Year



Primary TargetPharmacologyConditionPotency
12.7 nM [Ki]
13.4 nM [Ki]
3100.0 nM [Ki]
8.7 nM [Ki]


ConditionModalityTargetsHighest PhaseProduct

Approved Use


Approved Use


Approved Use


Approved Use



Stereoselective binding of 11C-raclopride in living human brain--a search for extrastriatal central D2-dopamine receptors by PET.
Effects of single and repeated administration of 1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline analogs on the binding of [11C]raclopride to dopamine D2 receptors in the mouse brain.
Effects of the atypical neuroleptic clozapine on micturition parameters in anesthetized rats.
Caudate nucleus dopamine D(2) receptors in depressed suicide victims.
A consideration of the dopamine D2 receptor monomer-dimer equilibrium and the anomalous binding properties of the dopamine D2 receptor ligand, N-methyl spiperone.
Involvement of dopamine D(2) receptors in complex maze learning and acetylcholine release in ventral hippocampus of rats.
Aging and caloric restriction in nonhuman primates: behavioral and in vivo brain imaging studies.
2001 Apr
D1 but not D2 dopamine receptor antagonism blocks the acquisition of a flavor preference conditioned by intragastric carbohydrate infusions.
2001 Apr
Decreased striatal dopamine efflux after intrastriatal application of benzazepine-class D1 agonists is not mediated via dopamine receptors.
2001 Apr
The role of D2-like dopamine receptors in the locomotor stimulant effects of cocaine in mice.
2001 Apr
An animal model of extrapyramidal side effects induced by antipsychotic drugs: relationship with D2 dopamine receptor occupancy.
2001 Apr
beta-Phenylethylamine modulates acetylcholine release in the rat striatum: involvement of a dopamine D(2) receptor mechanism.
2001 Apr 20
Inhibition of amygdaloid dopamine D2 receptors impairs emotional learning measured with fear-potentiated startle.
2001 Apr 27
Rewarding properties of methylphenidate: sensitization by prior exposure to the drug and effects of dopamine D1- and D2-receptor antagonists.
2001 Aug
Effect of endogenous dopamine on extrastriatal [¹¹C]FLB 457 binding measured by PET.
2001 Aug
Dopamine mediation of the feeding response to violations of spatial and temporal expectancies.
2001 Aug 1
Functional neuroanatomy of the ventral striopallidal GABA pathway. New sites of intervention in the treatment of schizophrenia.
2001 Aug 15
Differential effects of dopamine antagonists on locomotor activity, conditioned activity and conditioned place preference induced by cocaine in rats.
2001 Dec
Neurons and neuronal systems involved in the pathophysiologies of Rett syndrome.
2001 Dec
Agonist, antagonist, and inverse agonist properties of antipsychotics at human recombinant 5-HT(1A) receptors expressed in HeLa cells.
2001 Dec 14
Facilitation of dopaminergic neural transmission does not affect [(11)C]SCH23390 binding to the striatal D(1) dopamine receptors, but the facilitation enhances phosphodiesterase type-IV activity through D(1) receptors: PET studies in the conscious monkey brain.
2001 Dec 15
A PET study with [11-C]raclopride in Parkinson's disease: preliminary results on the effect of amantadine on the dopaminergic system.
2001 Feb
A simple loop method for the automated preparation of (11C)raclopride from (11C)methyl triflate.
2001 Jul
Atropine acts in the ventral striatum to reduce raclopride-induced catalepsy.
2001 Jul 27
The effect of dopamine receptor blockade on motor behavior in Aplysia californica.
2001 Jul-Aug
Iron deficiency decreases dopamine D1 and D2 receptors in rat brain.
2001 Jul-Aug
No support for regional selectivity in clozapine-treated patients: a PET study with [(11)C]raclopride and [(11)C]FLB 457.
2001 Jun
Dopamine D(2) receptors mediate amylin's acute satiety effect.
2001 Jun
Dopamine receptor antagonists prevent the d-amphetamine-induced increase in calcitonin gene-related peptide levels in ventral striatum.
2001 Jun 15
Dopamine, but not glutamate, receptor blockade in the basolateral amygdala attenuates conditioned reward in a rat model of relapse to cocaine-seeking behavior.
2001 Mar
Antagonism at 5-HT(2A) receptors potentiates the effect of haloperidol in a conditioned avoidance response task in rats.
2001 Mar
[Th effect of D2-dopamine receptor blockade on glutamate release into extracellular space of Nucleus accumbens during food reinforcement].
2001 Mar-Apr
Dopaminergic retinal cell differentiation in culture: modulation by forskolin and dopamine.
2001 May
Control of serotonergic neurons in rat brain by dopaminergic receptors outside the dorsal raphe nucleus.
2001 May
Enantioselective syntheses of dopaminergic (R)- and (S)-benzyltetrahydroisoquinolines.
2001 May 24
Differential actions of dopamine receptor antagonism in rats upon food intake elicited by either mercaptoacetate or exposure to a palatable high-fat diet.
2001 May-Jun
Antagonism of the discriminative stimulus effects of cocaine at two training doses by dopamine D2-like receptor antagonists.
2001 Nov
Hypothermia reduces the rate of dissociation of specific ligands from dopamine-D2 and 5-hydroxytryptamine1A receptors in the mouse brain in vivo.
2001 Nov
Dopamine D2 receptor-mediated G-protein activation in rat striatum: functional autoradiography and influence of unilateral 6-hydroxydopamine lesions of the substantia nigra.
2001 Nov 30
Catalepsy induced by a blockade of dopamine D1 or D2 receptors was reversed by a concomitant blockade of adenosine A(2A) receptors in the caudate-putamen of rats.
2001 Oct
Effects of raclopride in the nucleus accumbens on ethanol seeking and consumption.
2001 Oct
[11C]Raclopride binding was reduced in vivo by sigma(1) receptor ligand SA4503 in the mouse brain, while [11C]SA4503 binding was not by raclopride.
2001 Oct
Potentials and pitfalls using high affinity radioligands in PET and SPET determinations on regional drug induced D2 receptor occupancy--a simulation study based on experimental data.
2001 Oct
Potent inhibitory effect of selective D2 and D3 agonists on dopamine-responsive dorsomedial arcuate neurons in brain slices of estrogen-primed rats.
2001 Oct 19
Expression and localization of human dopamine D2 and D4 receptor mRNA in the adrenal gland, aldosterone-producing adenoma, and pheochromocytoma.
2001 Sep
Dopamine inhibits vasopressin action in the rat inner medullary collecting duct via alpha(2)-adrenoceptors.
2001 Sep
Age-related changes of dopamine D1-like and D2-like receptor binding in the F344/N rat striatum revealed by positron emission tomography and in vitro receptor autoradiography.
2001 Sep 15
Demonstration of competition between endogenous dopamine and [11C]raclopride binding in in vitro brain slices using a dynamic autoradiography technique.
2002 Apr
SIC, an intracerebral beta(+)-range-sensitive probe for radiopharmacology investigations in small laboratory animals: binding studies with (11)C-raclopride.
2002 Feb
Atropine reduces raclopride-induced muscle rigidity by acting in the ventral region of the striatum.
2002 Jan 11

Sample Use Guides

3.3 MBq/kg
Route of Administration: Intravenous
Primary cultures of rat neonatal ventricular cardiac myocytes were prepared by enzymatic digestion of ventricle tissue with 0.25% trypsin. The cardiomyocytes were first plated for 2 h to reduce non-myocyte contamination. The cells were then washed to remove erythrocytes, replated at a density of 2.0x10^6 cells in culture flasks and incubated at 37C in the presence of 5% CO2 in a humidified incubator. 2.0x10^6 neonatal rat ventricular myocytes were treated with 40 mkM of Raclopride for 24 h.
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Official Name English
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Created by admin on Fri Dec 15 16:15:27 GMT 2023 , Edited by admin on Fri Dec 15 16:15:27 GMT 2023
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Created by admin on Fri Dec 15 16:15:27 GMT 2023 , Edited by admin on Fri Dec 15 16:15:27 GMT 2023