U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Divider Arrow National Institutes of Health Divider Arrow NCATS


Stereochemistry ACHIRAL
Molecular Formula C12H10O2.C6H15NO3
Molecular Weight 335.3948
Optical Activity NONE
Defined Stereocenters 0 / 0
E/Z Centers 0
Charge 0







Curator's Comment: description was created based on several sources, including: Paranjape, K., Gowariker, V., Krishnamurthy, V.N., Gowariker, S. (2014) "The Pesticide Encyclopedia", p.319 Retrieved from https://books.google.ru/books?id=cnDHBgAAQBAJ

1-Naphthyl acetate may be used in a rapid staining method for identification of macrophages. And it was used as a susbtrate for different type of esterases, e.g. butyrylcholinesterase, α-naphthyl acetate esterase for determination of their properties towards to insecticide resistance.

Approval Year



Primary TargetPharmacologyConditionPotency
Target ID: horse butyrylcholinesteras
Target ID: α-naphthyl acetate esterase


ConditionModalityTargetsHighest PhaseProduct

Approved Use

GALLE-DONAU - Dragees are used to treat Bile deposits and functional disorders of the gall bladder and bile ducts without organic causes.

Launch Date


Approved Use

GALLE-DONAU - Dragees are used to treat Bile deposits and functional disorders of the gall bladder and bile ducts without organic causes.

Launch Date



Lipolytic and esterolytic activities in posterior lingual glands of rat: a histochemical study.
In vitro regeneration of roots of Phyla nodiflora and Leptadenia reticulata, and comparison of roots from cultured and natural plants for secondary metabolites.
2002 Dec
Assessment of monocytic component in acute myelomonocytic and monocytic/monoblastic leukemias by a chemiluminescent assay.
Production of ajmalicine and ajmaline in hairy root cultures of Rauvolfia micrantha Hook f., a rare and endemic medicinal plant.
2003 Apr
Development of Linum flavum hairy root cultures for production of coniferin.
2003 Apr
[Determination of captafol, cyhexatin, 1-naphthylacetic acid and quintozene in apple, Japanese pear and melon by simultaneous extraction].
2003 Apr
Transgene expression in broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica) clones propagated in vitro via leaf explants.
2003 Apr
Encapsulation of nodal cuttings and shoot tips for storage and exchange of cassava germplasm.
2003 Apr
Camptothecin biosynthetic genes in hairy roots of Ophiorrhiza pumila: cloning, characterization and differential expression in tissues and by stress compounds.
2003 Apr
Evaluation of alpha-cyanoesters as fluorescent substrates for examining interindividual variation in general and pyrethroid-selective esterases in human liver microsomes.
2003 Apr 15
Intercalibration of chromatographic methods for auxino phytodrugs in Solanaceae.
2003 Apr 18
Thermotolerant guard cell protoplasts of tree tobacco do not require exogenous hormones to survive in culture and are blocked from reentering the cell cycle at the G1-to-S transition.
2003 Aug
Efficient in vitro direct shoot organogenesis and regeneration of fertile plants from embryo explants of Bambara groundnut ( Vigna subterranea L. Verdc.).
2003 Aug
Direct somatic embryogenesis and synthetic seed production from Paulownia elongata.
2003 Aug
Interaction between two auxin-resistant mutants and their effects on lateral root formation in rice (Oryza sativa L.).
2003 Dec
Aux/IAA gene family is conserved in the gymnosperm, loblolly pine (Pinus taeda).
2003 Dec
Flavonoid-related regulation of auxin accumulation in Agrobacterium tumefaciens-induced plant tumors.
2003 Dec
Production of haploids of neem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss.) by anther culture.
2003 Feb
Rapid in vitro multiplication and ex vitro rooting of Rotula aquatica Lour., a rare rhoeophytic woody medicinal plant.
2003 Jan
Intramolecular excimer formation in a naphthalene-appended dinuclear iron-oxo complex.
2003 Jan 27
[Effect of auxins on production of coumarin in a suspension culture of Angelica archangelica L].
2003 Jul
Production of alkaloids by in vitro culture of Erythrina americana Miller.
2003 Jul
The function of ascorbate oxidase in tobacco.
2003 Jul
Regeneration of Acer caudatifolium Hayata plantlets from juvenile explants.
2003 Jul
High-frequency shoot multiplication in Curcuma longa L using thidiazuron.
2003 Jul
Plant regeneration from callus of apomictic and sexual lines of Paspalum simplex and RFLP analysis of regenerated plants.
2003 Jul
[Specific features of the development of Siberian stone pine megagametophytes and embryos in vitro].
2003 Jul-Aug
Micropropagation of Thapsia garganica--a medicinal plant.
2003 Jun
[Effect of jasminic acid on production of anthracene derivatives in cultures of Rheum palmatum L].
2003 May
Remarkably enhanced excimer formation of naphthylacetate in cation-charged gamma-cyclodextrin.
2003 May 15
[Use of 1- and 2-thionaphthylacetates as cholinesterase substrates].
2003 May-Jun
Isoenzymes of peroxidase and esterase related to morphogenesis in Mammillaria gracillis Pfeiff. tissue culture.
2003 Nov
Arabidopsis AtGSTF2 is regulated by ethylene and auxin, and encodes a glutathione S-transferase that interacts with flavonoids.
2003 Nov
p-Chlorophenoxyisobutyric acid impairs auxin response in Arabidopsis root.
2003 Nov
Brassinosteroids promote root growth in Arabidopsis.
2003 Nov
Characterization of a wound-inducible cytochrome P450 gene ( CYP72A29) that is down-regulated during crown gall tumorigenesis in potato tuber.
2003 Nov
Micropropagation of Polygonum multiflorum THUNB and quantitative analysis of the anthraquinones emodin and physcion formed in in vitro propagated shoots and plants.
2003 Oct
Somatic embryogenesis in sisal ( Agave sisalana Perr. ex. Engelm).
2003 Oct
An effective method for axillary bud culture and RAPD analysis of cloned plants in tetraploid black locust.
2003 Oct
Aggregation and reactivity of the dilithium and dicesium enediolates of 1-naphthylacetic acid.
2003 Oct 17
Fast kinetic determination of 1-naphthylacetic acid in commercial formulations, soils, and fruit samples using stopped-flow phosphorimetry.
2003 Oct 22
Osgstu3 and osgtu4, encoding tau class glutathione S-transferases, are heavy metal- and hypoxic stress-induced and differentially salt stress-responsive in rice roots.
2003 Oct 23
Ospdr9, which encodes a PDR-type ABC transporter, is induced by heavy metals, hypoxic stress and redox perturbations in rice roots.
2003 Oct 23
[Effect of abiotic elicitation and calcium ions on production of explant cultures of Rheum palmatum L].
2003 Sep
Efficient regeneration from cotyledon protoplasts in Arabidopsis thaliana.
2003 Sep
Auxin up-regulates MtSERK1 expression in both Medicago truncatula root-forming and embryogenic cultures.
2003 Sep
Nitric oxide plays a central role in determining lateral root development in tomato.
2004 Apr
Somatic embryogenesis from leaf explants of Australian fan flower, Scaevola aemula R. Br.
2004 Jan
Direct organogenesis of Mandevilla illustris (Vell) Woodson and effects of its aqueous extract on the enzymatic and toxic activities of Crotalus durissus terrificus snake venom.
2004 Mar
Transformation of the monocotyledonous Alstroemeria by Agrobacterium tumefaciens.
2004 Mar

Sample Use Guides

In Vivo Use Guide
Curator's Comment: GALLE-DONAU
1-2 dragees with liquid before each meal. The single dose can be increased to 3-4 dragees.
Route of Administration: Oral
The enzymatic rate of the hydrolysis of 1-naphthylacetate as a function of substrate concentration (0.01-1.00 m m) was examined with human placental microsomes pooled from six placentae. K(m)value for this substrate was 118.2 uM and V(max)value was 105.3 nmol/mg/min.
Name Type Language
Common Name English
Code System Code Type Description
Created by admin on Sat Dec 16 12:18:20 GMT 2023 , Edited by admin on Sat Dec 16 12:18:20 GMT 2023
Created by admin on Sat Dec 16 12:18:20 GMT 2023 , Edited by admin on Sat Dec 16 12:18:20 GMT 2023
EPA CompTox
Created by admin on Sat Dec 16 12:18:20 GMT 2023 , Edited by admin on Sat Dec 16 12:18:20 GMT 2023
Created by admin on Sat Dec 16 12:18:20 GMT 2023 , Edited by admin on Sat Dec 16 12:18:20 GMT 2023
Created by admin on Sat Dec 16 12:18:20 GMT 2023 , Edited by admin on Sat Dec 16 12:18:20 GMT 2023