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Showing 351 - 360 of 391 results

Disodium Cupric Citrate is citric acid salt with marked antioxidant activity. Disodium Cupric Citrate is one of the various forms in which the micronutrient copper is supplied in a fertiliser. Cupric supplementation at pharmacological doses beyond the recommendations of National Research Council has been widely applied in the feed industry to improve pig performance. Dietary Cupric Citrate supplementation enhanced growth performance in weaned pigs.
Disodium Cupric Citrate is citric acid salt with marked antioxidant activity. Disodium Cupric Citrate is one of the various forms in which the micronutrient copper is supplied in a fertiliser. Cupric supplementation at pharmacological doses beyond the recommendations of National Research Council has been widely applied in the feed industry to improve pig performance. Dietary Cupric Citrate supplementation enhanced growth performance in weaned pigs.
Morantel (1,4,5,6-tetrahydro-1-methyl-2-[2-(3-methyl-2-thienyl)ethenyl pyrimidine) is a tetrahydro-pyrimidine anthelmintic, differing from the related analogue pyrantel by the presence of a methyl group on the thiophene ring. Morantel tartrate, manufactured by Pfizer, Inc., was approved in the United States for use in cattle in 1981, and entered the market in early 1982. Three formulations have been approved in the United States: RUMATEL® Medicated Premix-88; RUMATEL Cattle Wormer Bolus, and PARATECT FLEX™ Diffuser, a sustained release bolus. It is intended to treat roundworms and tapeworms. Morantel is administered in lactating and non lactating cattle as morantel tartrate as a slow-release bolus (11.8 g morantel base per animal) or as a single oral dose of 6 to 7.5 mg morantel base/kg bw and in pigs at a single dose equivalent to 7.5 mg base/kg bw. In sheep, the citrate salt is administered at a single dose equivalent to 5 to 6 mg morantel base/kg bw. Morantel acts as a potent agonist at the acetylcholine receptors on the muscle cells of nematodes. Activation of the acetylcholine receptors induces a prolonged, spastic paralysis of the worms and expulsion from the host. It also been reported to block neurotransmission in vertebrates, to possess nicotine-like properties and to mimic acetylcholine at receptors in autonomic ganglia, adrenal medullae and respiratory tissues. Morantel and its salts are not used in human medicines.
Possibly Marketed Outside US

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Maropitant (trade name Cerenia in the U.S. and other countries), used as maropitant citrate is a neurokinin (NK1) receptor antagonist, which was developed by Zoetis specifically for the treatment of motion sickness and vomiting in dogs. It was approved by the FDA in 2007 for use in dogs, and was later approved for use in cats. Maropitant also has anti-nociceptive (analgesic) properties. Maropitant inhibits binding of substance P to NK-1 receptors. Substance P is an emetogen experimentally, and is found endogenously, along with NK-1 receptors, in the emetic center, chemoreceptor trigger zone, and in vagal afferent nerves in the gastrointestinal tract.
Possibly Marketed Outside US

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Maropitant (trade name Cerenia in the U.S. and other countries), used as maropitant citrate is a neurokinin (NK1) receptor antagonist, which was developed by Zoetis specifically for the treatment of motion sickness and vomiting in dogs. It was approved by the FDA in 2007 for use in dogs, and was later approved for use in cats. Maropitant also has anti-nociceptive (analgesic) properties. Maropitant inhibits binding of substance P to NK-1 receptors. Substance P is an emetogen experimentally, and is found endogenously, along with NK-1 receptors, in the emetic center, chemoreceptor trigger zone, and in vagal afferent nerves in the gastrointestinal tract.
Possibly Marketed Outside US
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First approved in 1996
Strovite Forte Caplet by Everett Laboratories, Inc.
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Molybdenum (Mo) is an essential trace element and is a component of vitamin and mineral supplements. Molybdenum has essential biological roles in organisms and microorganisms. Molybdenum is the only trace metal of the second row of the periodic table that exhibits biological activity when it is ligated to a cofactor. It acts as a critical cofactor in several molybdenum-dependent enzymes that are involved in important cellular reactions and pathways, including xanthine oxidoreductase. In nature two principal concepts of Mo cofactors have evolved, one is the iron Mo cofactor in bacterial nitrogenase and the other is represented by a large family of enzymes with more than 100 representatives relying on the pterin-based Mo cofactor (Moco). Moco-containing enzymes catalyze key redox reactions in the global carbon, sulfur and nitrogen cycles. Four molybdenum-dependent enzymes are known in humans, each harboring a pterin-based molybdenum cofactor (Moco) in the active site. In these enzymes, molybdenum catalyzes oxygen transfer reactions from or to substrates using water as oxygen donor or acceptor. Molybdenum shuttles between two oxidation states, Mo(IV) and Mo(VI). Following substrate reduction or oxidation, electrons are subsequently shuttled by either inter- or intra-molecular electron transfer chains involving prosthetic groups such as heme or iron-sulfur clusters. In all organisms studied so far, Moco is synthesized by a highly conserved multi-step biosynthetic pathway. A deficiency in the biosynthesis of Moco results in a pleitropic loss of all four human Mo-enzyme activities and in most cases in early childhood death. For the general population, the diet is the most important source of molybdenum and concentrations in water and air usually are negligible. The average daily dietary intake is about 0.1-0.5 mg m.o. Molybdenum is marketed both as a tablet and as a liquid supplement containing the mineral in dissolved form. Despite widespread claims, there is no evidence that one form of molybdenum is absorbed to a markedly superior extent than any other. Current marketing of molybdenum products for the treatment of medical conditions is not founded on any meaningful scientific evidence. People with serious kidney disease should avoid taking molybdenum (or any other supplement) except on the advice of a physician. People with serious kidney disease should also avoid taking molybdenum (or any other supplement) except on the advice of a physician.
Agomelatine behaves both as a potent agonist at melatonin MT1 and MT2 receptors and as a neutral antagonist at 5-HT2C receptors. Accumulating evidence in a broad range of experimental procedures supports the notion that the psychotropic effects of agomelatine are due to the synergy between its melatonergic and 5-hydroxytryptaminergic effects. Agomelatine is indicated for the treatment of major depressive episodes.
Possibly Marketed Outside US
UK NHS:Pholcodine
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Pholcodine is an opioid that has been widely used worldwide since 1950 for the treatment of non-productive cough in children and adults. Illicit drug. Additionally Pholcodine is a marker for sensitization to neuromuscular blocking agents (NMBA) and is intended for use as a diagnostic tool in NMBA-induced anaphylaxis.
Possibly Marketed Outside US
NCT01744236: Phase 4 Interventional Completed Type 2 Diabetes
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Tilarginine is L-N-monomethyl arginine (L -NMMA), a non-selective inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase (NOS), which has been studied in the treatment of septic shock and cardiogenic shock complicating myocardial infarction. Despite strong evidence that excessive nitric oxide (NO) production plays a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of septic shock and may contribute to the pathogenesis of cardiogenic shock complicating myocardial infarction, outcome studies in these two disorders have proved disappointing. Tilarginine therapy was associated with an excess mortality, particularly at doses > 5 mg/(kg h), in septic shock, whereas the effects of a lower dose (1 mg/(kg h)) in cardiogenic shock complicating myocardial infarction were neutral. The excess mortality in patients with septic shock was almost certainly the result of unfavorable hemodynamic changes induced by Tilarginine (decreased cardiac output, increased pulmonary vascular resistance and reduced tissue oxygen delivery) whereas the lack of benefit in patients with cardiogenic shock complicating myocardial infarction may have been because the dose of Tilarginine was too low.

Showing 351 - 360 of 391 results