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Showing 161 - 170 of 315 results

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Polybutester is a newer type polyester which is available in a monofilament suture. It is a copolymer composed of polyglycol terephthalate and polybutylene terephthalate. Polybutester has a lower coefficient of friction and lower tissue reactivity than the older polyester sutures. Comparative study of skin wound closure with polybuster and polypropylene revealed that polybuster is a superior suture for skin wound closure because of its handling qualities, easier removal from the healed wound and because of a cosmetically better scar in a significant number of patients. Polybutester suture yields significantly greater elongation than other sutures even with low forces and has elasticity which is superior to that of other sutures, allowing the suture to return to its original length once the load is removed.

Showing 161 - 170 of 315 results