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Showing 881 - 890 of 132111 results

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Temazepam is a benzodiazepine used as a hypnotic agent in the management of insomnia. Temazepam produces CNS depression at limbic, thalamic, and hypothalamic levels of the CNS. Temazepam increases the affinity of the neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) for GABA receptors by binding to benzodiazepine receptors. Results are sedation, hypnosis, skeletal muscle relaxation, anticonvulsant activity, and anxiolytic action. Benzodiazepines bind nonspecifically to benzodiazepine receptors, which affects muscle relaxation, anticonvulsant activity, motor coordination, and memory. As benzodiazepine receptors are thought to be coupled to gamma-aminobutyric acid-A (GABAA) receptors, this enhances the effects of GABA by increasing GABA affinity for the GABA receptor. Binding of the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA to the site opens the chloride channel, resulting in a hyperpolarized cell membrane that prevents further excitation of the cell. Temazepam is used for the short-term treatment of insomnia (generally 7-10 days).
Pivalopril (RHC 3659-(S); (S)-N-cyclopentyl-N-(2-methyl-3-pivaloylthiopropionyl) glycine) is an angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor with antihypertensive activity. Upon hydrolysis, the free SH metabolite of pivopril competitively binds to and inhibits ACE, thereby blocking the conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II. This prevents the potent vasoconstrictive actions of angiotensin II and results in vasodilation. Pivopril also decreases angiotensin II-induced aldosterone secretion by the adrenal cortex, which leads to an increase in sodium excretion and subsequently increases water outflow. Pivalopril has been compared to captopril for oral angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibition in rats and dogs and antihypertensive activity in rats. In separate groups of conscious normotensive rats, pivalopril (0.03-1.0 mg/kg, orally [p.o.]) produced a dose-related antagonism of angiotensin I (AngI)-induced pressor effects. The ED50 for pivalopriland captopril was 0.1 mg/kg. Pivalopril has being shown to be a potent, orally effective ACE inhibitor and antihypertensive agent.
Gemfibrozil, a fibric acid antilipemic agent similar to clofibrate, is used to treat hyperlipoproteinemia and as a second-line therapy for type IIb hypercholesterolemia. It acts to reduce triglyceride levels, reduce VLDL levels, reduce LDL levels (moderately), and increase HDL levels (moderately). Gemfibrozil increases the activity of extrahepatic lipoprotein lipase (LL), thereby increasing lipoprotein triglyceride lipolysis. It does so by activating Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-alpha (PPARα) 'transcription factor ligand', a receptor that is involved in metabolism of carbohydrates and fats, as well as adipose tissue differentiation. This increase in the synthesis of lipoprotein lipase thereby increases the clearance of triglycerides. Chylomicrons are degraded, VLDLs are converted to LDLs, and LDLs are converted to HDL. This is accompanied by a slight increase in secretion of lipids into the bile and ultimately the intestine. Gemfibrozil also inhibits the synthesis and increases the clearance of apolipoprotein B, a carrier molecule for VLDL. Gemfibrozil is most commonly sold as the brand name, Lopid. Other brand names include Jezil and Gen-Fibro.

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Alprazolam, a benzodiazepine, is used to treat panic disorder and anxiety disorder. Unlike chlordiazepoxide, clorazepate, and prazepam, alprazolam has a shorter half-life and metabolites with minimal activity. Alprazolam may have significant drug interactions involving the hepatic cytochrome P-450 3A4 isoenzyme. Clinically, all benzodiazepines cause a dose-related central nervous system depressant activity varying from mild impairment of task performance to hypnosis. Unlike other benzodiazepines, alprazolam may also have some antidepressant activity, although clinical evidence of this is lacking. CNS agents of the 1,4 benzodiazepine class presumably exert their effects by binding at stereo specific receptors at several sites within the central nervous system. Their exact mechanism of action is unknown. Benzodiazepines bind nonspecifically to benzodiazepine receptors BNZ1, which mediates sleep, and BNZ2, which affects muscle relaxation, anticonvulsant activity, motor coordination, and memory. As benzodiazepine receptors are thought to be coupled to gamma-aminobutyric acid-A (GABAA) receptors, this enhances the effects of GABA by increasing GABA affinity for the GABA receptor. Binding of the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA to the site opens the chloride channel, resulting in a hyperpolarized cell membrane that prevents further excitation of the cell.
Ecraprost [AS 013, Circulase] is a prodrug of prostaglandin E(1) within lipid microspheres that is being developed in Japan by Mitsubishi Pharma Corporation and Asahi Glass. It was originally in development with Welfide Corporation. On 1 October 2001, Welfide Corporation (formerly Yoshitomi) merged with Mitsubishi-Tokyo Pharmaceuticals to form Mitsubishi Pharma Corporation. The new company is a subsidiary of Mitsubishi Chemical. Taisho and Seikagaku Corporation had been involved in the development of ecraprost but discontinued their licences to do so. The effects of ecraprost on reperfusion injury, in preclinical studies, had been reported by Taisho. Ecraprost is in phase II in Japan and was in phase II in Europe for the treatment of peripheral arterial disease. It was also in a phase II study in the treatment of diabetic neuropathies. However, this is no longer an active indication. A phase III trial using a lipid emulsion of ecraprost [Circulase] is underway with Mitsubishi Pharma Corporation in the US, using ecraprost for the treatment of patients with severe peripheral arterial disease, which, because of decreased blood flow to the extremities, can lead to painful ulcers on the legs and feet and subsequent amputation. Alpha Therapeutic Corporation (a former subsidiary of Mitsubishi Pharma) was initially involved in trials of ecraprost in the US, but this responsibility has been taken over by the parent company.
Buprenorphine is an opioid analgesic, used to treat opioid addiction, moderate acute pain, and moderate chronic pain. Buprenorphine is a partial agonist at the mµ-opioid receptor and an antagonist at the kappa-opioid receptor. One unusual property of buprenorphine observed in vitro studies is its very slow rate of dissociation from its receptor. This could account for its longer duration of action than morphine, the unpredictability of its reversal by opioid antagonists, and its low level of manifest physical dependence. The principal action of the therapeutic value of buprenorphine is analgesia and is thought to be due to buprenorphine binding with high affinity to opioid receptors on neurons in the brain and spinal cord. Buprenorphine produces respiratory depression by direct action on brain stem respiratory centers. The respiratory depression involves a reduction in the responsiveness of the brain stem respiratory centers to both increases in carbon dioxide tension and electrical stimulation. Buprenorphine causes a reduction in motility associated with an increase in smooth muscle tone in the antrum of the stomach and duodenum. Digestion of food in the small intestine is delayed and propulsive contractions are decreased. Buprenorphine produces peripheral vasodilation, which may result in orthostatic hypotension or syncope. Manifestations of histamine release and/or peripheral vasodilation may include pruritus, flushing, red eyes, sweating, and/or orthostatic hypotension.
Estramustine is an antineoplastic agent indicated in the palliative treatment of patients with metastatic and/or progressive carcinoma of the prostate. Estramustine is a combination of estradiol with nitrogen mustard. In vivo, the nitrogen-mustard moiety becomes active and participates in alkylation of DNA or other cellular components. This causes DNA damage in rapidly dividing cancerous cells leading to cell death and ideally, tumor shrinkage. Also, due to the drugs estrogen component, it can bind more selectively to active estrogen receptors. Used for the palliative treatment of patients with metastatic and/or progressive carcinoma of the prostate.
Trazodone (brand name Oleptro, Desyrel, etc) is a serotonin uptake inhibitor that is used as an antidepressive agent. Trazodone binds to the 5-HT2 receptor, it acts as a serotonin agonist at high doses and a serotonin antagonist at low doses. Like fluoxetine, trazodone's antidepressant activity likely results from blockage of serotonin reuptake by inhibiting serotonin reuptake pump at the presynaptic neuronal membrane. If used for long time periods, postsynaptic neuronal receptor binding sites may also be affected. The sedative effect of trazodone is likely the result of alpha-adrenergic blocking action and modest histamine blockade at the H1 receptor. It weakly blocks presynaptic alpha2-adrenergic receptors and strongly inhibits postsynaptic alpha1 receptors. Trazodone does not affect the reuptake of norepinephrine or dopamine within the CNS. Because of its lack of anticholinergic side effects, trazodone is especially useful in situations in which antimuscarinic effects are particularly problematic (e.g., in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia, closed-angle glaucoma, or severe constipation). Trazodone's propensity to cause sedation is a dual-edged sword. For many patients, the relief from agitation, anxiety, and insomnia can be rapid; for other patients, including those individuals with considerable psychomotor retardation and feelings of low energy, therapeutic doses of trazodone may not be tolerable because of sedation. Trazodone elicits orthostatic hypotension in some patients, probably as a consequence of α1-adrenergic receptor blockade. Mania has been observed in association with trazodone treatment, including in patients with bipolar disorder, as well as in patients with previous diagnoses of major depression. Compared to the reversible MAOI antidepressant drug moclobemide, significantly more impairment of vigilance occurs with trazodone.
Meclofenamic acid, used as Meclofenamate sodium, is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent with antipyretic and antigranulation activities. Meclofenamate sodium capsules are indicated for the relief of mild to moderate pain, for the treatment of primary dysmenorrhea and for the treatment of idiopathic heavy menstrual blood loss; for relief of signs and symptoms of juvenile arthritis; so as for relief of the signs and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis; For relief of the signs and symptoms of osteoarthritis. The mode of action, like that of other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents, is not known. Therapeutic action does not result from pituitary-adrenal stimulation. In animal studies, meclofenamate sodium was found to inhibit prostaglandin synthesis and to compete for binding at the prostaglandin receptor site. In vitro, meclofenamate sodium was found to be an inhibitor of human leukocyte 5-lipoxygenase activity. These properties may be responsible for the anti-inflammatory action of meclofenamate sodium. There is no evidence that meclofenamate sodium alters the course of the underlying disease.

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Trifluridine (also called trifluorothymidine or TFT) is an anti-herpesvirus antiviral drug, used primarily on the eye. It was sold under the trade name, Viroptic, by Glaxo Wellcome, now merged into GlaxoSmithKline. It is a nucleoside analogue, a modified form of deoxyuridine, similar enough to be incorporated into viral DNA replication, but the -CF3 group added to the uracil component blocks base pairing, thus interfering with DNA replication. It is a component of the experimental anti-cancer drug TAS-102. Trifluridine is a fluorinated pyrimidine nucleoside with in vitro and in vivo activity against herpes simplex virus, types 1 and 2 and vaccinia virus. Some strains of adenovirus are also inhibited in vitro. VIROPTIC is also effective in the treatment of epithelial keratitis that has not responded clinically to the topical administration of idoxuridine or when ocular toxicity or hypersensitivity to idoxuridine has occurred. In a smaller number of patients found to be resistant to topical vidarabine, VIROPTIC was also effective. The mechanism of action of trifluridine has not been fully determined, but appears to involve the inhibition of viral replication. Trifluridine does this by incorporating into viral DNA during replication, which leads to the formation of defective proteins and an increased mutation rate.